Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rutgers!apple!amdcad!pyramid!tub!tmpmbx!doitcr!chiuur!stasys!fkk From: fkk@stasys.UUCP (Frank Kaefer) Newsgroups: alt.sources Subject: Re: Help me - please! Message-ID: <189000003@stasys> Date: 13 Jun 89 00:19:00 GMT References: <189000002@stasys> Distribution: alt Organization: Chaotic Evil Lines: 310 Nf-ID: #R:stasys:189000002:stasys:189000003:000:9803 Nf-From: stasys.UUCP!fkk Jun 12 17:19:00 1989 Dear readers of this newsgroup, First I want to thank you all for your replies. I am really happy that so many people answered me. But I also got some flames (via mail) and I want to apologize for my stupidity to post my shout for help in this newsgroup. In one flame (from Larry Campbell - I received the whole German uucp-map and Larry told me that my request was selfish and rude. I think I must explain why I asked to reply by news not by mail. My system here is NO official uucp host, because I am only a student and I can't afford to pay several hundred German Marks per month to get news and mail from our backbone "unido". So I am no official uucp host. I hope you can imagine that in Germany it is very difficult to get access to uucp if you are no university or big company. This was my first posting in this newsgroup. I now do uucp for about 2 years, and I really didn't want to bother anyone with my posting. But when I received some of the flames this morning, I very nearly started weeping. It seems to me that some of the people who send me really offending flames don't see that I am only a human with feelings, and it really hurts if you are called disgraceful, selfish, rude. I only wanted to hear from the pople who read this newsgroup. So I ask you not to reply my cry for help any longer. If you want to send me a mail, please consider that I am already charged lots of bucks for the flames. Frank (with tears in the eyes) P.S.: Because this is a source-group, here is one short program that prints a biorhythm. It is in BASIC 09, but there should be no problems to make it run on other systems. -----------------------------CUT HERE ---------------------------------------- #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via # unshar, or by typing "sh 'br' <<'END_OF_FILE' XPROCEDURE bre XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Biorhythmus (c) by F.K. 1987 V 2.2e XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XON ERROR GOTO 5 XDIM Wochentag(7):STRING XDIM Monatstage(12):INTEGER XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Daten aus den Datazeilen lesen XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XFOR I=1 TO 7 XREAD Wochentag(I) XNEXT I XFOR I=1 TO 12 XREAD Monatstage(I) XNEXT I XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Daten XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XDATA "Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday" XDATA "Friday","Saturday" XDATA 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Start XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- X1 REM XPRINT #2 XPRINT #2,"Biorhythm (c) 1987 by F.Kaefer V2.2e" XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Eingabe des heutigen Datums XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- X10 REM XPRINT #2 XPRINT #2,"Date [ for Systemdate] (DD.MM.YYYY) : "; XREM alt:INPUT #0,T,M,J XINPUT #0,Dtmp$ XIF LEN(Dtmp$) <> 10 THEN XREM Systemdatum einsetzen XDtmp$=MID$(Date$,7,2)+"."+MID$(Date$,4,2)+".19"+LEFT$(Date$,2) XENDIF XT=VAL(LEFT$(Dtmp$,2)) XM=VAL(MID$(Dtmp$,4,2)) XJ=VAL(RIGHT$(Dtmp$,4)) XTh=T XMh=M XJh=J XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Eingabe des Geburtstages XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- X11 REM XPRINT #2,"Birthday (DD.MM.YYYY) : "; XREM alt:INPUT #0,T,M,J XINPUT #0,Dtmp$ XIF LEN(Dtmp$) <> 10 THEN XPRINT #2,"Wrong input!" XGOTO 11 XENDIF XT=VAL(LEFT$(Dtmp$,2)) XM=VAL(MID$(Dtmp$,4,2)) XJ=VAL(RIGHT$(Dtmp$,4)) XTg=T XMg=M XJg=J XGOSUB 2 XTa=Ta-INT(Ta/7)*7 XGtag=Ta+1 XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Ueberpruefung der Eingaben XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XIF Jg>Jh THEN XPRINT #2,"Wrong input!" XGOTO 1 XENDIF XIF Jg=Jh THEN XIF Mg>Mh THEN XPRINT #2,"Wrong input!" XGOTO 1 XENDIF XIF Mg=Mh THEN XIF Tg>Th THEN XPRINT #2,"Wrong input!" XGOTO 1 XENDIF XENDIF XENDIF XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Abfrage, ob Kurve oder Tageswerte ausgegeben werden sollen XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- X20 REM XPRINT #2,"Values of today or Graph (v/g) "; XINPUT #0,Ausgabeart$ XIF Ausgabeart$="g" THEN XGOTO 4 XENDIF XIF Ausgabeart$ <> "v" THEN XGOTO 20 XENDIF XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Berechnung der vergangenen Tage XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XJ=Jg XM=Mg XT=Tg XGOSUB 2 XTag=Ta XJ=Jh XM=Mh XT=Th XGOSUB 2 XTah=Ta XTage=Tah-Tag XGOSUB 100 XPRINT #1 XPRINT #1,"The birthday "; Tg; Mg; Jg; " is a "; Wochentag(Gtag) XPRINT #1,"Age in days: "; Tage XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Berechnung der drei Werte fuer das angegebene Datum XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XPhys=INT(50*(1+SIN((Tage/23-INT(Tage/23))*360*PI/180))) XEmot=INT(50*(1+SIN((Tage/28-INT(Tage/28))*360*PI/180))) XGeist=INT(50*(1+SIN((Tage/33-INT(Tage/33))*360*PI/180))) XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Ausgabe der Werte XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XPRINT #1,"Biorhythm "; Th; Mh; Jh XPRINT #1,"Physical: "; Phys; "%" XPRINT #1,"Emotional: "; Emot; "%" XPRINT #1,"Mental: "; Geist; "%" XPRINT #1 XEND XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Unterprogramm zur Berechnung der vergangenen Tage XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- X2 REM XTa=0 XIF M<=2 THEN XTa=(M-1)*31 XGOTO 3 XENDIF XIF J/4=INT(J/4) THEN XTa=1 XIF J/100=INT(J/100) THEN XTa=0 XIF J/400=INT(J/400) THEN XTa=1 XENDIF XENDIF XENDIF XTa=Ta+INT((306*M-324)/10) X3 REM XTa=Ta+(J-1)*365+INT((J-1)/4) XTa=Ta-INT((J-1)/100)+INT((J-1)/400) XTa=Ta+T XRETURN XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Ausgabe einer Kurve XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- X4 REM XPRINT #2,"How many days : "; XINPUT #0,Ktage XKtage=Ktage-1 XDIM Line$(51):STRING XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Berechnung der vergangenen Tage XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XJ=Jg XM=Mg XT=Tg XGOSUB 2 XTag=Ta XJ=Jh XM=Mh XT=Th XGOSUB 2 XTah=Ta XTage=Tah-Tag XGOSUB 100 XPRINT #1 XPRINT #1,"The birthday "; Tg; Mg; Jg; " is a "; Wochentag(Gtag) XPRINT #1,"Age in days: "; Tage XPRINT #1 XPRINT #1,TAB(15); "P=Physical, E=Emotional, M=Mental" XPRINT #1 XPRINT #1,TAB(15); "bad condition"; TAB(52); "good condition" XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Schleife fuer die Ausgabe der Kurve XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XFOR Z=Tage TO Tage+Ktage XPhys=INT(50*(1+SIN((Z/23-INT(Z/23))*360*PI/180))) XEmot=INT(50*(1+SIN((Z/28-INT(Z/28))*360*PI/180))) XGeist=INT(50*(1+SIN((Z/33-INT(Z/33))*360*PI/180))) XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Ausgabe der Werte als Kurve XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XPRINT #1,Th; Mh; Jh; XPRINT #1,TAB(15); XPhys=INT(INT(Phys)/2+.5) XEmot=INT(INT(Emot)/2+.5) XGeist=INT(INT(Geist)/2+.5) XP=Phys+1 XE=Emot+1 XG=Geist+1 XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XFOR Cl=1 TO 51 XLine$(Cl)="." XNEXT Cl XLine$(P)="P" XLine$(E)="E" XLine$(G)="M" XLIne$(25)="|" XFOR Pl=1 TO 51 XPRINT #1,Line$(Pl); XNEXT Pl XPRINT XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XTh=Th+1 XIF Th>Monatstage(Mh) THEN XMh=Mh+1 XTh=1 XENDIF XIF Mh>12 THEN XJh=Jh+1 XMh=1 XENDIF XNEXT Z XPRINT #1 XEND XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Kopf BIORHYTHMUS XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- X100 REM XPRINT #2 XPRINT #1,TAB(32);"BIORHYTHM" XPRINT #1,TAB(32);"=========" XPRINT #1 XPRINT #1,TAB(23);"(c) 1987,1988 by F.Kaefer" XRETURN XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM Error Routine XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- X5 REM XPRINT #2 XEND XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- XREM End of Program XREM -------------------------------------------------------------------- X END_OF_FILE if test 6692 -ne `wc -c <'br'`; then echo shar: \"'br'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi # end of 'br' fi echo shar: End of shell archive. exit 0 -----------------------------CUT HERE ---------------------------------------- -- +--------------------------------+ You look at every face in a crowd | Frank Kaefer | fkk@stasys.UUCP | Some shine and some keep you guessin' | (Compuserve: 72427,2101) | ( OU812 ) +--------------------------------+