Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!watmath!uunet!bionet!buclln11.bitnet!LEBOUL From: LEBOUL@buclln11.bitnet (Eric Le Boulenge) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: TWINSPAN/DECARANA Message-ID: <> Date: 13 Jun 89 08:53:53 GMT References: Sender: daemon@NET.BIO.NET Lines: 29 More information on software for cluster analysis: there are two other software performing numerous types of cluster and other multivariate analyses, you might consider useful. Here are the references: 1. Package "CANOCO" by Cajo ter Braak and colleagues at Wageningen (the Netherlands): versions for MacIntosh, IBM-PC and mainframes available, contact Cajo at the following EARN (Bitnet) address: STATLB at HWALHW50 Mainly Principal Components, Correspondence Analysis (detrended, constrained upon request). 2. "R" Package by Pierre Legendre and Alain Vaudor at Montreal University, (Canada): versions for MacIntosh and for mainframe available, contact Pierre at the following BITNET address: 3771 at UMTLVR.BITNET Many clustering algorithms based on many distance/similarity measures, diverse association tests (Mantel type), correlograms, periodograms, and data management routines. I know for sure the second package is distributed free of charge; there is some payment requested for the first one. Sorry to talk in a distribution list of a package that could possibly be considered as of "commercial" type: I do not intend to advertise for these, merely to inform people interested in cluster analysis, of the existence of software that may help them. And I have no commitment at all with the authors of these software... We just use these packages in our lab.... Sincerely, Eric Le Boulenge. Unite d'Ecologie, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.