Xref: utzoo ont.events:1250 can.ai:127 comp.ai:4309 Newsgroups: ai.ailist,ont.events,can.ai,comp.ai Path: utzoo!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!yorkville.csri!itrctor From: itrctor@csri.toronto.edu (Ron Riesenbach) Subject: Short-Course: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Message-ID: <1989Jun19.105334.25664@jarvis.csri.toronto.edu> Organization: University of Toronto, CSRI Distribution: na I N F O R M A T I O N T E C H N O L O G Y R E S E A R C H C E N T R E Presents A Five-day Short Course: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | I n t r o d u c t i o n t o A r t i f i c i a l I n t e l l i g e n c e| | | | from expert systems to robot vision | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ by: Russell Greiner and Evangelos Milios Department of Computer Science University of Toronto University of Toronto St. George Campus July 31st - August 4th, 1989 Motivation In the recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) research has spun off a number of sophisticated engineering techniques which are now having a dramatic impact on commercial services and products. Exploitation of this new technology by Canadian industry can only be effective when key techni- cal and management professionals are familiar with the essential theory and concepts of the field. In today's competitive information technology mark- etplace, the ability to evaluate existing technologies and choose appropri- ate future development strategies is central to a company's success. Objective This five-day course is being sponsored by ITRC to provide its indus- trial affiliates with fundamental exposure to two key hardware and software technologies of AI; expert systems and computer vision systems. Partici- pants will leave this course not only with a basic knowledge of the under- lying issues but also a repertoire of programming concepts that can be used as a starting point for building realistic application programs in these areas. Who Should Attend The tutorial is for computing professionals and technical managers working or interested in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Attendees should have an undergraduate degree in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering (or equivalent), and programming experience. Some prior expo- sure to AI concepts is desirable but not compulsory. Format The course runs from Monday, July 31st to Friday, August 4th beginning at 9:00 am and ending at 4:30 pm (2:30 pm on Friday). It includes about 4hrs/day of instruction and 2 1/2 hrs/day of hands-on sessions. Partici- pants will be taught LISP fundamentals and then will use LISP in problem solving sessions. In addition to the set of specially prepared course notes, each parti- cipant will receive a the following course textbooks: Jackson, Introduc- tion to Expert Systems, Addison Wesley, 1986 and Winston and Horn: LISP, 3rd edition, Addison Wesley, 1989. All attendees will also receive the educational version of the software package COMMON LISP by Gold Hill Com- puter Corporation of Cambridge, MA, which will be used in the hands-on ses- sions. The Schedule The topics to be covered are as follows: Day 1: Introduction and General Foundations - Overview of artificial intelligence - Search methods: breadth-first, depth-first, heuristic methods, A*, game trees. - Planning and problem solving: means-ends analysis, abstraction. - Summary of logic (predicate calculus syntax, semantics, deriva- tion process). - Hands-on: introduction to Lisp; using examples of search. Day 2: Programming in Logic - Examples of derivation (backward chaining to answer questions) - Issues with derivation: procedural attachment, justifications, meta-level - Efficiency of derivations: single query (ordering conjuncts, rules), multiple queries (caching, forward chaining, chunking) - Production systems: rule syntax in OPS, working memory, conflict resolution - Discrimination nets for production systems and the Rete algorithm - Hands-on: constructing nano-expert system; backward chaining; forward chaining Day 3: Topics in Logic - Resolution: foundations, relation to reasoning - Discussion of logic in general: soundness, completeness, decida- bility - Theory extension and revision: examples, implementations - Hands-on: diagnosis problem Day 4: Vision - The image formation process, sensors - Edge and region detection, filtering, histogramming - Depth computation through stereo or focus - Constraint propagation, labeling of polyhedral line drawings, relaxation - Model-based object recognition - Hands-on: filter operations; constraint propagation; object recognition; visit UofT's vision lab, demo of OBVIUS image pro- cessing system Day 5: Supplemental Topics - Robotics: path planning, degrees of freedom, robot motion, sen- sors - Machine learning: inductive inference, "version space", - Uncertainty representation and management: Bayes, Dempster- Shafer, certainty-factors - Selecting and using an expert system shell: invited lecture by Dr. Huaiqing Wang Registration Fees The registration fees are as follows: Individuals employed by com- panies which are members of ITRC's Industrial Affiliate program - $850 ($550 for "incubator" members); Individuals employed by non-member com- panies - $1,750. (All figures are in Canadian dollars.) Please make cheques payable to "Information Technology Research Centre". The registration fee includes lectures, hands-on sessions, light refreshments and a copy of the teaching materials. Accommodation, travel, meals and other such expenses are not covered by the fee. Attendees are responsible for making these arrangements and covering these costs indivi- dually. Attendees are urged to register early by faxing the registration form at the end of this notice to our Toronto Office: Rosanna Reid Suite 303, 203 College Street Toronto M5T 1P9 Ph. (416) 978 8558, Fax (416) 978 8597 Deadline for the receipt of the registration form and payment of fees is July 19th, 1989. All registrants will receive confirmation by July 21st, 1989. Members of ITRC's Industrial Affiliates program will have priority over non-members in the event of over-subscription. ITRC reserves the right to cancel this tutorial or limit the number of attendees from any one company. The Sponsors The Information Technology Research Centre is a not for profit corporation designated as one of seven Centres of Excellence by the Province of Ontario through the Premiers Council. ITRC funds high-technology research in four Ontario universities and actively promotes university-industry cooperation and technology transfer through it's events program. This short-course is one of several tutorials and short-courses that ITRC sponsors yearly "at cost" for the benefit of it's industrial affiliates. For more information on ITRC and it's industry affiliate program, contact Ron Riesenbach, ITRC Toronto Site Manager, at the address above. The Presenters Evangelos E. Milios Professor Evangelos E. Milios received an electrical engineering degree from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, and the S.M., E.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and computer sci- ence from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. From 1982 to 1986, he was affiliated with the Machine Intelligence Technology Group at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory performing research in distributed acoustic signal understanding. Since 1986 he has been with the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada. His current research interests include qualitative reasoning about signals and signal processing systems applied to adaptive signal processing, shape representations and computer vision and spatial reasoning for mobile robot- ics. He is involved in several applied research projects in the areas of mobile robotics, active vision, automated cartography, and factory schedul- ing, in collaboration with Ontario industry and government organizations. Russell Greiner Professor Russell Greiner received a B.Sc. from the California Insti- tute of Technology (majoring in both Mathematics and Computer Science) and a M.Sc. and Ph.D. (1985) from Stanford University in Computer Science. He has since worked as a research scientist and assistant professor in the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Univer- sity of Toronto, Canada. His current research focus is in Machine Learning --- exploring techniques which enable a machine to improve its performance over time. He has published over 25 technical papers and invited surveys in research journals and trade magazines and has presented over 25 invited lectures to both technical and lay audiences. He has been involved with several industrial collaborations, in both the United States and Canada. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITRC Short Course: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence from expert systems to robot vision To register, complete the following form by July 19, 1989 -- mail or FAX to: Information Technology Research Centre Toronto Site Office Suite #303, 203 College St. Toronto M5T 1P9 Ph. (416) 978 8558 Fax (416) 978 8597 E-mail: itrctor@csri.utoronto.ca Personal Information Name: ____________________________ Telephone: __________________ Company: ____________________________ FAX: __________________ Address: ____________________________ E-Mail: __________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Fees (check one) __ ITRC Industrial Affiliate: cheque for $850 enclosed or following __ ITRC "incubator" Affiliate: cheque for $550 enclosed or following __ Non-ITRC Industrial Affiliate: cheque for $1,750 enclosed or following Confirmation Registrants will receive an updated agenda and confirmation by July 21, 1989. In the event of over or under-subscription, ITRC reserves the right to cancel the course or limit the number of attendees from any one company. _______________ ________________________ Date Signature