Newsgroups: can.general Path: utzoo!telly!evan From: (Evan Leibovitch) Subject: Unix Review braindamaged subscription offer Message-ID: <> Organization: The Open Vapourware Foundation Distribution: can Date: Tue, 13 Jun 89 17:56:28 GMT I had frequently been mildly pissed off that Unix Review should be free to American subscribers, but that Canadians have to pay $44US for the same thing. Granted, postage from the US to Canada is more expensive than domestic rates, but it can't be >$3/issue. So it was with some anticipation that I had heard a rumour that UR had purchased some Canadian user mailing lists for the purposes of making us a special offer. That offer came today. UR claims to be doing me a favour with a free issue, and 1-year rates of $55US for ground delivery or $97 for air mail. I suspect this mailing is geared to an overseas audience, but the $44 Canadian rate is nowhere to be found. So this offer, which claims "there's no way you can lose," is $11US/year *more* expensive than the coupon that comes in every issue. Beware. Sigh. I like Unix Review, but not *that* much. Shame its circulation department is run by jerks. -- Evan Leibovitch, SA, Telly Online, located in beautiful Brampton, Ontario / {uunet!attcan,utzoo}!telly!evan / (416) 452-0504 Computer salesman's credo: There's an end-user born every minute