Xref: utzoo can.general:1286 ont.general:943 Path: utzoo!yunexus!maccs!sparkles!dan From: dan@sparkles.dcss.McMaster.CA (Dan Trottier) Newsgroups: can.general,ont.general Subject: Re: income tax tips #23: new personal income tax rates Message-ID: <2743@sparkles.dcss.McMaster.CA> Date: 15 Jun 89 12:22:14 GMT Article-I.D.: sparkles.2743 References: <1989Jun12.133058.28912@lsuc.on.ca> <2311@uwovax.uwo.ca> Reply-To: dan@sparkles.UUCP (Dan Trottier) Followup-To: can.general Organization: McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario Lines: 32 In article <2311@uwovax.uwo.ca> gerard@uwovax.uwo.ca (Gerard Stafleu) writes: >In article <1989Jun12.133058.28912@lsuc.on.ca>, dave@lsuc.on.ca (David Sherman) writes: >[Interesting article and table deleted] >> The bottom line is still that the marginal rate stays under 50%, >> meaning that even with a high income you'll keep over half of >> extra money you earn. >[List of taxable items deleted] > So we are now up to 52% >marginal tax rate. > >And the list no doubt goes on. One can argue about UIC and provincial >health plans. There are gas taxes, all the "sin" taxes, and all the >other federal, provincial and municipal taxes, fees and levies. All in >all, I would say that of every extra dollar our example person earns, >more than 50% goes to some form of goverment as some form of taxes. You can added import duties to that list. This indirect tax results in much higher prices for many goods that are produced outside the country. The part I hate is having to pay sales tax on top of the duties levied against some imported goods. The result is paying tax on taxes. For an item that costs $100.00 you're paying $111.00 after federal sales tax and then you have to pay 8% of that in provicial sales tax. That raises the price to $119.88. So the combined federal and provicial sales tax is not 19% but rather closer to 20%. -- Dan Trottier dan@maccs.McMaster.CA Dept of Computer Science ...!uunet!utai!utgpu!maccs!dan McMaster University (416) 525-9140 x3444