Xref: utzoo comp.arch:10332 comp.misc:6379 comp.compilers:564 comp.databases:2811 comp.sources.wanted:7788 Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!rutgers!apple!bbn!husc6!spdcc!ima!compilers-sender From: rnovak@mips.com (Robert E. Novak) Newsgroups: comp.arch,comp.misc,comp.compilers,comp.databases,comp.sources.wanted Subject: SPEC Bench-a-Thon Keywords: benchmarks performance SPEC Message-ID: <4096@ima.ima.isc.com> Date: 21 Jun 89 00:29:39 GMT Sender: compilers-sender@ima.ima.isc.com Reply-To: rnovak@mips.com (Robert E. Novak) Organization: MIPS Computer Systems, Sunnyvale, CA Lines: 105 Approved: compilers@ima.UUCP During the week of June 5-9, the SPEC Bench-a-thon was held at MIPS computers. We had 7 vendors participating with 10 different architectures. It was a grueling week for many of us. In a single week we had to analyze 24 different benchmarks and ensure that they would run on all of the machines. What we did not do was post results from running the benchmarks. The participating vendors included: Apollo 2 architectures DEC 2 architectures and 2 Operating Systems Hewlett-Packard 2 architectures IBM MIPS Motorola SUN As a result of this meeting, the SPEC consortium produced an Alpha tape of 11 programs that could be run by all vendors. This tape has been distributed to all of the participants by now. We are awaiting comments from the participants to clean up any small flaws in the Alpha tapes and we will generate a Beta release on June 30. The Beta tape will undergo a 60 day evaluation period. This tape will be available to all companies that are members of the SPEC consortium. The tape will be made publicly available at a to be determined nominal cost at the end of the Beta period. The tape contains the following benchmarks which have run on the machines of the participants: GCC 1.35 Integer intensive C compiler for CASE espresso C, Integer-intensive benchmark for ECAD spice2g6 FORTRAN, Floating point intensive benchmark for ECAD applications (analog circuit simulation) doduc FORTRAN, Floating point intensive benchmark for ECAD applications (high-energy physics)[SIC]. nasker FORTRAN, floating point intensive benchmark for scientific applications. li C, integer intensive benchmark for CASE eqntott C, integer intensive benchmark for ECAD intmc FORTRAN, integer intensive benchmark for scientific applications. matrix300 FORTRAN, floating point intensive benchmark for wsceintific applications (Monte Carlo code that performs various matrix multiplications, including transposed Linpack routines). fpppp ??? tomcatv FORTRAN, floating point intensive benchmark for scientific applications. These benchmarks are roughly 1/2 Fortran, 1/2 C, 1/2 integer and 1/2 floating point intensive. Unfortunately, all of these benchmarks are heavily CPU intensive and do very little to exercise the rest of a system. The tape also contains a number of programs that are "Works in Progress." These programs are candidates for future SPEC benchmark tapes. They are as follows: Timberwolf gbench C, integer intensive benchmark for measuring X-terminal performance. isajet FORTRAN, floating point intensive (single prescision) benchmark for scientific applications (high energy physics applications). mdljdp FORTRAN, floating point intensive benchmark for scientific applications (particle simulation program--molecular dynamics). wave Maxwell's Equations? spartan Computational Chemistry SPEC is actively soliciting for additional benchmarks. There are several requirements for the benchmarks: 1) They must be public domain or publicly available (e.g. GCC). 2) They should be highly portable. 3) They should run in a UNIX(tm) environment. 4) They should not use time() to seed the random number generator. 5) They should contain their own random number generator if they need one. 6) All calls to time() times() getrusage() et.al. calls should be removed. SPEC is especially interested in benchmarks that exercise an entire system. Areas that are under consideration include: disk I/O bandwidth network bandwidth DBMS performance in non-transaction environments (leave the transactions to TPC) Workstation support (i.e. how many workstations can a file/client server support?) In all cases, it is highly desirable that the benchmarks be REAL applications, not synthetic workloads. It is okay if it is a crippled version of a live application, but it should be exercising a real problem. If you want more information about SPEC, contact Kim Shanley at Waterside Associates, 39510 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Fremont, CA 94538, 415/792-2901 shanley@portal.com All of the usual disclaimers apply. I speak only for myself... etc. -- Robert E. Novak MIPS Computer Systems, Inc. {ames,decwrl,pyramid}!mips!rnovak 928 E. Arques Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 rnovak@abbott.mips.COM (rnovak%mips.COM@ames.arc.nasa.gov) +1 408 991-0402 -- Send compilers articles to compilers@ima.isc.com or, perhaps, Levine@YALE.EDU Plausible paths are { decvax | harvard | yale | bbn}!ima Please send responses to the originator of the message -- I cannot forward mail accidentally sent back to compilers. Meta-mail to ima!compilers-request