Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rutgers!apple!ames!indri!uflorida!novavax!twwells!comparc From: comparc@twwells.uucp (comp.archives) Newsgroups: comp.archives Subject: Welcome to comp.archives Message-ID: <1014@twwells.uucp> Date: 5 Jun 89 08:57:21 GMT Expires: 1 Jul 89 00:00:00 GMT Reply-To: comparc@twwells.UUCP (comp.archives) Organization: None, Ft. Lauderdale Lines: 128 Approved: bill@twwells.uucp (T. William Wells) INTRODUCTION Comp.archives is a place to look to find out where freely distributable and electronically available software, databases, documents, or what have you, can be had. "Freely distributable" means that, if you have a copy of the item, you can (at least) make exact copies and give them away, and you don't have to tell the owner of the item (if any) that you have done so. "Available electronically" means, for my purposes, that it is obtainable through a publicly accessible network. Also included may be things which can be had by other means, so long as this does not involve paying a fee to the distributor. This information is provided as a free service and there is *no one* guaranteeing that any of it is accurate or useful. Use it your own risk. Most things relating to archives are welcome here. There are articles from various archive sites which describe their archives, postings describing how to use the networks for archive access, and discussions relating to archives, archiving, and archive access. Postings announcing availability of new programs and data are also welcome, so long as there is at least one archive site mentioned in the posting. E-MAIL ADDRESSES There are a number of addresses that you can use for e-mailing. If you want to post an article, and your newsreader doesn't automatically forward postings to moderated groups, you can mail the article to: { uunet | novavax } !twwells!comp-archives If you have comp.archives related mail and don't necessarily want it posted, send it to: { uunet | novavax } !twwells!!comp-archives-request I have been asked what the address comparc@twwells.uucp is. It is the address from which I run comp.archives. Some of you may be unable to use the longer addresses; if so, feel free to send to this address. Replies to comp.archives postings which I am the author of also get sent to this address. I will treat messages sent to this address as if the were sent to comp-archives-request unless you specifically ask me to post the message or ask me to send it to the server. I may summarize and post messages sent to comp-archives-request. If you don't want your message posted, or don't want to have your name posted, you must tell me so in your message. Personal messages, not related to comp.archives, go to: { uunet | novavax } !twwells!bill Server requests go to: { uunet | novavax } !twwells!!comp-archives-server [I now have an MX record with uunet. If you are on the Internet and your site can handle MX records, you can mail to instead of twwells!user. If you are on the Internet and your site does not understand MX records, you can use] THE COMP.ARCHIVES SERVER I maintain a server from which you can get things relating to comp.archives. Among the things available through it are my database of archives, a form you can fill out and send me to get your archive added to my database, a complete description of the format of my archive database, and some of the software related to comp.archives The latest information on using the server is available by sending a message containing: path path-from-me-to-you send help to twwells!comp-archives-server. If you would like your archive to be added to the archive database, you can get a form to register it by sending: path path-from-me-to-you send sitereg The server sends its reply to "path-from-me-to-you" and I run a smart mailer, so you can start your path at any site which is in the comp.mail.maps database or use the user@site form. Note: I discard all bounce messages and invalid server requests; if you don't get a reply, try starting your path at uunet; I'm directly connected to them. If all else fails, you can send me e-mail at comp-archives-request and explain your problem. Please do not send server requests to that address unless they contain an explanation of why the server wouldn't work for you; since that would cause me to spend time that I don't have forwarding them to the server, I will discard all such. THE COMP.ARCHIVES DATABASE An additional purpose of comp.archives is to enable people to maintain a database on archive sites and their contents. Postings whose subject lines start with DB: may be used for that purpose. These articles contain specially formatted text which is intended to be interpreted by a program and may contain additional descriptive text. Even if you are not interested in maintaining the database, you might be interested in the description that is sometimes contained in these messages. I make this database available through my mail server. If you want a complete description of the contents of the comp.archives database you can get it from my server. Send the following to twwells!comp-archives-server: path path-from-me-to-you send format --- Bill { uunet | novavax } !twwells!bill send comp.archives postings to twwells!comp-archives send comp.archives related mail to twwells!comp-archives-request