Xref: utzoo comp.emacs:6325 gnu.emacs:1101 Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!mailrus!csd4.milw.wisc.edu!bionet!agate!ucbvax!RELAY.NSWC.NAVY.MIL!dsill From: dsill@RELAY.NSWC.NAVY.MIL Newsgroups: comp.emacs,gnu.emacs Subject: Emacs Lisp Archives -- organization Message-ID: <8906221943.AA10716@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> Date: 22 Jun 89 19:43:30 GMT Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU Lines: 45 Okay, I've given some thought to the organization of the elisp archives. I'll describe what I have in mind, then you can flame/praise/comment upon it. Everything I dumped under elisp-archive initially will be put in a subdirectory called "own-risk", indicating that there are no guarantees that it: -will run -is documented -won't damage anything on your system In other words, use this code at your own risk. Other subdirectories will be set up such as those suggested recently by Chris Siebenmann: modes - various major modes interfaces - interfaces to other systems (eg dbx.el, mh-e.el) perhaps with subdirectories for X, news, etc. packages - bundles of functions that don't make a mode functions - individual useful functions misc - things that don't fit elsewhere Any others? I would place code under these directories only after I'm satisfied that it is sufficiently safe and that its purpose, installation, and use is adequately documented. I would also require the author to include the GNU General Public License. I'd also change the "contact" field of the Lisp Code Directory datafile to indicate the location of the code if it's in the archive. This would allow an elisp-archive-retrieve command to be hacked up, as well as indicating if an item is in the archive. I think this approach would maximize the availability of the code at a minimum of effort to the contributors, maintainers, and users. One unresolved issue is how to name the archive files. In most cases, I can simply use the author's name. Sometimes, however, the author hasn't provided a name, or the name isn't unique, or the code consists of modifications to a distributed package such as rmail. Comments, please? -Dave Sill dsill@relay.nswc.navy.mil elisp archive coordinator