Path: utzoo!utgpu!!mailrus!!bloom-beacon!usc!polyslo!vlsi3b15!!!virus-l From: dinl! (Jeff Hull) Newsgroups: comp.virus Subject: Request for back issues of Virus Digest Message-ID: <0003.8906131908.AA12271@spot.CC.Lehigh.EDU> Date: 13 Jun 89 15:36:18 GMT Sender: Virus Discussion List Reply-To: VIRUS-L@IBM1.CC.Lehigh.EDU Lines: 18 Approved: I have recently (re)joined the net (darned job. Takes me away from the fun things in life.) and have just found the comp.virus newsgroup. Could someone please send me (all?) the back issues of VIRUS-L digest so I can catch up with what's going on? [Ed. That's quite a tall order - the archives are in the order of a few megabytes. You would do better to FTP them from IBM1.CC.LEHIGH.EDU if you have Internet access, or e-mail request them from LISTSERV@IBM1.CC.LEHIGH.EDU (the e-mail must contain valid LISTSERV commands such as HELP, INDEX, GET FILENAME, etc.). The archives can also be found on] - -- Blessed Be, Jeff Hull ...!ncar!dinl!hull 1544 S. Vaughn Circle 303-750-3538 It was great when it all begaaaaan, Aurora, CO 80012 I was a regular faaaan, ....