Xref: utzoo gnu.emacs:1102 gnu.emacs.bug:897 Path: utzoo!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!rutgers!bionet!ames!lll-winken!uunet!mcvax!kth!sunic!dkuug!daimi!llhr From: llhr@daimi.dk (Lise-Lotte Hjorth Rasmussen) Newsgroups: gnu.emacs,gnu.emacs.bug Subject: X11-menus in GNU Emacs 18.54 Message-ID: <2586@daimi.dk> Date: 22 Jun 89 15:33:12 GMT Sender: news@daimi.dk Reply-To: llhr@daimi.dk (Lise-Lotte Hjorth Rasmussen) Organization: DAIMI: Computer Science Department, Aarhus University, Denmark Lines: 21 We are running GNU Emacs-18.54 under SunOS 4.01 on Sun3's. We are running the free distributed X11.3. I have a problem concerning the X11-menus. When trying to pop-up these menus the emacs process hang now and then. The only thing to do is to kill the emacs process. Has anyone seen anything like this? Has anyone a solution to to problem? I have not found out when or why the menus do not appear on the screen and why emacs hang. Sometimes they show up 4 times before hanging. Other times they do not show up at all before emacs hang. --------------------------------------------------------- Lise-Lotte Hjorth Rasmussen llhr@daimi.dk Department of Computer Science Institute of Mathematics University of Aarhus 8000 Aarhus C Denmark