Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!!rutgers!!ucbvax!hplabs!hpfcdc!hpfcdj!myers From: myers@hpfcdj.HP.COM (Bob Myers) Newsgroups: sci.electronics Subject: Re: What (if anything) does BNC mean? Message-ID: <11170016@hpfcdj.HP.COM> Date: 14 Jun 89 17:46:18 GMT References: <1654@neoucom.UUCP> Organization: Hewlett Packard -- Fort Collins, CO Lines: 33 NOOO!!!!!!! NOT AGAIN! Not the dreaded "what does BNC mean?" string! I thought we went through all this just a few months ago! Oh well, better just settle back and wait for the flood of conflicting responses.... Before you post one, though, is it a "definition" that isn't on the list below (culled from memory of the previous go-round): Baby "N" Connector Bayonet "N" Connector Bayonet Navy Connector Any combination of names beginning with "B" and "N", supposedly the inventors/designers/first users of such a connector. A much more important question to ask, at this point, is why on Earth anyone would CARE what "BNC" stands for? Tell you what - I'll make up a whole NEW definition right here and now, and we can all simply decide that, from this moment forth, "BNC" stands for: Burgeoning Net Commentary! There, now don't you feel better with this settled, so we can go on about our *real* business here (that of building 75 kV stun guns and looking for missing Joules :-)). Bob Myers KC0EW HP Graphics Tech. Div.| Opinions expressed here are not Ft. Collins, Colorado | those of my employer or any other | sentient life-form on this planet.