Xref: utzoo rec.autos.tech:8802 sci.electronics:6692 Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!rutgers!rochester!kodak!ornitz From: ornitz@kodak.UUCP (Barry Ornitz) Newsgroups: rec.autos.tech,sci.electronics Subject: More on Automobile Corrosion Protection and Cathodic Protection Keywords: corrosion, cathodic protection, galvanizing, anodes, zinc, magnesium Message-ID: <1949@kodak.UUCP> Date: 22 Jun 89 03:50:53 GMT Followup-To: rec.autos.tech Organization: Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, NY Lines: 152 I have been following the debate (?) between Larry and Jim for some days now, and I believe some additional data is needed. My comments following are based on my personal experience and on papers presented by B. Husock at the National Association of Corrosion Engineers Northeast Regional Meeting. Husock was the VP and chief engineer at Harco Corporation, a company specializing in cathodic protection systems. In comparing the efficiency of sacrificial anodes, several factors must be considered besides the relative activity in the electromotive series. While quite active, aluminum has never effectively been used as a galvanic anode material for corrosion protection due to the surface passivation of the aluminum as the material corrodes. Zinc is a commonly used material; it is theoretically consumed at a rate of 23.5 pounds/ampere-year. Magnesium is an even better material (having a higher driving voltage); it is theoretically consumed at a rate of 8.7 pounds/ampere-year. However, both of these materials are also consumed in self-corrosion dropping their efficiencies to 26 and 17 pounds/ampere-year for zinc and magnesium respectively. Note that while magnesium undergoes a greater percentage loss in efficiency, it is still consumed at a lower rate than zinc for a given current. Of course with a higher cell voltage, it is easier to get higher currents. OK, this sounds good - the sacrificial anode will corrode, thereby galvanically protecting the desired metal. Just bolt on some magnesium blocks as Jim says. But wait a minute, what about the "throwing power" as Larry calls it (must be a throwback to electroplating experience)? What is going on here is the fact that these sacrificial anodes are only effective in low resistivity environments. Zinc needs an environmental resistivity of less than 1000 ohm-centimeters to be effective; magnesium is rarely effective in environments with resistivities over 5000 ohm-centimeters. If your car were immersed in sea water (15 to 35 ohm-cm), a number of zinc or magnesium blocks could be used to protect it. You need enough to give 5 to 10 milliamps/square-foot of exposed car. Now what happens if we are not immersing the car, but have an occasionally damp surface? Well, it all depends on what the resistivity is. The 1 to 5K ohm-cm values quoted above are really quite low and are hard to achieve with a thin layer of slightly damp road dust. So what does this mean? Simply that the bolt-on anodes may protect the sheet metal for a small distance around them and no further. How small is small? Read on... What about active systems, i.e. those with external voltages applied? The same thing applies - you need the low resistivity environment. In fact, with some powered systems, corrosion rates can be increased to more than those without protection if large resistivity gradients exist. This was noted by another person whose friend had unsuccessfully tried active cathodic protection with his automobile. A particularly insidious problem occurs where a section of material to be protected is electrically isolated from its surrounding protected material (i.e. a chrome trim applied with adhesive, or a painted body panel bolted on to another painted part like a door panel bolted to a painted hinge). In this case, if any of the cathodic protection current is picked up by this isolated part and passed on through the electrolyte back to other exposed surfaces, corrosion will be enhanced on the isolated part. So....if galvanic protection does work but it needs a low resistivity environment, what can you do to protect your auto? Simple. Cover all exposed surfaces with the sacrificial anode, i.e. hot-dip galvanize the car. This is Jim's simple answer. But it is really not so simple. Galvanizing stills needs the low resistivity environment if it is to protect large scratches, etc. What if you get a scratch through the zinc perhaps 1/4 inch wide. At the edges of the scratch, the zinc will corrode sacrificially protecting the underlying steel. But what about the center of the scratch. Without the low resistivity environment, the center of the scratch will still rust. Also consider that the zinc coating is thin and that it is dissolved in place of the steel. The thin scratch will not rust at first, but as the zinc is consumed, the scratch widens until it reaches a point where the zinc is no longer useful. This is what Larry was talking about when he mentioned throwing power. How far away can the galvanizing protect? Not very far! Galvanizing has its own problems, of course. Hot-dip galvanizing is not very practical for complete automobiles. Zinc plating produces such thin coatings that they would hardly offer any benefit for corrosion protection in autos. Also have you ever tried to paint galvanized rain gutters and gotten the paint to stick without peeling? The zinc surface must be passivated for the paint to adhere properly; this is not always such an easy job. What about the "cold galvanizing" paints? Actually these fall into two kinds: inorganic and organic. Only the organic zinc-rich paints are commonly available to the general public. Rustoleum offers one and so do many other companies. These paints are basically fine zinc powder in an organic binder such as alkyd or epoxy. The resistivity problem is still present here. The zinc particles must make good electrical contact with the base metal and each other to be effective. Sadly, there isn't enough zinc in most of these paints to be very good. I have used one of the better organic zinc paints made by Devcon. A one pint can weighed four pounds and didn't cover very much but it still cost plenty at the time. Once dry, the painted surface was electrically conductive; because of this it worked quite well in my application (radio tower repairs). Forget the spray can "cold galvanizing" paints. There isn't nearly as much zinc in these as in the brush-on varieties. Still, these organic-binder, zinc-rich paints are better than ordinary paint for corrosion protection when properly applied. The better zinc-rich paint is the so-called inorganic zinc. Once again zinc powder is used, but the binder chemistry is based on ethyl silicate. Applied over a bare steel surface in the presence of moisture, the binder forms iron and zinc silicates to hold the matrix together. These paints offer probably the next best thing to hot-dip galvanizing in corrosion protection. Special solvents are needed with these paints along with the right protective clothing for the painter (although considering the isocyanates and aromatics in normal auto lacquers I would feel safer with the inorganic zinc). These paints are very expensive and have limited shelf and pot lives. They also require that the base surface be exceptionally clean and roughened. Sand blasting with coarse sand is recommended - not exactly the best foundation for a mirror auto finish. Porter is one company among many who make these paints. To summarize since this has been rather long... Bolt-on sacrificial anodes are a waste on money in automotive applications because of the lack of a very low resistivity environment. Likewise, active cathodic protection schemes fail for the same reason on automobiles. On boats, the situation is quite different. Galvanizing (hot-dip) is good for things that can be galvanized; unfortunately automobiles usually do not fall into this category. Throwing power is still a problem unless the environment is low in resistivity. Cold galvanizing paints are a help but not a panacea. Inorganic zinc paints are better than the more common organic binder zinc paints. Other suggestions.... Have the auto undercoated as soon as possible. Make sure drain holes in doors, air vents, etc. are open and do not allow water to collect. Repair road dings and parking lot scratches promptly. Remove or passivate (using phosphoric acid based treatments) any rust before repainting. Rinse road salt off as soon as possible. Keep the car clean and waxed. Chlorides attack stainless steels so even the DeLorean owners need to do these things too. ;-( Additional references.... If anyone is still interested in cathodic protection, both active and passive, Harco Corporation used to offer reprints of several of the papers mentioned above for a few dollars each. My copies are rather old, so it might be worth contacting Harco for more up to date information; my information says their home office is in Medina, OH. I am sure all USENET readers know how to go to their local library and use the Thomas Register to get the full address and telephone number. ;-) I would suggest "Fundamentals of Cathodic Protection", "Cathodic Protection, One Way to Prevent Underground Corrosion", and "Corrosion, Cathodic Protection, and Common Sense" - all by B. Husock. As an official disclaimer, mention of any companies in the above posting should not be taken as an endorsement by Kodak. I have personally used Devcon-Z paint in the past and have been satisfied. Your mileage may vary! The Harco papers were referenced in an AIChE course on corrosion and materials of construction. [Yes Jim, _I_ am an engineer too; but many of my friends are chemists. ;-) ] Barry Ornitz ornitz@kodak.com ...rutgers!rochester!kodak!ornitz