Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rutgers!!! From: Newsgroups: sci.nanotech Subject: Re: Whole-Body Frostbite: Can It Be Cured? Message-ID: <> Date: 13 Jun 89 20:10:36 GMT References: <> Sender: Lines: 136 Approved: [This message appeared on my doorstep with the double header that appears on messages after they've been through my posting apparatus, but I can't find it anywhere in the archives. I've changed the header so it won't get zapped by overzealous netnews software (I hope) so let's try again. Ralph: Assuming you would have noticed, has this message shown up before on the newsgroup? Anyone else: If you've sent something important that vanished, please resubmit it. There's at least one "silent trapdoor" in the news software I've become aware of recently that I can now avoid... --JoSH] (Mark Robert Thorson) said: >I see two problems with cryonics. I've mentioned the first one before, >the fact that the electrical state of your brain will be destroyed by >freezing. This should be an experience similar to shock therapy; expect >memory loss and personality changes. >The other is radiation. If you're frozen for 50 years, your body will >absorb 50 years of background radiation. Because your DNA repair enzymes >will be inoperative during that time, it will be like being hit with a >big flash of radiation. To quote from "Freezing of living cells: mechanisms and implications" by Peter Mazur: "The only reactions that can occur in frozen aqueous systems at -196 degrees C are photophysical events such as the formation of free radicals and the production of breaks in macromolecules as a direct result of "hits" by background ionizing radiation or cosmic rays (96). Over a sufficiently long period of time, these direct ionizations can produce enough breaks or other damage in DNA to become deleterious after rewarming to physiological temperatures, especially since no enzymatic repair can occur at these very low temperatures. The dose of ionizing radiation that kills 63% of representative cultured mammalian cells at room temperature (1/e survival) is 200-400 rads (19). Because terrestrial background radiation is some 0.1 rad/yr, it ought to require some 2,000-4,000 yr at -196 degrees C to kill that fraction of a population of typical mammalian cells. Needless to say, direct experimental confirmation of this prediction is lacking, but there is no confirmed case of cell death ascribable to storage at -196 degrees C for some 2-15 yr and none even when cells are expose to levels of ionizing radiation some 100 times background for up to 5 yr (48). Furthermore, there is no evidence that storage at -196 degrees C results in the accumulation of chromosomal or genetic changes (6). Stability for centuries or millennia requires temperatures below -130 degrees C. Many cells stored above ~-80 degrees C are not stable, probably because traces of unfrozen solution still exist (54). They will die at rates ranging from several percent per hour to several percent per year depending on the temperature, the species and type of cell, and the composition of the medium in which they are frozen (52)." References: 96. Rice, F. O. History of radical trapping. In: Formation and Trapping of Free Radicals, edited by A. M. Bass and H. P. Broida. New York: Academic, 1960, p. 7. 19. Elkind, M. M., and G. F. Whitmore. The Radiobiology of Cultured Mammalian Cells. New York: Gordon and Breach, 1967. 48. Lyon, M. F., P. Glenister, and D. G. Whittingham. Long term viability of embryos stored under irradiation. In: Frozen Storage of Laboratory Animals, edited by G. H. Zeilmaker. Stuttgart, FRG: Fischer Verlag, 1981, p. 139-147. 6. Ashwood-Smith, M. J., and G. B. Friedmann. Lethal and chromosomal effects of freezing, thawing, storage time, and X-irradiation on mammalian cells preserved at -196 degrees in dimethyl sulfoxide. Cryobiology 16: 132-140, 1979. 54. Mazur, P. Cryobiology: the freezing of biological systems. Science 168: 939-949, 1970. 52. Mazur, P. Physical and chemical basis of injury in single-celled microorganisms subjected to freezing and thawing. In: Cryobiology, edited by H. T. Meryman. London: Academic, 1966, chapt. 6, p. 213-315. The theory that long-term storage of memory involves "reverberating circuits" that are subject to disruption by transient changes in brain neurochemistry has long since been laid to rest. All current generally accepted theories of long term memory involve chemical and physical changes at the synaptic level. Given the very redundant nature of the human brain, the level of damage required to seriously damage the long term mechanisms of memory storage would have to be extensive. To quote "Principles of Neural Science" by Kandel and Schwartz, page 813: "Although the physical changes representing learning are likely to be localized to specific neurons, the complex nature of learning ensures that these neurons are widely distributed in the nervous system. Therefore, even after extensive lesions, some trace can remain. Furthermore, the brain has the capacity to take even the limited information remaining, work it over, and reconstruct a good reproduction of the original." This quote is based on observations today of spontaneous recovery by patients with varying degrees of cerebral damage when "treated" by current medical technology. We can reasonably presume that analysis and repair at the molecular level using future technologies will be substantially more effective. In this regard, it is interesting that Bailey saw differences visible under the electron microscope in the appearance of identified synapses from trained sea snails (aplysia) versus the appearance of the same synapse in untrained sea snails. That is, training produced physical changes in the synaptic structure (larger synapse size, more pre-synaptic vessicles, etc.) [Craig H. Bailey, Mary Chen, 'Morphological basis of long-term habituation and sensitization in Aplysia' Science 220, 1983.04.01, 91-93]. Again, we can reasonably presume that electron microscopy is less effective than future methods at analyzing the structure of the synapse. It seems unlikely that all traces of the changes produced in this model system would be eliminated or even seriously altered by freezing. It seems very likely that the human brain stores information by the alteration of synaptic structure. Even if we presume that a mechanism which is fundamentally different from those already observed, (a presumption for which there is no positive evidence), it must still be a mechanism that is robust in the face of the wide range of physiological conditions encountered over many decades of life, and robust against the observed experimental manipulations of test animals that have recovered and display intact memories. This makes it likely that the proposed hypothetical memory mechanism will also be preserved by freezing. Finally, in the event that some information is in fact lost, the result of molecular repair is not "...doddering idiots with major brain damage and radiation sickness", but instead normal human beings with loss of some memories. If sufficient memory is lost, we can reasonably argue that cryonic suspension failed (the "repaired" person remembers little more than a new-born child) but the prospect of creating half-dead zombies must be dismissed as unlikely. Such a scenario presumes both that there are medical conditions which are inherently incurable by any future technology, and further that someone who has been cryonically suspended will be deliberately "restored" to such an incurable state (rather than left in cryonic suspension to await further technical developments). Ralph C. Merkle