Xref: utzoo unix-pc.general:3061 comp.sys.att:6679 Path: utzoo!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!rutgers!sun-barr!sun!imagen!atari!portal!cup.portal.com!thad From: thad@cup.portal.com (Thad P Floryan) Newsgroups: unix-pc.general,comp.sys.att Subject: Re: Help with 3B1 2nd drive. Update Message-ID: <19424@cup.portal.com> Date: 13 Jun 89 05:43:36 GMT References: <1483@naucse.UUCP> Organization: The Portal System (TM) Lines: 31 Re: the 7300 not "taking" a WD2010 ... sorry to burst your bubble, but I own UNIXPCs that spread the gamut, from the earliest machines (.5MB and "7300" logo) to the last production week of the 3B1, and the WD2010 chip work fine in *ALL* of them. I have spoken with Western Digital (in Irvine, CA), the mfg. of the WD1010 chip (stock UNIXPC) and of the WD2010 (the upgrade chip): except for the pin 4 of the WD2010 (not connected), they are functionally IDENTICAL and can be considered a pin-pin replacement. By "not connected" I mean the pin is "N/C" on the WD1010, and there is no trace leading to/from that pin on the UNIXPC motherboard (that I can see). They haven't yet sent me the data sheets for the WD1010 and the WD2010, but the App Engineer in Irvine and her counterpart in Sunnyvale both assured me they can be used interchangeably (in the UNIXPC). The only difference of note is the WD1010 handles a MAX of 1024 cylinders, and the WD2010 handles a lot more (at least up to the requirement of a Maxtor XT2190 (1224 cylinders)). If you're intending to use the WD2010 with a HD having more than 1024 cylinders your MUST, repeat *MUST*, get the new diagnostic disk that has cognizance of the WD2010 and can properly format and verify beyond 1024 cylinders; after the HD is formatted, the stock (at least 3.51) kernel operates fine with > 1024 cyl NOW: "where does one get the new diagnostic disk?". I don't know the genesis of it, but it is "available"; I uucp'd my copy from another UNIXPC site since I urgently needed to format a Miniscribe 3085 to its full 1170 cylinders ... it has been working GREAT, and I intend upgrading my other two systems the same way. Thad Floryan [ thad@cup.portal.com (OR) ..!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad ]