Path: utzoo!utgpu!watmath!watdragon!nctkwan From: Newsgroups: ut.general Subject: (none) Message-ID: <> Date: 14 Jun 89 22:54:39 GMT Sender: Reply-To: Distribution: ut Lines: 110 From: Terence Kwan Since a lot of people ask me about the refugee application procedure, I post this artical to the net. If you need more information, you can send me an email. Terence Kwan nctkwan@watdragon -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RReeffuuggeeee SSttaattuuss FFoorr SSttuuddeennttss aanndd SScchhoollaarrss FFrroomm CChhiinnaa CCaannaaddiiaann GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt''ss SSttaanndd PPooiinntt In sympathetic of the current situation in the People's Republic of China (Mainland China), the Canadian government will extend the visa for the students and scholars from there. The Canadian government is prepared to do this as long as the situation in China is unsafe for these people to go back. PPrroocceedduurreess Whoever wants to claim refugee status can go to any local Immi- gration Office and make a claim. An appointment for a preliminary interview will be set up. The person need to provide some of his background information at the preliminary interview. Bring your passport and whatever documentation that you think might be needed or help you! After about 3 to 4 months, the claimant will be asked to go through a hearing with the Immigration and Refugee Board. The two member panel will determine whether to grant refugee status or not. After a person has been granted the refugee status, he/she has to apply for landed immigrant within 60 days. Remember, each claimant is treated on an individual basis. PPrroobbaabbiilliittyy OOff SSuucccceessss As according to the officer I contacted, very high. CCoonnffiiddeennttiiaalliittyy Nothing will be stamped in the claimant's passport. No document will be given to the claimant nor the Chinese government. Hearing will be held behind closed door. FFuurrtthheerr IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn Please call: Mr Rick LaLush of the Kitchener Office. Tel: 744-4161 or Immigration & Refugee Board in Hamilton. Tel: 572-2716 or any Immigration Office in Canada. June 14, 1989 - 2 - WWAARRNNIINNGG The above is what I quoted from Mr LaLush, not an official state- ment. Please contact the immigration office for detail. Action Committee For Human Rights & Democracy In China Ricky Chan and Terence Kwan. RReeffuuggeeee SSttaattuuss FFoorr SSttuuddeennttss aanndd SScchhoollaarrss FFrroomm MMaaiinnllaanndd CChhiinnaa The following is an abstract of an article in today's Globe and Mail (page A4, June 14,1989). Chinese students in Canada who feel their lives would be in jeo- pardy if they returned to China should make a claim for refugee status, Gordon Fairweather, chairman of of the Immigration anf Refugee Bord, said yesterday. " I have to say that I think it will be in their best interests to do so, " Mr. Fairweather said. " I think a large number ( of chinese students studying in Canada ) could well meet the test for refugee status, " Mr. Fairweather said. Prime Minister Mulroney, Immigration Minister McDougall and External Minister Clark have all given assurances that visas for Chinese students will be extended and that no one will be forcred back until the situation in china improves. About 130 Chinese citizens have claimed refugee status in Toronto alone over the past eight days, according to Canadian press reports.