Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!!rutgers!shelby!apple!agate!ucbvax!!!uunet!pyrdc!pyrnj!hhb!istvan From: istvan@hhb.UUCP (Istvan Mohos) Newsgroups: alt.sources Subject: Visual calculator "pac", Part 4 of 4 Message-ID: <264@hhb.UUCP> Date: 14 Jul 89 15:14:45 GMT Organization: HHB Systems, Mawah, NJ Lines: 1964 # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then # unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file". (Files # unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions.) # # This archive contains: # ledit.c onlay.c pac.c pactok.c pipes.c stack.c system.c time.c total.c version.c work.c echo x - ledit.c cat > "ledit.c" << '//E*O*F ledit.c//' /* ledit.c */ /********************************************************************** * File Name : ledit.c * Function : line (window) editor of pac * Author : Istvan Mohos, 1987 ***********************************************************************/ #include "defs.h" ledit(retbuf,Map,line_y,lbound,rbound,video,stripspace,intact) char *retbuf, *Map; int line_y, lbound, rbound, video, stripspace, intact; { char c; register int ri; int rj; int lchar, rchar; int tbound, bbound; int control = 1, retval = 0, first = 1; int insert = 0; char *rp; static char *fid = "ledit"; _TR if (line_y) { CY = tbound = bbound = line_y; CX = lbound; } else { /* calculator window */ CY = tbound = UTOP; bbound = UBOT; CX = ULEFT; } move(CY, CX); pfresh(); while(control) { c = fgetc(stdin) & 127; if (c == 10 || c == 13) break; if (c == 17 || c == 19) continue; if (!intact && first && c > 31) { standout(); mvaddstr(MSG, MSGLEFT, Sp34); /* clear any error messages */ standend(); first = 0; if (line_y) clear_wline(tbound, lbound, rbound, video, 1); else clear_wline(UTOP, lbound, rbound, video, 3); } if (video) standout(); switch(*(Map+c)) { default: /* do nothing */ case 0: break; case 1: /* exit */ go_away(ZERO, 0); case 2: /* addch */ if (insert) { for (rj = bbound; rj >= CY + 1; rj--) { for (ri = rbound; ri >= lbound + 1; ri--) mvaddch(rj, ri, stdscr->_y[rj][ri - 1]); mvaddch(rj, ri, stdscr->_y[rj - 1][rbound]); } for (ri = rbound; ri >= CX + 1; ri--) mvaddch(CY, ri, stdscr->_y[CY][ri - 1]); } mvaddch(CY,CX,c); if(++CX > rbound) if (++CY <= bbound) CX = lbound; else { --CY; --CX; } move(CY,CX); break; case 21: /* ignore to EOL */ while((c = fgetc(stdin) & 127) != 10 && c != 13); ungetc(c, stdin); break; case 3: /* move left */ if (--CX < lbound) ++CX; move(CY, CX); break; case 4: /* move right */ if (++CX > rbound) --CX; move(CY, CX); break; case 13: /* move up */ if (--CY < tbound) ++CY; move(CY, CX); break; case 14: /* move down */ if (++CY > bbound) --CY; move(CY, CX); break; case 15: /* move down and left */ if (++CY <= bbound) CX = lbound; else --CY; move(CY, CX); break; case 7: /* clear; exit */ clearstack(0); Amt = Rate = Years = 0.; go_away("I", 0); case 8: /* wants parent to pop */ retval = 1; control = 0; break; case 9: /* wants parent to push */ retval = 2; control = 0; break; /* give back last c, read buffer */ case 12: retval = c; control = 0; break; /* give back last c, skip buffer */ case 17: pfresh(); TR_ return(c); case 10: /* fill to eol with spaces */ for (ri = CX; ri <= rbound; ri++) addch(' '); for (rj = tbound + 1; rj <= bbound; rj++) { move(rj, lbound); for (ri = CX; ri <= rbound; ri++) addch(' '); } move(CY,CX); break; /* curr line: delete char and move 1 pos to left */ case 11: for (ri = CX + 1; ri <= rbound; ri++) addch(stdscr->_y[CY][ri]); addch(' '); if (--CX < lbound) ++CX; move(CY,CX); break; /* across lines: delete char and move 1 pos to left */ case 16: for (ri = CX + 1; ri <= rbound; ri++) addch(stdscr->_y[CY][ri]); for (rj = CY + 1; rj <= bbound; rj++) { addch(stdscr->_y[rj][lbound]); move(rj, lbound); for (ri = lbound + 1; ri <= rbound; ri++) addch(stdscr->_y[rj][ri]); } addch(' '); if (--CX < lbound) ++CX; move(CY,CX); break; case 18 : clearok(curscr, TRUE); break; /* ^R redraw */ case 19 : insert = 1; break; case 20 : insert = 0; break; } standend(); pfresh(); } rp = retbuf; if (stripspace) { /* single line implementation only */ /* find first non-space from the left */ for (ri = lbound; ri <= rbound; ri++) if ((stdscr->_y[CY][ri] & 127) > 32) break; if ((lchar = ri) > rbound) { *rp = '\0'; pfresh(); TR_ return(retval); } /* find first non-space from the right */ for (ri = rbound; ri >= lbound; ri--) if ((stdscr->_y[CY][ri] & 127) > 32) break; rchar = ri; /* give back everything in between */ for (ri = lchar; ri <= rchar; ri++) *rp++ = stdscr->_y[CY][ri] & 127; } else for (rj = tbound; rj <= bbound; rj++) for (ri = lbound; ri <= rbound; ri++) *rp++ = stdscr->_y[rj][ri] & 127; *rp = '\0'; pfresh(); if (Trace && Tf != NULL) fprintf(Tf, "[%s]\n", retbuf); TR_ return(retval); } //E*O*F ledit.c// echo x - onlay.c cat > "onlay.c" << '//E*O*F onlay.c//' /* onlay.c */ /********************************************************************** * File Name : onlay.c * Function : draw initial pac screen * Author : Istvan Mohos, 1987 ***********************************************************************/ #define SO standout() #define SE standend() #define uw 48 #define re 78 #define se 58 #define sp " " #include "defs.h" onlay() { register int i = TOP + 1, j = LBOUND; static char *fid = "onlay"; _TR mvaddstr(UTOP, ATOIX, "^A asc"); mvaddstr(UTOP + 1, ATOIX, "^D dec"); mvaddstr(UTOP + 2, ATOIX, "^O oct"); mvaddstr(UTOP + 3, ATOIX, "^X hex"); SO; mvaddstr(TOP, j, " "); mvaddstr(TOP, ULEFT, Titlq[0]); SE;SO; mvaddstr(i,j,sp);mvaddstr(i,uw,sp);mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp);SE;SO; mvaddstr(i,j,sp);mvaddstr(i,uw,sp);mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp);SE;SO; mvaddstr(i,j,sp);mvaddstr(i,uw,sp);mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp);SE;SO; mvaddstr(i,j,sp);mvaddstr(i,uw,sp);mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp);SE;SO; mvaddstr(i,j, " LOAN "); mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp);SE;SO; SO; mvaddstr(STATY - 1, STATMSG - 1, " GLOBALS "); SE; i = STACKTOP; SO; mvaddstr(i,j,"h");SE;addstr(" 0");SO;mvaddstr(i,40,"amt"); mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp); mvaddstr(i,j,"i");SE;addstr(" 0");SO;mvaddstr(i,40," % "); mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp); mvaddstr(i,j,"j");SE;addstr(" 0");SO;mvaddstr(i,40,"yrs"); mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp); mvaddstr(i,j,"k");SE;addstr(" 0");SO;mvaddstr(i,40,"pay"); mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp); mvaddstr(i,j,"l");SE;addstr(" 0");SO;mvaddstr(i,40,"^B "); mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp); mvaddstr(i,j,"m");SE;addstr(" 0");SO;mvaddstr(i,40," "); mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp); mvaddstr(i,j,"n");SE;addstr(" 0");SO;mvaddstr(i,40,"[le"); mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp); mvaddstr(i,j,"o");SE;addstr(" 0");SO;mvaddstr(i,40,"]ri"); mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp); mvaddstr(i,j,"p");SE;addstr(" 0");SO;mvaddstr(i,40,"{up"); mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp); mvaddstr(i,j,"q");SE;addstr(" 0");SO;mvaddstr(i,40,"}dn"); mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp); mvaddstr(i,j,"r");SE;addstr(" 0");SO;mvaddstr(i,40,"|cr"); mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp); mvaddstr(i,j,"s");SE;addstr(" 0");SO;mvaddstr(i,40,"^Cl"); mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp); mvaddstr(i,j,"t");SE;addstr(" 0");SO;mvaddstr(i,40," BS"); mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp); mvaddstr(i,j,"u");SE;addstr(" 0");SO;mvaddstr(i,40,"DEL"); mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp); mvaddstr(i,j,"v");SE;addstr(" 0");SO;mvaddstr(i,40,">im"); mvaddstr(i,se,sp);mvaddstr(i++,re,sp); mvaddstr(i,j,"w");SE;addstr(" 0");SO;mvaddstr(i,40,"= 0;) { if (Titlq[ri] != ZERO) { standout(); mvaddstr(TOP, ULEFT, Titlq[ri]); break; } } for (ri = BREQ; --ri >= 0;) { if (Basq[ri] != ZERO) { mvaddstr(BOT, ULEFT, Basq[ri]); standend(); break; } } PYX; TR_ } //E*O*F onlay.c// echo x - pac.c cat > "pac.c" << '//E*O*F pac.c//' /* pac.c */ /********************************************************************** * File Name : pac.c * Object : pac - 32 digit panel calculator * Compile : makefile, use -DREALUNIX for sysV * Author : Istvan Mohos, 1987 * Version 1.0 : target completion date Aug 1987 * Version 1.1 : sysV port, bug-fixes, tuning: Feb 1988 ***********************************************************************/ #define MAIN #include "defs.h" #undef MAIN #define PACMAP #include "maps.h" #undef PACMAP extern char *version; main() { char calbuf[LINEMAX]; register char *uwcp; register int ri; int rj, wlen; int rc, intact = 0; #ifdef DEBUG if ((Dfp = fopen("debugfile", "w")) == NULL) go_away("can't write debugfile", 1); #endif Titlq[0] = Sb[0]; Basq[0] = Bb[0]; pipes(); initscr(); /* even though I always strip off the eigth bit of fgetc, it may be a good idea to set terminal parity to Space */ raw(); crmode(); noecho(); if (signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) == SIG_DFL) signal(SIGHUP, go_away); if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) == SIG_DFL) signal(SIGINT, go_away); if (signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN) == SIG_DFL) signal(SIGTERM, go_away); if (signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN) == SIG_DFL) signal(SIGQUIT, go_away); Context = TRUE; /* go_away() instead of exit() on error */ onlay(); /* don't need to "update()" */ if ((Home = getenv("HOME")) == ZERO) Rcerr = TRUE; else { strcpy(Rcfile, Home); strcat(Rcfile, "/.pacrc"); } if (!Rcerr) { if ((Rcfd = open(Rcfile, 0)) == -1) Rcerr = TRUE; else { read_rc(); close(Rcfd); } } if (Rcerr) { setup_uconv(); fill_stack(ZERO); } if (Autotime == ENA) { Clockstat = ENA; cdate(); } Oldib = Ibase; Oldob = Obase; show_stack(); show_uconv(); show_loan(0); /* window print field width: 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234 */ sprintf(Mop, "\ pac version: 1.1 \ last remake: %-*.*s\ author: istvan mohos 0;ib a;pr %d;ob %c;ib %c", 31,31,version, Precision, Base_str[Oldob], Base_str[Oldib]); strcpy(Uwin_copy, Mop); uwcp = Uwin_copy + strlen(Mop); /* pad with spaces at end */ wlen = (UBOT - UTOP) * (URIGHT+1 - ULEFT) - (uwcp - Uwin_copy); for (ri = wlen; --ri >= 0; *uwcp++ = ' '); *uwcp = '\0'; interpret(Mop); move(CY=UTOP, CX=ULEFT); Painted = TRUE; /* from now on, Mainbuf may be pushed on Stack */ while (TRUE) { if (Clockstat == DISA) Titlq[Tqlev] = Sb[Tqlev]; else Titlq[Tqlev] = Cb[Tqlev]; if (O_conv == FALSE) { Basq[CONVREQ] = ZERO; update(); } /* ledit starts with pfresh() */ rc = ledit(calbuf,cal_map,0,ULEFT,URIGHT,0,0,intact); intact = 1; switch(rc) { default: break; #ifdef DESIGN case 21 : /* ^U */ write_scr("rawscreen", 1); break; case 25 : /* ^Y */ write_scr("pacscreen", 0); break; #endif case 1: /* ^A: ascii char to dec, hex, oct */ case 4: /* ^D: 3 decimal digits to ... */ case 15: /* ^O: 3 octal digits to ... */ case 24: /* ^X: 2 hex digits to ... */ byte_conv(rc); break; case 11 : if (Clockstat == DISA) { Clockstat = ENA; cdate(); } else { Clockstat = DISA; clockoff(); update(); pfresh(); } break; /* ^Klock */ case 6 : /* write to hardcopy */ case 16 : if (Hardcopy == ENA || Hardcopy == AP) { Hardcopy = DISA; close(Hc); Hc = -1; } else (rc == 6) ? (Hardcopy = ENA) : (Hardcopy = AP); hard(0); break; case 12 : show_loan(1); break; /* ^L show_loan */ case 7: /* ^Globals */ if (Statopts) show_stat(); else show_param(); break; case 14: /* ^N add new conversion */ newconv(); break; case 20: /* ^Total */ total(); break; case 61: /* '=' redo previous window */ for (uwcp = Uwin_copy, rj = UTOP; rj <= UBOT; rj++) for (ri = ULEFT; ri <= URIGHT; ri++) mvaddch(rj, ri, *uwcp++); move(CY=UTOP, CX=ULEFT); pfresh(); break; case 0: intact = 0; if (*calbuf == '#') { if ( Hc != -1 && Hf != FXTER) { for (uwcp=calbuf+strlen(calbuf); --uwcp > calbuf;) if (*uwcp > 32) break; *++uwcp = '\n'; *++uwcp = '\0'; ri = strlen(calbuf); if (write(Hc, calbuf, ri) != ri) fatal("comment write"); } break; } Oldib = Ibase; Oldob = Obase; strcpy(Uwin_copy, calbuf); interpret(calbuf); if (Staybase == DISA) { Obase = Oldob; Ibase = Oldib; sprintf(Mop, "ibase=A;obase=%d;ibase=%d\n", Obase, Ibase); addto_controlbuf(Mop); show_result(0); } break; } } } //E*O*F pac.c// echo x - pactok.c cat > "pactok.c" << '//E*O*F pactok.c//' /* pactok.c */ /********************************************************************** * File Name : pactok.c * Function : pac calculator token recognizer * Author : Istvan Mohos, 1987 ***********************************************************************/ #include "defs.h" #define PACTOK #include "toktab.h" #undef PACTOK fill_spreadbuf(buffer) char *buffer; { register char *bp = buffer; register char *spr = Spreadbuf; register char prev_c = '\0'; int first = 0; static char *fid = "fill_spreadbuf"; _TR if (*bp == 42 || *bp == 43 || *bp == 45 || *bp == 47 || *bp == 94) { *spr++ = '\\'; *spr++ = ' '; } while(*bp) { if ((ispunct(*bp) && *bp != '.' && *bp != '_') || (ispunct(prev_c) && prev_c != '.' && prev_c != '_')) *spr++ = ' '; /* insert an extra space for pactok */ if (*bp == ';') first = 1; else if (first) { if (*bp == 42 || *bp == 43 || *bp == 45 || *bp == 47 || *bp == 94) { *spr++ = '\\'; *spr++ = ' '; first = 0; } else if (!isspace(*bp)) first = 0; } *spr++ = *bp; prev_c = *bp++; } *spr = '\0'; if (Hc != -1) { *Tmpbuf = '\0'; if (Hf == FVER) { strcpy(Tmpbuf, "--------------------------------------------"); spr = Tmpbuf + strlen(Tmpbuf); if (Ibase != 10) { sprintf(spr, " [ibase: %d]", Ibase); spr = Tmpbuf + strlen(Tmpbuf); } if (Obase != 10) { sprintf(spr, " [obase: %d]", Obase); spr = Tmpbuf + strlen(Tmpbuf); } strcat(Tmpbuf, "\n"); } else if (Hf == FTER) strcpy(Tmpbuf, "===\n"); } TR_ } place_pointers() { register int ri, rj; register char *cp; int thisnum; int prevnum; static char *fid = "place_pointers"; _TR Tokp[0] = Mainbuf; /* take space and comma, unrecognized tokens (digits) will be automatically concatenated in Ubuf. This permits user formatted input. */ if ((Tokp[1] = pactok(Spreadbuf, " ,")) == ZERO) strcpy(Spreadbuf, "\\"); else { for (cp=Tokp[1], prevnum=1; *cp; cp++) { if (! (isdigit(*cp) || (*cp == '.') || (*cp >= 'a' && *cp <= 'f') || (*cp >= 'A' && *cp <= 'F')) ) { prevnum = 0; break; } } ri = 1; while ((Tokp[++ri] = pactok(ZERO, " ,")) != ZERO) { for (cp=Tokp[ri], thisnum=1; *cp; cp++) { if (! (isdigit(*cp) || (*cp == '.') || (*cp >= 'a' && *cp <= 'f') || (*cp >= 'A' && *cp <= 'F')) ) { thisnum = prevnum = 0; break; } } if (thisnum && prevnum) { strcat(Tokp[ri-1], Tokp[ri]); --ri; } if (thisnum) prevnum = 1; } Last = Tokp[ri]; /* == ZERO */ } if (Hc != -1) { if (Hf != FXTER) { for (rj = 1; rj < ri;) { strcat(Tmpbuf, Tokp[rj++]); strcat(Tmpbuf, " "); } strcat(Tmpbuf, "\n"); rj = strlen(Tmpbuf); if (write(Hc, Tmpbuf, rj) != rj) fatal("hardcopy format write"); } } TR_ return(ri); /* # of non-ZERO tokens, including Tokp[0] = Mainbuf */ } lookup(c_ptr) char *c_ptr; { int inlist_val; static char *fid = "lookup"; _TR if ((inlist_val = spacefill(c_ptr, WORDSIZE)) != -1) inlist_val = mybsearch(Tokbuf, toklist, LISTSIZE); TR_ return(inlist_val); } char * pactok(s1, s2) char *s1, *s2; { register i; char *separator[128]; int sepcount, tok_flag; static char *tokenp = ZERO, *parser = ZERO; static char *fid = "pactok"; _TR if ((sepcount = strlen(s2)) == 0) { TR_ return(ZERO); } if (s1 != ZERO) tokenp = parser = s1; for (i = sepcount; --i >= 0; separator[i] = s2 + i); /* move parser, tokenp to first non-separator character */ while (*parser != '\0') { int sep_flag = 0; for (i = sepcount; --i >= 0;) if (*separator[i] == *parser) { ++parser; sep_flag = 1; break; } if (!sep_flag) break; } tokenp = parser; tok_flag = 0; /* move parser to first separator after token, replace value with '\0' */ while (*parser != '\0') { int sep_flag = 0; for (i = sepcount; --i >= 0;) if (*separator[i] == *parser) { *parser++ = '\0'; sep_flag = 1; break; } if (sep_flag) break; ++parser; tok_flag = 1; } if (tok_flag) { TR_ return(tokenp); } TR_ return(ZERO); } mybsearch (comparee, wordlist, listsize) char *comparee; char *wordlist[]; { register m, mid, lo, hi; static char *fid = "mybsearch"; _TR lo = 0, hi = listsize -1; while (lo <= hi) { mid = (lo + hi) >> 1; if ((m = strcmp(comparee, wordlist[mid])) < 0) hi = mid -1; else if (m > 0) lo = mid +1; else { TR_ return(mid); } } TR_ return (-1); } //E*O*F pactok.c// echo x - pipes.c cat > "pipes.c" << '//E*O*F pipes.c//' /* pipes.c */ /********************************************************************** * File Name : pipes.c * Function : make A and B pipes to bc * Author : Istvan Mohos, 1987 ***********************************************************************/ #include "defs.h" pipes() { char tmp[LINEMAX]; /* PLUS6300 needs this --- beats me why */ /* setup main bc function */ if (pipe(A_write) == -1 || pipe(A_read) == -1) fatal("main pipe setup"); switch (A_ret = fork()) { case -1: fatal("main fork"); case 0: if (close(0) == -1 || close(1) == -1) fatal("main close1"); if (dup(A_write[0]) != 0) fatal("main dup0"); if (dup(A_read[1]) != 1) fatal("main dup1"); if (close(A_write[0]) == -1 || close(A_read[0]) == -1 || close(A_write[1]) == -1 || close(A_read[1]) == -1) fatal("main close2"); execlp("/usr/bin/bc", "bc", "-l", 0); } if (close(A_write[0]) == -1 || close(A_read[1]) == -1) fatal("main close3"); /* setup converter bc function */ if (pipe(B_write) == -1 || pipe(B_read) == -1) fatal("conv pipe setup"); switch (A_ret = fork()) { case -1: fatal("conv fork"); case 0: if (close(0) == -1 || close(1) == -1) fatal("conv close1"); if (dup(B_write[0]) != 0) fatal("conv dup0"); if (dup(B_read[1]) != 1) fatal("conv dup1"); if (close(B_write[0]) == -1 || close(B_read[0]) == -1 || close(B_write[1]) == -1 || close(B_read[1]) == -1) fatal("conv close2"); execlp("/usr/bin/bc", "bc", 0); } if (close(B_write[0]) == -1 || close(B_read[1]) == -1) fatal("conv close3"); } //E*O*F pipes.c// echo x - stack.c cat > "stack.c" << '//E*O*F stack.c//' /* stack.c */ /********************************************************************** * File Name : stack.c * Function : user stack * Author : Istvan Mohos, 1987 ***********************************************************************/ #include "defs.h" linkup() { register struct stk_cell *sr; register int ri; static char *fid = "linkup"; _TR sr = &Stk[0]; for(ri = STACKDEEP+1; --ri; sr++) /* leave last one dangling */ sr->link = sr+1; TR_ } fill_stack(from) char *from; { register struct stk_cell *sr; register char *rc = from; register int ri; static char *fid = "fill_stack"; _TR linkup(); sr = &Stk[0]; /* accumulator */ if (from == ZERO) { strcpy(sr->cell, Emptycell+2); /* no base char */ ++sr; for (ri = STACKDEEP; --ri >= 0; sr++) strcpy(sr->cell, Emptycell); } else { *(rc + STACKMAX) = 0; strcpy(sr->cell, Emptycell+2); /* no base char in accum */ ++sr; for (ri = STACKDEEP; --ri >= 0; sr++) { *(rc + STACKMAX) = 0; strcpy(sr->cell, rc); rc += STACKMAX + 1; } } TR_ } show_stack() { register struct stk_cell *sr; register int ri; static char *fid = "show_stack"; _TR sr = Stk[0].link; /* skip accumulator */ for (ri = STACKTOP; ri <= STACKBOT; ri++) { move(ri, STACKLEFT); printw("%s", sr->cell); sr = sr->link; } standout(); for (ri = STACKTOP; ri <= STACKBOT; ri++) { mvaddch(ri, LBOUND, 'h' + ri - STACKTOP); } standend(); TR_ } struct stk_cell * find(stkpos) int stkpos; /* accumulator = 0, h = 1 */ { register struct stk_cell *sr; register int ri; static char *fid = "find"; _TR sr = &Stk[0]; for (ri = stkpos; --ri >= 0; sr = sr->link); TR_ return(sr); } save_stack(to, revstrip) char *to; int revstrip; { register struct stk_cell *sr; register char *rc = to; register int ri; static char *fid = "save_stack"; _TR sr = Stk[0].link; /* skip accumulator */ for (ri = STACKDEEP; --ri >= 0; sr = sr->link) { strcpy(rc, sr->cell); rc += STACKMAX; if (revstrip) { while(*--rc == ' '); ++rc; } *rc++ = '\n'; } *rc = '\0'; TR_ } popstack(stkpos) int stkpos; /* h = 1 */ { register struct stk_cell *sr, *br; static char *fid = "popstack"; _TR sr = find(stkpos - 1); br = sr->link; sr->link = br->link; sr = find(STACKDEEP - 1); /* one is already unlinked */ sr->link = br; strcpy(br->cell, Emptycell); show_stack(); TR_ } clearstack(stkpos) int stkpos; { register struct stk_cell *sr; static char *fid = "clearstack"; _TR if (stkpos == 0) { linkup(); fill_stack(ZERO); } else { sr = find(stkpos); strcpy(sr->cell, Emptycell); } show_stack(); TR_ } pushstack(stkpos) int stkpos; { register struct stk_cell *sr, *br, *tr; static char *fid = "pushstack"; _TR sr = find(stkpos - 1); tr = find(STACKDEEP); br = sr->link; sr->link = tr; tr->link = br; show_stack(); TR_ } onereg(stkpos) int stkpos; { register struct stk_cell *sr; static char *fid = "onereg"; _TR sr = find(stkpos); strcpy(Onebuf, sr->cell); TR_ } stack_reg(stkpos, source) int stkpos, source; { register struct stk_cell *sr, *br; static char *fid = "stack_reg"; _TR sr = find(stkpos); br = find(source); strcpy(sr->cell, br->cell); show_stack(); TR_ } //E*O*F stack.c// echo x - system.c cat > "system.c" << '//E*O*F system.c//' /* system.c */ /********************************************************************** * File Name : system.c * Function : clean up prior to pac exit, pipe readers * Author : Istvan Mohos, 1987 ***********************************************************************/ #include "defs.h" go_away(message, die) char *message; int die; { static char *fid = "go_away"; int tput_ok = 1; _TR signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); if (Context != INIT) { write_rc(); clockoff(); Clockstat = DISA; if (message != ZERO && *message == 'I') { standend(); mvaddch(LINES-1, 0, ' '); clear(); pfresh(); mvcur(0, COLS-1, LINES-1, 0); endwin(); } else { standend(); mvaddch(LINES-1, 0, ' '); pfresh(); mvcur(0, COLS-1, LINES-1, 0); endwin(); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } if (die) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ierbuf); TR_ exit(die); } fatal(msg) /* kill pipes, print error messages and go_away */ char *msg; { extern int errno, sys_nerr; extern char *sys_errlist[]; if (A_ret) kill(A_ret, SIGTERM), A_ret = 0; if (B_ret) kill(B_ret, SIGTERM), B_ret = 0; go_away(ierbuf, ierror(msg, 1)); } int wait_main_pipe() /* empty main pipe to prevent deadlock */ /* null delimited Mainbuf string may get PIPEMAX long */ { register ri; register char *accp1, *accp2; int done, totalread; static char *fid = "wait_main_pipe"; _TR accp1 = Mainbuf; done = FALSE; totalread = 0; while (!done) { switch (Nread = read(A_read[0], accp1, PIPEMAX)) { case -1: fatal("wait main read"); case 0: fatal("main bc: mysterious end of file"); default: if ((totalread += Nread) >= PIPEMAX - 80) fatal("main pipe overflow"); accp2 = accp1; for (ri = Nread; --ri >= 0;) { if(*accp2 == '\n' && *(accp2 -1) != '\\') { *(accp2) = '\0'; --totalread; done = TRUE; break; } ++accp2; } if (!done) accp1 = accp2; break; } } TR_ } /* empty conv pipe into buf, to prevent deadlock. if non-ZERO, buf size must not be less than PIPEMAX. if ZERO, Convbuf is used. Null byte added at end of buf */ wait_conv_pipe(buf) char *buf; { register ri; register char *convp1, *convp2; int done, totalread; static char *fid = "wait_conv_pipe"; _TR if (buf == ZERO) convp1 = Convbuf; else convp1 = buf; done = FALSE; totalread = 0; while (!done) { switch (Convread = read(B_read[0], convp1, PIPEMAX)) { case -1: fatal("wait conv read"); case 0: fatal("conv: mysterious end of file"); default: if ((totalread += Convread) >= PIPEMAX - 80) fatal("conv pipe overflow"); convp2 = convp1; for (ri = Convread; --ri >= 0;) { if(*convp2 == '\n' && *(convp2 -1) != '\\') { *(convp2) = '\0'; --totalread; done = TRUE; break; } ++convp2; } if (!done) convp1 = convp2; break; } } TR_ } //E*O*F system.c// echo x - time.c cat > "time.c" << '//E*O*F time.c//' /* time.c */ /********************************************************************** * File Name : time.c * Author : Istvan Mohos, 1987 ***********************************************************************/ #ifdef pyr #include #else #include #endif #ifndef LOCALTEST #include "defs.h" #else unsigned alarm(); int cdate(); /* signal has to know */ #include #include char *Thisyear; main() { year(); printf("%s<<\n", Thisyear); printf("%d", whichmonth("MAY")); cdate(); for (;;); } #endif #ifndef BADSIG #define BADSIG (int (*)())-1 #endif cdate() { long clock; int hour; register char *d; char ptr[30]; int savy, savx, se; static char *fid = "cdate"; _TR clock = time((long *) 0); /* seconds since 1970 */ d = ctime(&clock); strcpy(ptr, d); d = ptr + 8; if (*d == ' ') { *d = *(d+1); *++d = ' '; } d = ptr + 11; if (*d == '0') *d = ' '; if ((hour = atoi(d)) > 11) { /* PM */ if (hour > 12) sprintf(d, "%2d", hour -12); d+=2; *d = ':'; d+=3; *d++ = '.'; } else { d = ptr + 16; *d++ = ' '; } *d = '\0'; /* delete :seconds, year, newline */ #ifdef LOCALTEST printf(" 01234567890123456789012\n>>>>%s<<<<\n", ptr); alarm(10); if (signal(SIGALRM, cdate) == BADSIG) exit(1); #else getyx(stdscr, savy, savx); se = (stdscr->_y[stdscr->_cury][stdscr->_curx] < 128); if (se) standout(); mvaddstr(TOP, CONVLEFT, ptr); if (se) standend(); move(savy, savx); refresh(); alarm(10); if (signal(SIGALRM, cdate) == BADSIG) fatal("clock signal"); TR_ } clockoff() { static char *fid = "clockoff"; _TR alarm(0); if (signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL) == BADSIG) fatal("clock signal at off"); TR_ } pfresh() { static char *fid = "pfresh"; _TR if (Clockstat == DISA) refresh(); else { clockoff(); refresh(); cdate(); } #endif TR_ } year() { long clock; static char ptr[30]; static char *fid = "year"; _TR clock = time((long *) 0); strcpy(ptr, ctime(&clock)); Thisyear = ptr + 20; *(ptr + 24) = '\0'; /* kill newline */ TR_ } whichmonth(ptr) char *ptr; { register int hv = 0; register char *hp; static char hashbuf[] = { 12, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0,10, 5, 9, 0, 0, 7, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,11, }; static char *fid = "whichmonth"; _TR hp = ptr; if (hp == ZERO) { TR_ return(0); } if (isalpha(*hp)) { hv += (*hp++ & 95); if (*hp) { hv += (*hp++ & 95); if (*hp) hv += (*hp & 95); } hv -= 204; if (hv < 0 || hv > 39) { TR_ return(0); } return(hashbuf[hv]); } if ((hv = atoi(hp)) > 12 || hv < 1) { TR_ return(0); } TR_ return(hv); } //E*O*F time.c// echo x - total.c cat > "total.c" << '//E*O*F total.c//' /* total.c */ /********************************************************************** * File Name : total.c * Function : pac checkbook balancer (totalizer) * Author : Istvan Mohos, 1987 ***********************************************************************/ #include "defs.h" #define TOTALMAP #include "maps.h" #undef TOTALMAP static double Su[FITCONV - 2]; static double Total; total() { int pyp, pxp; char curr_l[CONVMAX + 1]; register int ri, rj; static int f_id = 0; int where, ck, copy; static char *fid = "total"; _TR CYX; Tqlev = TALYREQ; if (Clockstat == DISA) Titlq[TALYREQ] = Sb[TALYREQ]; else Titlq[TALYREQ] = Cb[TALYREQ]; Basq[TALYREQ] = Bb[TALYREQ]; standout(); for (ri = FITCONV - 2, rj = 115; --ri >= 0; rj--) mvaddch(UTOP + ri, RBOUND, rj); mvaddch(TOP + FITCONV, RBOUND, 't'); standend(); clear_wline(TOP+FITCONV-1, CONVLEFT, RBOUND-2, 0, 1); show_items(); show_total(0); update(); while(1) { where = UTOP + f_id; if (Su[f_id] == 0.) clear_wline(where, CONVLEFT, RBOUND-2, 0, 1); ck = ledit(curr_l, tot_map, where, CONVLEFT, RBOUND-2, 0, 1, 1); if (!*curr_l) strcpy(curr_l, "0.0"); switch(ck) { case 6: /* wants to write file */ case 16: if (Totcopy == ENA || Totcopy == AP) { show_total(1); Totcopy = DISA; close(Tc); Tc = -1; } else { show_total(0); (ck == 6) ? (Totcopy = ENA) : (Totcopy = AP); } hard(1); break; case 0: /* normal return, did read line */ show_line(f_id, curr_l); if (++f_id > FITCONV -3) { show_total(1); f_id = 1; for (ri = FITCONV - 2; --ri > 0; Su[ri] = 0.); Su[0] = Total; show_items(); } show_total(0); break; case 'T': show_line(f_id, curr_l); show_total(1); break; case 1: show_line(f_id, curr_l); show_total(ck); PYX; Basq[TALYREQ] = ZERO; update(); pfresh(); TR_ return; case 3: /* control-c, clear entire window */ f_id = 0; for (ri = FITCONV - 2; --ri >= 0; Su[ri] = 0.); show_items(); show_total(0); break; default: if (ck > 64 && ck < 84) { /* A through S */ show_line(f_id, curr_l); show_total(0); f_id = ck - 'A'; } else { if ((copy = ck - 97) < FITCONV - 2) /* a to s */ sprintf(curr_l, "%*.*f", CONVMAX, Precision, Su[copy]); else /* t */ sprintf(curr_l, "%*.*f", CONVMAX, Precision, Total); show_line(f_id, curr_l); if (++f_id > FITCONV -3) { show_total(1); f_id = 1; for (ri = FITCONV - 2; --ri > 0; Su[ri] = 0.); Su[0] = Total; show_items(); } show_total(0); } break; } } } show_total(transfer) int transfer; { char floatbuf[WINLINE]; char hardbuf[WINLINE]; register char *fb = floatbuf; register int rx; register int ri; struct stk_cell *sr; static char *fid = "show_total"; _TR Total = 0.; for (ri = FITCONV - 2; --ri >= 0; Total += Su[ri]); sprintf(fb, "%*.*f", CONVMAX, Precision, Total); if ((ri = strlen(floatbuf)) <= CONVMAX) { *(fb = floatbuf + ri++) = '.'; *++fb = 0; } for (fb = floatbuf + ri; --fb >= floatbuf;) if (*fb == '.') break; if (fb < floatbuf) { Total = 0.; sprintf(floatbuf, "%*.*f", CONVMAX, Precision, Total); } *((fb = floatbuf) + CONVMAX) = 0; mvaddstr(TOP + FITCONV, CONVLEFT, fb); if (transfer) { if (Tc != -1) { if (Hf != FXTER) { if ((write(Tc, "\n", 1)) != 1) fatal("total write"); for (ri = UTOP; ri < UTOP + FITCONV - 2; ri++) { fb = hardbuf; *fb++ = ri + 'a' - UTOP; *fb++ = ' '; *fb++ = ' '; *fb++ = ' '; for (rx = CONVLEFT; rx < RBOUND -1; rx++) *fb++ = stdscr->_y[ri][rx] & 127; *fb = '\n'; if ((write(Tc, hardbuf, 4+CONVMAX+1)) != 4+CONVMAX+1) fatal("total 2 write"); } if ((write(Tc," -----------------\nt ", 26)) != 26) fatal("total 3 write"); if ((write(Tc, floatbuf, CONVMAX)) != CONVMAX) fatal("total 4 write"); if ((write(Tc, "\n\n", 2)) != 2) fatal("total 5 write"); } else { if ((write(Tc, floatbuf, CONVMAX)) != CONVMAX) fatal("total 6 write"); if ((write(Tc, "\n", 1)) != 1) fatal("total 7 write"); } } if (Stack == ENA) pushstack(1); /* strip trailing zeros */ for (fb = floatbuf + strlen(floatbuf); --fb >= floatbuf;) if (*fb == '.') break; if (fb >= floatbuf) { for (fb += strlen(fb); *--fb == '0'; *fb = 0); if (*fb == '.') *fb = 0; } /* strip preceding spaces */ for (fb = floatbuf; *fb == ' '; fb++); sr = find(1); sprintf(sr->cell, "%c %-*.*s", *(Base_str + 10), STACKMAX-2, STACKMAX-2, fb); show_stack(); } TR_ } show_line(f_id, buf) int f_id; char *buf; { char floatbuf[WINLINE]; char transbuf[WINLINE]; register char *fb; register char *T = transbuf; char *secp; double thisval; double first = 0., second; int where, ri, oper = 0; static char *fid = "show_line"; _TR where = UTOP + f_id; /* strip embedded spaces */ fb = buf; while (*fb) { switch(*fb) { case ' ': break; case '*': case '@': *T++ = 0; secp = T; oper = 1; break; case '+': *T++ = 0; secp = T; oper = 2; break; default: *T++ = *fb; break; } fb++; } *T = 0; switch(oper) { case 0: default: thisval = atof(transbuf); break; case 1: if (*transbuf) thisval = first = atof(transbuf); if (*secp) { second = atof(secp); thisval = first * second; } break; case 2: if (*transbuf) thisval = first = atof(transbuf); if (*secp) { second = atof(secp); if (second != 0.) thisval = first + second; } break; } Su[f_id] = thisval; sprintf(floatbuf, "%*.*f", CONVMAX, Precision, thisval); if ((ri = strlen(floatbuf)) <= CONVMAX) { *(fb = floatbuf + ri++) = '.'; *++fb = 0; } for (fb = floatbuf + ri; --fb >= floatbuf;) if (*fb == '.') break; if (fb < floatbuf) { Su[f_id] = 0.; sprintf(floatbuf, "%*.*f", CONVMAX, Precision, Su[f_id]); } *((fb = floatbuf) + CONVMAX) = 0; mvaddstr(where, CONVLEFT, floatbuf); TR_ } show_items() { char floatbuf[WINLINE]; char *fb = floatbuf; register int ri; static char *fid = "show_items"; _TR for (ri = FITCONV - 2; --ri >= 0;) { sprintf(fb, "%*.*f", CONVMAX, Precision, Su[ri]); *(fb + CONVMAX) = 0; mvaddstr(UTOP + ri, CONVLEFT, fb); } TR_ } //E*O*F total.c// echo x - version.c cat > "version.c" << '//E*O*F version.c//' char *version = "Tue Nov 15 17:44:59 EST 1988"; //E*O*F version.c// echo x - work.c cat > "work.c" << '//E*O*F work.c//' /* work.c */ /********************************************************************** * File Name : work.c * Function : general pac subroutines * Author : Istvan Mohos, 1987 ***********************************************************************/ #include "defs.h" clear_accwin() { static char *fid = "clear_accwin"; _TR mvaddstr(ACCUM,ULEFT,Sp44); TR_ } /* pointer should sit on a null byte, as given by things like "buf + sizeof(buf)", fill backwards with spaces including the next null byte found. */ rev_clear(ptr) char *ptr; { register char *rp; static char *fid = "rev_clear"; _TR for (rp = ptr;;) if (*--rp == '\0') { *rp = ' '; break; } else *rp = ' '; TR_ } clear_wline(ver, lbound, rbound, video, lines) int ver, lbound, rbound, video, lines; { register ri, rj; static char *fid = "clear_wline"; _TR if (!lines) lines = 1; if (video) standout(); for (rj = ver+lines; --rj >= ver;) { move(rj, lbound); for (ri = rbound - lbound + 1; --ri >= 0; addch(' ')); } if (video) standend(); move(CY,CX); TR_ } /* spacefills string to max: digit characters, appends '\0'; in Tokbuf. returns -1 if string is longer than digit */ spacefill(string, digits) char *string; int digits; { register char *reg_c; register char r_count; static char *fid = "spacefill"; _TR if ((r_count = strlen(string)) > digits) { TR_ return(-1); } strcpy(Tokbuf, string); reg_c = &Tokbuf[r_count]; while(r_count < digits ) { *reg_c++ = ' '; ++r_count; } Tokbuf[digits] = '\0'; TR_ return(0); } addto_controlbuf(c_ptr) char *c_ptr; { static char *fid = "addto_controlbuf"; _TR strcat(Controlbuf, "\\\n"); /* prevent oversize input string */ strcat(Controlbuf, c_ptr); TR_ } addto_ubuf(c_ptr) char *c_ptr; { static char *fid = "addto_ubuf"; _TR strcat(Ubuf, "\\\n"); /* prevent oversize input string */ strcat(Ubuf, c_ptr); TR_ } upcase(char_p) char *char_p; { register char *rcp = char_p; static char *fid = "upcase"; _TR do if (isalpha(*rcp)) *rcp &= 95; while (*rcp++ != '\0'); TR_ } pacinit() { Format = FORM_DFLT; (Format == COMMA_) ? (Separator = ',') : (Separator = ' '); Hf = HF_DFLT; Ibase = IB_DFLT; Oldib = IB_DFLT; Obase = OB_DFLT; Oldob = OB_DFLT; Lastob = OB_DFLT; Show = SHOW_DFLT; Justify = JUS_DFLT; Precision = PREC_DFLT; Stack = STACK_DFLT; Staybase = DISA; Autoconv = DISA; } int round(nump, endp) char *nump, *endp; { register char *fr, *to, *dp; int done = 0; int dpfound = 0; for (fr = nump, dp = endp; --dp >= fr;) if (*dp == '.') { dpfound = 1; break; } if (!dpfound) return(-1); fr = endp - 1; if (*fr < 53) { /* last digit less than 5 */ *fr = '\0'; return(0); } /* write new values in freed-up byte at right */ for (to = endp - 1, done = 0; --fr > dp;) { if (*fr == '9') *to-- = '0'; else { *to-- = *fr + 1; done = 1; break; } } if (done) { /* left-shift new values back 1 byte */ for (dp = endp -1; to <= dp;) *fr++ = *++to; *dp = '\0'; return(0); } *to-- = *fr; /* new decimal point */ for (dp = nump, done = 0; --fr >= dp;) { if (*fr == '9') *to-- = '0'; else { if (*fr > 47 && *fr < 57) { *to-- = *fr + 1; done = 1; break; } else { /* fr got to the left of the first digit */ *to = '1'; return(1); } } } if (done) { /* left-shift new values back 1 byte */ for (++to, dp = endp -1; to <= dp;) *fr++ = *to++; *dp = '\0'; return(0); } *dp = '1'; return(1); } //E*O*F work.c// echo Possible errors detected by \'wc\' [hopefully none]: temp=/tmp/shar$$ trap "rm -f $temp; exit" 0 1 2 3 15 cat > $temp <<\!!! 241 738 6967 ledit.c 106 238 3586 onlay.c 224 655 6024 pac.c 224 727 5676 pactok.c 55 207 1805 pipes.c 191 490 3746 stack.c 151 413 3735 system.c 172 432 3162 time.c 311 955 8736 total.c 1 9 48 version.c 211 587 4228 work.c 1887 5451 47713 total !!! wc ledit.c onlay.c pac.c pactok.c pipes.c stack.c system.c time.c total.c version.c work.c | sed 's=[^ ]*/==' | diff -b $temp - exit 0 -- Istvan Mohos {ihnp4,decvax,allegra}!philabs!hhb!istvan HHB Systems 1000 Wyckoff Ave. Mahwah NJ 07430 201-848-8000 ====================================================================