Path: utzoo!utgpu!watmath!uunet!bionet!finuh.bitnet!HARPER From: HARPER@finuh.bitnet ("ROBERT HARPER, FINLAND") Newsgroups: Subject: BookEnds Message-ID: <> Date: 10 Jul 89 11:50:00 GMT Sender: daemon@NET.BIO.NET Lines: 84 Here is an interesting posting to BIOBIT from Mikko Lammi. It deals with some other software for handling references. Submitted by MIKKO LAMMI on 26 Jun 1989, 16:52:45. Key BookEnds Reference System BookEnds Reference Management System is HyperCard Stackware and it costs $99. Latest version is 1.1, as far as I know. It is provided by Sensible Software, Inc. 335 E. Big Beaver, Suite 207 Troy, Michigan 48083 (313) 528-1950 MS-DOS version is also available (I don't have experience on that, though). Features: - Database size is limited only the free disk space. - It has categories for author, title, editor, journal, volume, pages, date, publisher, loacation, keywords, abstract, and classification - Each category can have up to 30 000 characters - Convenient import abilities including: 1. Tab delimited text files (data type typical for most database applications in MacWorld) 2. Other BookEnds databases (from MacIntosh, Apple II or IBM-compatibles) 3. Dialog 4. MedLine/MedLars 5. BRS, MESH format 6. BRS, Generic format 7. MedLine Knowledge Finder (CD-ROM) - Generates alphabetical listing of all unique authors and keywords in a database - Export to text files and to other BookEnds stacks - Duplicate references can be deleted - A Journal Glossary with abbreviations of the journal name for easy source entering - Boolean AND, OR and NOT searches supported (although a bit limited) - References can to searched by scanning the stack, by the absolute number of the reference, with Search command (scans all the desired categories), or by Find command which scans only one category at the time. - Matches can be sorted by any two categories - Output can be formatted easily. 10 editable formats can be used at one time. The order of categories,as well as author and editor names can be formatted (Fonts and styles cannot be formatted) - Output can be: 1. Printed 2. Sent to a text file 3. Sent to the word processor you like best - MultiFinder compatible (not copy protected) These are the main features, some others are still available Our experience so far: We have some 3400 references now, and the worst possible search (that is, searching all the categories and collecting the matches using quite simple AND or OR logics) will take our Mac II about 9 and a half minutes. Searching from one category without a match list collected is almost immediate. By using short seacrh strings the search will be faster. The most important feature for us is the Import capability. We can import references from Datastar's (in Switzerland) MedLine database from the on-line log file with a converter program written in Fortran. I get the log file from our library and run a conversion application in our mainframe (VAX) and transfer the file to Mac II using the FTP protocol and Import the references. This takes only some 5-10 minutes in all. Datastar's MedLine can be imported without the conversion by using BRS, Mesh format Importing in BookEnds, the drawback is that BookEnds cannot separate the categories in the reference source, so the source will go into category Journal. We are quite satisfied with BookEnds, but it could be faster. It might be possible to Import references from CCOD (Current Contents on Disk), since CCOD can output the references in MedLine format. I don't have any experience on that. Anyway, this would add the value of this package. Mikko Lammi