Path: utzoo!telly!tmsoft!mcl!ncc!atha!lsuc!attcan!utgpu!!!rayan From: (Rayan Zachariassen) Newsgroups: can.uucp Subject: Re: Adhocnet Message-ID: <> Date: 23 Jun 89 04:01:05 GMT Article-I.D.: neat.89Jun23.000109edt.11708 Distribution: can Organization: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto Lines: 15 In article <637@aurora.AthabascaU.CA> lyndon@cs.AthabascaU.CA (Lyndon Nerenberg) writes: # It's quiz time! How do *you* route to something like # # # # from a UUCP site? Very carefully? You don't. They don't exist. Well, actually they do, but their .CA isn't the .CA everyone else knows even if they might think so. Try asking someone at U of Calgary, I think their Computer Centre is the gateway to this thing. While you're at it, feel free to pressure them to mend their ways. Mail kieffer@uncaedu.bitnet for further information.