Path: utzoo!yunexus!davecb From: davecb@yunexus.UUCP (David Collier-Brown) Newsgroups: comp.arch Subject: Re: Compiling - RISC vs. CISC Keywords: CISC, vCISC, compiler Message-ID: <2613@yunexus.UUCP> Date: 10 Jul 89 02:27:25 GMT Article-I.D.: yunexus.2613 References: <> Reply-To: davecb@yunexus.UUCP (David Collier-Brown) Organization: York U. Computing Services Lines: 44 In article <> (Jim Giles) writes: >Every once in a while, someone in this newsgroup makes the claim >that RISC trades off hardware complexity for compiler complexity. >This is simply _NOT_ true. It is always _easier_ to write a compiler >for a RISC machine than for a CISC machine. [well-reasoned arguement for a Vax] If one is to consider CISC machines, there are two things to remember: 1) they come in families 2) the popular ones aren't always the ones you want to consider. The IBM /360 and VAXen are good examples of a particular era. That does not make them the only CISC machines. The Honeywell (now Bull) DPS-8 is a conscious attempt at a very-complex-instruction set computer, based on the basic architecture of the era of IBM 7090s and DEC-10s. Given a compiler (say, FORTRAN IV) for the basic machine language, one can add all the constructs for PL/1 and (you should pardon the expression) COBOL to your language in about two man-days: Honeybun put the primitives into the EISbox (Extended Instruction Set). One can even generate good code for them (;-)), because they're either regular, or only exist in one variant. The machine is still in production, is still very CISC, and actually runs rather well. They really did "narrow the semantic gap between the machine language and the language understood by the compiler", which was the reason d'etre of the vCISC machines. Mind you, I can't recommend the underlying order code (the stuff that preceded the EISbox) to my worst enemy. The machine is a sorta wart with an elegant bag on the side. And Waterloo even has a very standard/rather good C compiler for it. --dave (I once worked on Honeybuns) c-b -- David Collier-Brown, | davecb@yunexus, ...!yunexus!davecb or 72 Abitibi Ave., | {toronto area...}lethe!dave Willowdale, Ontario, | Joyce C-B: CANADA. 223-8968 | He's so smart he's dumb.