Xref: utzoo comp.sources.wanted:8017 comp.editors:862 comp.lang.c:19802 comp.software-eng:1750
Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!mcvax!kth!sunic!ifi!naggum.uu.no!erik
From: erik@naggum.uu.no (Erik Naggum)
Newsgroups: comp.sources.wanted,comp.editors,comp.lang.c,comp.software-eng
Summary: symbol-zoom-editor for objects, relations and actions wanted
Message-ID: <89187-1148-324@naggum.uu.no>
Date: 7 Jul 89 11:48:34 GMT
Reply-To: kvaerner@naggum.uu.no
Followup-To: comp.sources.wanted
Organization: Naggum Software & Communications, Oslo, Norway
Lines: 78

I have been asked to post this message on the net.  The company does not
have net access, but are trying to show the management that it is a good
idea.  I couldn't agree more.  All replies will be appreciated greatly!

------------------------- forwarded message ----------------------------

Hello world!!!					Oslo, Norway 6.7.89


New generation user interface?
We're looking for contacts/information on available software to
be used to develop a new style of user application interface.

Our task is to exploit the concept of abstraction to implement total
applications solutions to large multi-disciplinary engineering design
projects.  At higher levels the applications should project a holistic
approach.  Stepwise refinement should ensure an integrated solution and
aid the design process.  At lower levels users should be free to
include only the application elements required on an individual basis.

We envisage that such an application can be realized using a graphical,
hierarchical decomposition technique:

	- a dataflow-diagram-like structure connecting application
	  objects, relations and programs.

The hierarchy must be zoom-able on level and/or level contents.
Alternate views must be supported to focus the desired level of
detail.  At any level programmed functions could be added or external
programs invoked.

The application should also support a data/process dictionary and a
library of predefined objects.

Symbol-decomposition-editor wanted
To save time and effort to implement this we require a tool which at
the very least can act as a graphical display Symbol-Zoom-Editor which
can handle both objects, relations and associated actions on these.

Editing functions should support an unlimited number of levels, zooming
and should recognize logic connections between objects and relations,
and evaluate consistency between levels.

An accompanying database should assist free definition of required
attributes and views for any object, relation or process (could be
programmed separately if tool supports integration).

The tool must be completely open so that functions may be added at any
point.  Preferably, it should support any choice of database or
programming language.  (We use Ctree and C on SUN today.)

NB!  The source code must be available.

Please reply to:
Mette-Marit Harbitz		Phone:	+472-595-573 (direct)
Kvaerner Engineering A/S		+472-595-050 (operator)
P O Box 222			Fax:	+472-595-190
N-1324  LYSAKER			Email:	kvaerner@naggum.uu.no
NORWAY			...!{uunet,mcvax,sunic}!naggum.uu.no!kvaerner

----------------------- end forwarded message --------------------------

This company could benefit greatly from net access, in my opinion.
Let's show them how valuable net news can be!  (Not that I really doubt
that you wouldn't...)

--Erik Naggum
 +----+     +----+  Email: erik@naggum.uu.no || enag@ifi.uio.no
===   |   ===   /   Snail: Naggum Software; 1560 VIKA; 0118 OSLO; NORWAY
===   |  ===   /    Phone: +472-717-822 (office, all hours) -352-977 (fax)
 +----+  +----+     Quote: "These are my opinions, not those of my employees."