Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rutgers!usc!!!ucbvax!hplabs!hp-pcd!hpcvlx!nathanm From: nathanm@hpcvlx.HP.COM (Nathan K. Meyers) Newsgroups: comp.fonts Subject: Re: HP-LaserJet -> DeskJet font conversion? Message-ID: <105240003@hpcvlx.HP.COM> Date: 10 Jul 89 18:58:19 GMT References: <5426@athertn.Atherton.COM> Organization: Hewlett-Packard Co., Corvallis, OR, USA Lines: 136 > I heard a rumor from one individual that a public domain font conversion > utility exists and has been posted to some bb somewhere. I haven't heard of a public domain utility, but I have seen a product advertised on BBs that does what you want. Following is the order form... I have no connection with the company or product. Nathan Meyers Hewlett-Packard -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Convert LaserJet Fonts for use in your HP DeskJet Printer The low-cost Hewlett-Packard DeskJet printer features the same 300 dot per inch resolution as laser printers, fast, almost silent printing, font cartridges, and the ability to print with high resolution soft fonts with the addition of an optional RAM cartridge. Now you can create DeskJet soft fonts from the hundreds of typefaces and point sizes of LaserJet fonts available. S.H. Moody & Associates is pleased to offer LaserJet to DeskJet font conversion software. For only $42.00 you receive a PC compatible 360k diskette containing fully documented programs to produce fixed or proportionally spaced soft fonts for your DeskJet printer from any of the widely available LaserJet soft fonts. The programs require an IBM PC, AT or close compatible with at least 512K memory installed. Programs contain complete documentation on the disk. There is no charge for shipping within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S., add $5.00. Following is a brief description of the files on the font conversion diskette: LJ2DESK Converts LaserJet soft fonts to DeskJet format. During the conversion it corrects most errors found in LaserJet soft fonts, to assure the best possible DeskJet fonts. A single DeskJet font created by LJ2DESK allows you to print in 4 styles: the base font, bolded, half-size, and half-size bold. The program can operate in "batch" mode to convert up to 100 fonts at a time, and permits you to select which characters to include in the DeskJet font. This allows you to minimize use of DeskJet memory, and may allow you to convert some LaserJet fonts which otherwise would be too big for the DeskJet (24 points) by eliminating some rarely-used large characters. All DeskJet characters are exact dot matches of their LaserJet counterparts. Fixed width fonts space the same as in the LaserJet; proportional font spacing normally differs slightly from its LaserJet counterpart due to hardware differences between the two printers. FONTWID Reads any DeskJet or LaserJet soft font and prints a width table for each character in the font. This information is needed in order to obtain proper spacing by your word proces- sor. Without correct width information your word processor cannot properly center or justify text. The table produced by FONTWID also shows the font name, typeface, style, height (points), pitch, symbol set, DeskJet memory required, and the complete font descriptor escape sequence to use to invoke the font. FONTWID also supports DOS wildcard characters to allow printing of up to 100 width tables with one command. 2 FONTVIEW (Requires VGA, EGA, CGA, MCGA, or Hercules graphics) Displays magnified LaserJet or DeskJet soft font characters on-screen, maintaining the correct height and width proportions of the printed character. Also displays font information (name, typeface, spacing, symbol set, height in points, pitch, baseline distance, x-height etc.) and character data (character number, size, width, left and right padding). This program lets you look "inside" your DeskJet fonts to understand why the printed output looks the way it does. It is especially useful to DeskJet owners who can "preview" LaserJet fonts to determine whether they want to convert them to DeskJet format. The diskette also includes a font downloading program (DLOAD), a batch file to download and print a test sheet of your converted fonts, and full documentation for all programs. If you wish to purchase the LaserJet to DeskJet font conversion disk, please print and use the order form below. 3 O R D E R F O R M Check the appropriate boxes, enclose a check for the total amount, and mail to: S.H. Moody & Associates, Inc. 1810 Fair Oaks Ave. South Pasadena, CA 91030 Please send the LaserJet to DeskJet soft font conversion programs to me at the address below. Amount Enclosed Conversion software (Includes LJ2DESK, FONTWID, FONTVIEW, and DLOAD .................... $ 42.00 California residents add 6-1/2% tax ($2.73)...... __________ Foreign addresses add $5.00 ..................... __________ TOTAL ........................................... __________ Your name: _________________________________________________ Street: ___________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP: _________________________________________