Xref: utzoo comp.sys.ibm.pc:31156 comp.graphics:6380 comp.dcom.lans:3119 Path: utzoo!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!rutgers!usc!polyslo!indri!engr!wittmann From: wittmann@engr.wisc.edu (art wittmann) Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc,comp.graphics,comp.dcom.lans Subject: Re: Re^2: x-window on dos or os/2 Message-ID: <24@engr.wisc.edu> Date: 7 Jul 89 12:49:24 GMT References: <25024@shemp.CS.UCLA.EDU> <903@ks.UUCP> <106@fiver.UUCP> Reply-To: wittmann@engr.wisc.edu (art wittmann) Organization: Computer Aided Engineering Center, UW-Madison Lines: 17 We had a chance to evalute IBM's X-windows for DOS. You'll need a 386 machine to get much out of it. We first tried it on an 8 Mhz AT, you could open up two windows before things got intolerably slow. As I recall 3 or 4 windows hung the system. Our tests weren't extensive, but we did learn a few things: The product wasn't compatible with Netware drivers (what is?) The response time was pretty poor, especially if graphics were used in a window (like the load average or analog clock). Key strokes lagged by a second or more. It works, but we're Still looking for a good X on DOS.... Art Wittmann wittmann@engr.wisc.edu Phone (608) 263-1748