Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rutgers!iuvax!watmath!watcgl!ksbooth From: (Kelly Booth) Newsgroups: Subject: Call for Participation Keywords: computer graphics Message-ID: <> Date: 10 Jul 89 18:08:54 GMT Distribution: comp Organization: U of Waterloo, Ontario Lines: 180 Graphics Interface '90 Call for participation Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada May 14-18, 1990 The 16th Canadian conference devoted to computer graphics and interactive technique held jointly with Vision Interface '90 the fourth annual Canadian conference devoted to image processing and pattern recognition. Important Dates: Four copies of a Full Paper due 31 October 1989 Tutorial Proposals due 15 November 1989 Authors Notified 22 January 1990 Final Paper due 28 February 1990 Electronic Theatre Submissions due 28 February 1990 Art Exhibition Submissions due 28 February 1990 For general information please contact: Andrew Sherin, General Chairman, Graphics Interface / Vision Interface '90, Energy, Mines & Resources, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P. O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada B2Y 4A2 Tel: (902) 426-7582 e-mail: agsherin@AC.DAL.CA (Bitnet) (ENVOY 100) [] telecom/canada (Telemail, USA) FAX: (902) 426-4266 Introduction: Graphics Interface '90 is the sixteenth Canadian conference devoted to computer graphics and interactive techniques. It has established a reputation for a high-quality technical program. The program includes technical sessions, tutorials, an electronic theatre, an art exhibition and trade show. The Graphics Interface '90 will be held jointly with Vision Interface '90. Graphics Interface '90 is sponsored by the Canadian Man-Computer Communications Society, a special interest group of the Canadian Information Processing Society. Send four copies of a full paper to: Dr. Colin Ware, Program Chairman, Graphics Interface '90, School of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B 5A3 Tel: (506) 453-4566 e-mail: cware@UNBMVS1.UNB.CA FAX: (506) 453-4599 Deadline for receipt of papers is 31 October 1989 Authors notification will be sent out on 22 January 1990. If accepted, the final paper for inclusion in the proceedings is due 28 February 1990. Conference Program: Contributions are solicited describing unpublished research results and applications experience in computer graphics, including the following areas: Image Synthesis & Realism Shading & Rendering Algorithms Geometric Modelling Computer Animation Interactive Techniques Graphics for CAD/CAM Computer-Aided Building Design Industrial & Robotics Applications Graphics in Business User Interfaces Windowing Systems Computer Cartography & Mapping Image Processing Medical Graphics Graphics in Education Graphics & the Arts Visualization Graphics in Simulation Graphics for Geographical Information Systems Program Committee: The following people have agreed to serve on the program committee: William Cowan, University of Waterloo Brian Barsky, University of California Berkley Frank Crow, Xerox PARC Wayne Davis, University of Alberta Tim Dudley, Cognos Alain Fournier, University of Toronto Andrew Frank, University of Maine Mark Green, University of Alberta Darwyn Peachy, PIXAR Pzemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, University of Regina Marceli Wein, National Research Council of Canada Tutorials: Two days (14 and 15 May) have been set aside for tutorials. Proposals for tutorials should be submitted to the Tutorial Chairman, Graphics Interface '90, C/O General Chairman by 15 November 1989. Electronic Theatre: The electronic theatre is a regular feature of Graphics Interface. Film and video tapes that illustrate the innovative and creative use of computer graphics and interactive techniques will be considered for presentation. To maintain a high quality show all submissions will be juried. Both film and videotape animation will be considered. The Electronic Theatre Committee reserves the right to edit all submitted material. The Electronic Theatre Committee will consider work in the following categories: Research and Education Educational Institutions Research Labs Visual Communication Broadcast Computer Graphics Entertainment Music Videos Motion Graphics Science and Industry Medical Imaging Image Processing CAD/CAM Visualization and Simulation Fine Arts Animation Video Performance Student Work Educational Institutions Submissions must be received by the Chairman, Electronic Theatre Committee, C/O General Chairman by 28 February 1990. Art Exhibition: A unique feature of Graphics Interface '90 will be a juried exhibition of high-quality computer art works. The Exhibition will be held from May 14-19 in the Anna Leonowens Gallery at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. The Art Exhibition will consist of a juried exhibition in four categories: Fine Art Corporate Communications Research and Education Science and Industry Submissions to this exhibition must be received by the Chairman, Art Exhibition Committee, C/O General Chairman by 28 February 1990. Exhibition: An exhibition of computer graphics software and hardware from vendors of all sizes will take place from 16 May to 18 May, 1990. Vendors interested in exhibiting should contact the Exhibition Chairman, C/O General Chairman.