Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!!rutgers!!!ginosko!uunet!mcvax!ukc!mucs!toby From: Newsgroups: Subject: GraphUK #25 Message-ID: <> Date: 11 Jul 89 08:32:40 GMT Sender: Organization: University of Manchester, UK Lines: 256 GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphU raphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK aphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK G phUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK Gr hUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK Gra UK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK Grap K GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK GraphUK Graph Source: Computer Graphics Unit, University of Manchester Articles to Administration to U.S. Distribution: or decwrl!!mcconnell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue number: 25 10-JUL-1989 5 articles today... Seminar at RAL ( PHIGS (toby) Simple Graphics (Meta)Editor Wanted (Tom Reid) Eurographics '89 (roger) GKS implementation for MVS+VMS+UNIX+MS/DOS+MAC. (Jan vd Weerd) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 28 Jun 89 17:27:48 BST From: Subject: Seminar at RAL Ardent are giving a presentation of DORE at RAL on July 20th at 2.30. They will make a $250 offer to UK academics and generally give a technical overview. I am passing this information on to you in case it is of interest to any members of your mail list. I would be grateful if you could disseminate the information. This is the publicity supplied by John Glassen of Ardent Computers. R Maybury - Informatics Department - RAL Seminar at RAL by Ardent Computers 20th July 1989 2.15pm Conference Room 12, R68 This seminar is being held by Ardent Computers and they will be showing their software product "Dore" running on a variety of platforms. "Dore" is a three dimensional, dynamic, graphics toolkit with high level primatives (meshes, splines, solids). "Dore" also provides extension capabilities by adding user defined objects such as graphics primitives or renderers. It is written in plain vanilla C to aid its portability across a number of Unix platforms. If you wish to attend please contact Mrs P.A.Peisley at RAL on 0235-44-5121. ------------ From: toby Date: Mon, 10 Jul 89 12:21:24 BST To: toby Subject: PHIGS Calling all PHIGS users! I'm seeking experiences/comments/gripes/anything from people who use (or create!) `PHIGS' implementations. I'd be very grateful to receive any comments you might have about any aspect of PHIGS. (Confidentiality respected.) Thanks Toby -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toby Howard Computer Science Department, University of Manchester, Lecturer Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, U.K. janet: internet: earn/bitnet: uucp: ...!ukc!mup1!toby voice: +44 61-275-6274 -------------- Date: Wed, 28 Jun 89 09:36:33 EDT From: Tom Reid Subject: Simple Graphics (Meta)Editor Wanted I am not a member of this mail group but I hope you can help me. I will summarize any responses back to the group. For a research and development project in software engineering environments, we would like to have either a simple iconic graphics editor or (hope, hope!) an editor-generator. The requirements are straightforward: o limited number of node (icon) and arc (line) types o extensible network/abstract syntax tree internal representation o ability to add semantic actions to the nodes and arcs o portable to window systems (we would like to have both UNIX/X-Window and OS-2/New Wave versions) o source code to modify in C++, C, Modula-2 or Ada We want to extend the editor to provide the user interface for an environment session (task) manager and then to an editor to specify the software development process from which to automatically build the session manager. It will also be used to build various displays and editors for the SM. Again, I am not a member of this mail group but I hope you can help me. I will summarize any responses back to the group. Thomas F. Reid Project Manager - Software Engineering Environments Contel Technology Center 12015 Lee-Jackson Hwy. Fairfax, VA 22070 USA (703)359-7944 Internet: --------------------------------------------- From: roger Date: Mon, 10 Jul 89 12:42:05 BST To: toby Subject: Eurographics '89 ==================================================== EUROGRAPHICS '89, 4th to 8th September 1989, Hamburg PRESS RELEASE ==================================================== ***** DO NOT MISS EUROPE'S LEADING CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER GRAPHICS ***** The 10th annual Eurographics conference, organised by the European Association for Computer Graphics, will be held at the Hamburg Conference Centre, and features a full programme of tutorials, high-quality refereed papers, invited papers, state of the art reports, video and slide competitions and shows, reports on Esprit projects involving graphics, an exhibition and industrial seminars, plus a full supporting programme of social events. The organisers are confident that this will be the biggest ever Eurographics event and will be easily the best and most important European conference covering graphics, user interfaces and related topics. INVITED SPEAKERS ================ James Foley: Next Generation User Interface Tools Donald Greenberg: High-Quality Rendering Tools Gerald Murch: Colour Matching of Display and Printer H. Nowacki: Integration, Interaction and Visualisation for Engineering Design H.O Peitgen: The Impact of Fractal Geometry for Computer Graphics TUTORIAL TOPICS: =============== Introduction to Computer Graphics (in German) (J.L. Encarnacao, W Strasser) Visualisation of Scientific Data (M. Jern) Page Description Languages (J. Schonhut) Advanced Topics in Solid Modelling (M. Mantyla) Distributed Window Systems (M. Slater, K. Drake) Realism in Computer Graphics (M. Gervautz, W. Purgathofer) Computer Graphics and Robot Programming (R. Dillmann) Graphics Hardware, Algorithms and Architectures (R. Grimsdale, M. Agate) Colour in Computer Graphics (G. Murch) Standards for Computer Graphic and Product Model Data Exchange (A. Mumford, M. Mittelstaedt) Object-Oriented Graphics (E. Blake) Interactive Techniques for Graphical User Interfaces (P. Gray, A. Kilgour) Computer Animation (R. Hofman, D. Kromker) Computational Geometry and its Application to Computer Graphics (M. Overmars) STATE OF THE ART REPORTS: ======================== CGI versus X11 (D.B. Arnold) CGM/PHIGS Demonstrations at NCGA (P.R. Bono) Formal Methods in Computer Graphics (D.A.Duce) Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence (J.L. Encarnacao) PHIGS BR (W.T. Hewitt) 3D Graphics in Medicine (K.H. Hohne) Interactive Visualisation (R.J. Hubbold) Complexity of Graphics Algorithms (H. Muller) New Trends in Geometric Modelling (H.P. Seidel) User Interface Toolkits and Management Systems (P.J.W. ten Hagen) History of Computer Animation (J.A. Vince) REFEREED PAPER SESSION TOPICS: ============================= Interaction Tools, Interaction Models, Rendering Parametric Surfaces, Realism, Texturing and Anti-Aliasing, Lighting and Shading, Fundamental Algorithms, Graphics Standards, Formal Specification, Modelling, Animation. ************************************************************************ FOR FULL DETAILS OF EG'89 AND REGISTRATION FORMS, PLEASE CONTACT EUROGRAPHICS '89 HAMBURG MESSE UND CONGRESS GmbH P.O. BOX 30 24 80 D-2000 HAMBURG 36 FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Tel: +49 40 3569 2244 Fax: +49 40 3569 2343 Telex: 212 609 There are substantial discounts on the registration fees for EG members ************************************************************************ Date: Tue, 4 Jul 89 8:27 CET From: "Jan vd Weerd, Leiden, Holland" Subject: GKS implementation for MVS+VMS+UNIX+MS/DOS+MAC. Hi netfelllows, excuse me for cross-postings, but that's what you get with 6 (!) lists on graphics; Why doesn't somebody merge them ? (I also sant this to: GRAPHICS@OHSTVMA,GRAPH-L@YALEVM,I-GRAPH@FINHUTC, L3GRAF-L@LEPICS,GDDM-L@POLYGRAF,CADLIST@FINHUTC, IBM Mainframe Discussion List ) The platforms at our university are: -MVS : 2 mainframes -VMS : 2 central CPU's, 10 more decentral -UNIX: 1 central Convex 210, one UTS or AIX domain coming (?), increasing nr. of workstations in the field. -PC's: MS/DOS, MAC. All of these are interconnected. For this integrated environment, we are looking for a GKS implementation with the following characteristics: 1) postscript support, and for the MVS platform: GDDM support. 2) metafiles portable on all above mentioned platforms. 3) well supported by dependable softwarecompanies. 4) reasonable price. (max. 50000 U.S. dollars campus license) Additionally it would be nice if it could be called from APL2 under TSO. Our dilemma: Of those alternatives we know about: -IBM and DEC products do meet 3) and 4) but not 2). -of the two products that meet 2): .one doesn't meet 3), .the other doesn't meet 4). My questions: -Does any of you have a solution that meets all 4 criteria ? -Any comments on our choice for GKS in stead og PHIGS ? Thanks, Jan. ------------------