Xref: utzoo comp.periphs:1893 comp.unix.xenix:6653
Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!mcvax!cernvax!hslrswi!francis
From: francis@hslrswi.UUCP (Francis Demierre)
Newsgroups: comp.periphs,comp.unix.xenix
Subject: SCO XENIX 2.2.2 (PS2/80) and SYSGEN BridgeFile diskette drive problem.
Keywords: SCO PS SYSGEN BridgeFile
Message-ID: <955@hslrswi.UUCP>
Date: 10 Jul 89 08:21:14 GMT
Organization: Hasler AG, CH-3000 Berne 14, Switzerland
Lines: 114

Hi, NetLand

This message is rather long, if you do not like long messages, press 'n' now....  :-)

first, the machine configuration:

- IBM PS 2/80 - 071
- SYSGEN BridgeFile 5.25" Floppy disk (PSA 1060 Adapter).
- One Disk Partition with DOS 3.30
- Others to SCO XENIX 386 Vsn 2.2.2 

The SYSGEN BridgeFile has been installed on DOS with the INSTALL.EXE program
provided with BridgFile. It works perfectly and I can read/write/format/etc..
360K and 1.2M diskettes.

Configuration of devices under SCO XENIX 386:

brw-rw-rw  1 bin       bin     2, 53 Apr 25 18:02 fd1  
brw-rw-rw  2 bin       bin     2,  5 Apr 25 18:02 fd148
brw-rw-rw  1 bin       bin     2, 13 Apr 25 18:02 fd148ds8
brw-rw-rw  2 bin       bin     2,  5 Apr 25 18:02 fd148ds9
brw-rw-rw  1 bin       bin     2,  9 Apr 25 18:02 fd148ss8
brw-rw-rw  1 bin       bin     2,  1 Apr 25 18:02 fd148ss9
brw-rw-rw  1 bin       bin     2, 53 Apr 25 18:02 fd196
brw-rw-rw  1 bin       bin     2, 53 Apr 25 18:02 fd196ds15
brw-rw-rw  1 bin       bin     2, 37 Apr 25 18:02 fd196ds9

crw-rw-rw  1 bin       bin     2, 53 Apr 25 18:02 rfd1  
crw-rw-rw  2 bin       bin     2,  5 Apr 25 18:02 rfd148
crw-rw-rw  1 bin       bin     2, 13 Apr 25 18:02 rfd148ds8
crw-rw-rw  2 bin       bin     2,  5 Apr 25 18:02 rfd148ds9
crw-rw-rw  1 bin       bin     2,  9 Apr 25 18:02 rfd148ss8
crw-rw-rw  1 bin       bin     2,  1 Apr 25 18:02 rfd148ss9
crw-rw-rw  2 bin       bin     2, 53 Apr 25 18:02 rfd196
crw-rw-rw  2 bin       bin     2, 53 Apr 25 18:02 rfd196ds15
crw-rw-rw  1 bin       bin     2, 37 Apr 25 18:02 rfd196ds9

                          PROBLEMS description
I can tar/backup/restore/format /dev/fd148ds9 without problems. (either 48TPI
360K formatted or 96TPI 360K formatted).
I can also read tar archives made on IBM PC AT (SCO XENIX 286 Vsn 2.2.3) to 360K

I can 'format /dev/rfd196ds15' and everything seems to works ok but when
I went on an IBM AT (with SCO XENIX 286 Vsn. 2.2.3) and tried to tar to this
diskette using /dev/rfd096ds15, I got the error message:
error on dev floppy (2/52), block=0 cmd=0003 status=0002

Any attempt to make a tar archive with:

'tar cvkf 1200 /dev/fd196ds15' or 'tar cvkf 1200 /dev/fd196'

give the following messages:

Volume ends at 1199K, blockink factor = 1K
seek = 0K         a testfile 2K
error on dev floppy (2/53), block=0 cmd=00000003 status=00000002
tar: tape write error
Any atempt to read a tar archive made on IBM PC AT (SCO XENIX 286 Vsn 2.2.3)
on 96TPI 1.2 M diskette with:

'tar xvf /dev/fd196ds15' or 'tar xvf /dev/fd196'

fails with the message:

error on dev floppy (2/53), block=0 cmd=00000003 status=00000002
tar: tape read error
Any attempt to backup with:

'backup kf 1200 /dev/rfd196ds15' or 'backup kf 1200 /dev/rfd196'

fails with a suite of messages such as:
     date = Tue Apr 25 19:51:31  1989
backup date = the epoch
backing up /dev/rroot to /dev/rfd196ds15
estimated 24633K on 21 volumes(s)
error on dev floppy (0/53), block=0 cmd=00000003 status=00000002
backup: write failure on /dev/rfd196ds15

BTW: why (0/53) ?

                       (Shouting) "HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Is SYSGEN BridgeFile 5.25" not supporting 1.2M format under SCO XENIX ?  :-((
Am I doing something wrong ?   :-(
Is SCO XENIX doing something wrong ?   :-(
Did anyone got the same problems and found a way around them ?  :-)
Any other ideas ?

I would very much appreciate any help/hints mailed to me...

Thanks in advance.

Francis Demierre       UUCP: ...!mcvax!cernvax!hslrswi!francis
                       Unix mail: francis@hslrswi.UUCP
Francis Demierre       UUCP: ...!mcvax!cernvax!hslrswi!francis
                       Unix mail: francis@hslrswi.UUCP
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