Xref: utzoo news.groups:10733 news.misc:3341 news.admin:6220 sci.misc:3692 talk.religion.newage:3636 sci.philosophy.tech:1276 sci.psychology:2106 Path: utzoo!yunexus!gall From: gall@yunexus.UUCP (Norman R. Gall) Newsgroups: news.groups,news.misc,news.admin,sci.misc,talk.religion.newage,sci.philosophy.tech,sci.philosophy.meta,sci.psychology Subject: Clarification to the CALL FOR VOTES creation of sci.skeptic Message-ID: <2601@yunexus.UUCP> Date: 9 Jul 89 15:33:18 GMT Article-I.D.: yunexus.2601 Organization: York University Department of Philosophy Lines: 76 FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO MISSED THE VOTING INSTRUCTIONS LAST TIME, THEY ARE REPRODUCED IN THEIR ENTIRETY AT THE END OF THIS POSTING.... This is what I propose the charter of this group to be: "A group dealing with issues in Parapsychology, UFOlogy, Creation Science, New Ageism, Astrology, Paranormal Health Claims, Cryptozoology, and other areas of inquiry which might tend to contradict or dismiss generally accepted principles of Science. Sociological and Educational issues arising from these areas are also important to Science and will be acceptable material. The aim is not to prove a priori that these kinds of claims are false, but to scrutinise them and try to tease out new threads of inquiry, reveal faulty logic or assumptions (as should be the case in _all_ areas of discourse), and generally investigate the impact these claims might or do have on _Scientific_ discourse. " Now, what I'd like to do is give a lay 'translation' of the above. The charter lays out what sorts of things this group might want to deal with. That's clear: anything that a scientist might be unsure of in the sense of the existance of the phenomenon. I don't think there is any problem with this either. What I DO think is the problem is 'what will actually happen in the group as a matter of discourse.' This is what I want to clear up. I would like the group to be a kind of 'fringe watcher's arena' where interesting tid-bits can be posted, discussion as to their veracity might be a follow-up here granted (flame danger here), book reviews, reports of experiments, reports of conventions, reports of tv, radio, magazine features/interviews... The group SHOULD defintiely NOT be a simple 'forum for discussing' these topics. _I_ think that this is somewhat implied in the charter. To repeat the voting instructions: To vote, you send a message to one of two addresses. * If you want the group to be created, send a message to skeptic-yes@nexus.yorku.ca * If you do not want the group to be created, send your message to skeptic-no@nexus.yorku.ca The contents of the message are irrelevant; they will be classifed solely by which address they are sent to. Votes sent to my personal account, which includes replies to this posting, will be ignored. The actual vote tallying is being undertaken by David Collier-Brown (davecb@nexus.yorku.ca [Don't send things to him, either] The voting ends on August 3, 1989. Followups to this message should be posted in news.groups. nrg -- York University |"_Wanting_ to think is one thing; Department of Philosophy | having a talent for thinking another" Toronto, Ontario, Canada | - L. Wittgenstein (CV 44) _____________________________________________________________________________