Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!!rutgers!iuvax!purdue!!!karl From: (Karl Kleinpaste) Newsgroups: news.misc Subject: Re: In Moderation Message-ID: Date: 14 Jul 89 19:11:15 GMT Sender: Organization: Ohio State Computer Science Lines: 32 For the Nth time in the past month, someone suggests that >...IMN may try to claim [many things]... Has any of those who object ever so strenuously to IMN bothered to find out exactly what it is that IMN will claim? I have my doubts. From the map data, the entry for "fernwood": #N fernwood #F #S MIPS M/1000; UNIX/UMIPS 4.3BSD #O Anterior Technology #C Geoff Goodfellow #E fernwood!geoff, #T +1 415 328 5615 #P P.O. Box 1206uu, Menlo Park, CA 94026-1206 #L 37 27 30 N / 122 10 20 W #U decwrl asylum yasc hercules c3 #R Registered in US Domain; Internet host & #W fernwood!geoff; May 24, 1989 Give him a call, or write him mail. Ask him specific questions. You just might get specific answers. And then at least you'll know to what aspects of IMN you object, and you can critique advisedly. Until then, this is alarmingly pointless. -- I think that everyone's brains get scrambled one way or another. --Killashandra Ree