Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!!mailrus!!ucbvax!hplabs!hp-pcd!hpcvca!mjr From: mjr@hpcvca.CV.HP.COM (Mark Reed) Newsgroups: sci.electronics Subject: Re: 3-10 MHz opto isolator Message-ID: <3340006@hpcvca.CV.HP.COM> Date: 17 Jul 89 21:15:08 GMT References: <2202@radio.oakhill.UUCP> Organization: Hewlett-Packard Co., Corvallis, Oregon Lines: 27 Checking my HP "Optoelectronic Designer's Catalog" 1988-1989 The fastest I see with a cursory examination is the HCPL-2400 "20 M Baud High CMR Logic Gate Optocoupler" It has a tri-state gate logic output, 4-8 mA input current, tr (typical) 20ns tf (typical) 10ns tPHL max 60ns tPLH max 60ns These specifications are from specific test circuits shown in the book. The HCPL-2300 is slower, but still meets your tr, tf specs. with propagation delays in the 100ns range. It has an NPN output, so needs a pullup. The book contains lots more data which can be supplemented with the "Optoelectronics Applications Manual" (hardback, $$) Disclaimer: I do work for HP, but not in the optoelectronics division. (just happened to have the data book handy) Mark Reed