Path: utzoo!utgpu!watmath!iuvax!bionet!cgecmu51.bitnet!BAIROCH From: BAIROCH@cgecmu51.bitnet (Amos Bairoch) Newsgroups: bionet.general Subject: Sequence analysis data bank update. Message-ID: <> Date: 21 Jul 89 14:58:00 GMT Sender: daemon@NET.BIO.NET Lines: 65 Announcement ============ Release: 9.00 (July 15, 1989) of SEQANALREF (Sequence Analysis Bibliographic Reference) data bank is now available on-line from the EMBL file server. Content ======= 1122 references relevant to the field of sequence analysis (algorithms, software description, data banks, etc.) Format ====== The format followed by this reference data bank is a subset of that defined for the EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Data Library and the SWISS-PROT Protein Sequence Data bank. The line types currently used in the data bank are: ID (IDentification) RA (Reference Authors) RT (Reference Title) RL (Reference Location) KW (KeyWords) CC (Comments) // (Separator line) For a complete description of the format of the RA, RT, RL, KW, and CC line types please refer yourself to either the EMBL or the SWISS-PROT data banks user's manuals. An example of a reference entry: ID JUJ8401 RA Jungck J.R., Friedman R.M.; RT "Mathematical tools for molecular genetics data: an annotated RT bibliography."; RL Bull. Math. Biol. 46:699-744(1984). KW NUCLEIC ACID; PROTEIN; BIBLIOGRAPHY. // How to obtain it ================ Send a message to 'NETSERV@EMBL.EARN', that message should contain the two following lines: GET REFLIST:SEQ_ANALYSIS.DAT GET REFLIST:SEQ_ANALYSIS.TXT You will receive by mail two files, the first one (.DAT) contains the data bank and the second one (.TXT) is a small documentation file. Warning: the data bank is a 250 Kb file so do not worry if it takes a few hours (or days) to arrive to your mailer, and make sure that you have enough disk space allocation !!! Amos Bairoch Department of Medical Biochemistry C.M.U. University of Geneva Switzerland