Path: utzoo!yunexus!landolt From: landolt@yunexus.UUCP (Paul Landolt) Newsgroups: gnu.emacs Subject: Use of Tabs in GNU emacs Message-ID: <2939@yunexus.UUCP> Date: 26 Jul 89 15:12:00 GMT Article-I.D.: yunexus.2939 Organization: York U. Computing Services Lines: 22 I wasn't sure of where to post this article, so, if it's in the wrong place, please forgive me. I am currently using GNU emacs on a BSD 4.3 system (if this matters). In C-mode, the TAB key performs a lisp-indent command, rather than something similar to tab-to-tab-stop (I looked up the names). All I really want is for my tab key to insert a TAB into the file, and, for the delete key to erase the tab (not just a space or two) in the file. Is there anyway of setting up the environment to handle this? (preferably through the .emacs file) Thanks in adviance. -- J. Paul Landolt | It'll be done in another week, so Computing Services | GET OFF MY BACK! York University - Toronto, Canadia | --------------------------------- InterNet: landolt@nexus.YorkU.CA | My opinions. All mine. So sue me.