Xref: utzoo news.groups:11006 news.admin:6304 Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!mailrus!ncar!woods From: woods@ncar.ucar.edu (Greg Woods) Newsgroups: news.groups,news.admin Subject: (Repeat) CALL FOR VOTES: news.announce.newgroups Message-ID: <3746@ncar.ucar.edu> Date: 20 Jul 89 20:47:29 GMT Reply-To: woods@ncar.UCAR.EDU (Greg Woods) Organization: Scientific Computing Division/NCAR, Boulder CO Lines: 171 This is a call for votes on news.announce.newgroups, which will be a moderated group (with me as moderator) which will contain all new group proposals, calls for votes, and results of votes (while the actual discussions continue to take place in news.groups). The intent is that reading this group will be sufficient to keep track of what proposals are under consideration and what their status is, the content will be limited to actual proposal statements and status reports, and the volume will be kept low enough so that everyone should be able to read this group. This idea was discussed at some length in news.groups and news.admin over the last couple of months, so I am not going to repeat ALL the salient points here. This call for more votes is just a formality. The voting period began on June 28 and will last until July 28. To vote, reply to this article and indicate that you are voting YES or NO to this proposal in the body of your message. Votes have been received from the following people: Ben Yalow Bill Wisner Brant Cheikes Catherine A. Foulston <@rice.edu:cathyf@marsh.rice.edu> Chris Martin Chris Siebenmann Chuq Von Rospach Cindy Tittle Dale Cook Dave Mack David C Lawrence David Chalmers Dennis Franciskovich Dirk Craeynest Ephraim Silverberg Eric J. Bowersox Eric S. Johnson Erik E. Fair Jan Hendrikx Jean Marie Diaz Jeff Beadles Jeff Makey Joe Beckenbach (The Stainless Steel Gerbil) Joel B Levin John Gardiner Myers John Sparks Lazlo Nibble Liz Allen-Mitchell Lui Sieh Malcolm Mladenovic Marcia Bednarcyk Mark Anderson Mark Brader Mark Waks Martin Neitzel Matt S Wartell Mitchell Spector Monica.Cellio@nl.cs.cmu.edu Nelson Broat Patricia O Tuama Richard H. Miller Richard P. Welty Roger Hale Scott Huddleston Steve Hayman Thomas Krueger Tom Haapanen Tom Wilson Werner Uhrig alan%essex.ac.uk@NSFNET-RELAY.AC.UK alexr@tybalt.caltech.edu (S. Alexander Ridgway) ames!epimass.EPI.COM!jbuck (Joe Buck) ames!olivey.ATC.Olivetti.Com!jerry (Jerry Aguirre) ames!scubed!ncr-sd!ncrcae!scottj ames!uts.amdahl.com!gam (Gordon Moffett) ames!zorch.UU.NET!scott (Scott Hazen Mueller) arc!chet@apple.com arisco%cadillac.cad.mcc.com@mcc.com (John Arisco) berner!richard@dptcdc.toronto.datapoint.com (Richard Greenall) bill@twwells.com (T. William Wells) biocca@bevsun.bev.lbl.gov (Alan Biocca) bk@kullmar.se (Bo Kullmar) boulder!cadnetix.COM!rusty (Rusty Carruth) brian@ucsd.edu (Brian Kantor) cals@cals01.Newport.RI.US (Charles A. Sefranek) ccastgs%prism@gatech.edu (Glenn R. Stone) cew@venera.isi.edu (Craig E. Ward) charlie@mica.stat.washington.edu (Charlie Geyer) chemabs!chemabs!lwv27@cis.ohio-state.edu (Larry W. Virden) chip@ateng.ateng.com (Chip Salzenberg) chk@dretor.dciem.dnd.ca (C. Harald Koch) ckd%bucsb.BU.EDU@bu-it.bu.edu (Christopher K Davis) clewis@ecicrl.UCAR.EDU (Chris Lewis) cowan@marob.masa.com (John Cowan) cyrill@scicom.alphacdc.com (Cyro Lord) dave@Galaxia.Newport.RI.US (David H. Brierley) dave@cgdra.UCAR.EDU (Dave Darr) dheeraj@umd5.umd.edu (Dheeraj Sanghi) djgrabin@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (David Joseph Grabiner) drd!pecan!mark (Mark Lawrence) egs@u-word.dallas.tx.us (Eric Schnoebelen) emv@math.lsa.umich.edu faigin@aerospace.aero.org ficc!bradc@uunet.uu.net ficc!karl@uunet.uu.net fischer@iesd.auc.dk (Lars P. Fischer) frank@ladc.bull.com (Frank Mayhar) fred@dtix.arpa (Blonder) gatech!chg.mcd.mot.com!heiby (Ron Heiby) gatech!cs.utexas.edu!inebriae.WLK.COM!bill (Bill Kennedy) gatech!cs.utexas.edu!nlhp3.oracle.nl!bengsig (Bjorn Engsig) gatech!cs.utexas.edu!nluug.nl!shapetc!wilson (Tony Wilson) gatech!cs.utexas.edu!nluug.nl!uvabick!matthew (Matthew Lewis) gatech!cs.utexas.edu!uunet.UU.NET!watmath!egvideo!edhew (Ed Hew) gatech!emory!attdso.ATT.COM!tim (Tim J Ihde) gatech!galbp!bagend!slammer!nyet!pete gatech!harvard!prism.TMC.COM!roskuski (Barry Roskuski) george@gwusun.gwu.edu (George Hagerman) gil@banyan.banyan.com (Gil Pilz@Eng@Banyan) gmp@RAY.COM (Greg Paris) greg@june.cs.washington.edu (Greg Barnes) howard@dahlbeck.ericsson.se (Howard Gayle) hpfcla!dsndata!wayne@handel.colostate.edu (Wayne Schlitt) hsfmsh!mhyman@Sun.COM (Marco S. Hyman) icdi10!fr@uunet.UU.NET (Fred Rump from home) ileaf!io!fairport!edb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Ed Blachman x4420) ima!ima!karl@harvard.harvard.edu (Karl Heuer) jay@splut.conmicro.com (Jay you ignorant splut! Maynard) jckeffer@spurge.waterloo.edu jeff@carroll1.cc.edu (Jeff Bartig) jeuck@unix.sri.com (Philip Jeuck) kutvonen@cs.Helsinki.FI (Petri Kutvonen) lear@NET.BIO.NET (Eliot Lear) lex@nrc.com (Lex Mierop) mailrus!sharkey!indetech!david (David Kuder) mailrus!umix!uunet!datapg.MN.ORG!sewilco (Scot E Wilcoxon) mailrus!uwmcsd4!Sun.COM!elxsi!len (Len Mills) mailrus!uwmcsd4!uunet.UU.NET!uvm-gen!tnl!gwollman (Garrett A. Wollman) mailrus!uwmcsd4!uunet.uu.net!psgdc!rg mike@unmvax.cs.unm.edu (Michael I. Bushnell) mju@mudos.ann-arbor.mi.us (Marc Unangst) moj@polaris.utu.fi (Matti O. Jokinen) msmith@topaz.rutgers.edu (Mark Robert Smith) nichols@cbnewsc.ATT.COM (robert.k.nichols) nomad@verdix.com (Lee Damon) ontmoh!ontenv!moegate!soley@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu (Norman S. Soley) phil@wubios.WUstl.EDU (J. Philip Miller) pjg@urth.cc.Buffalo.EDU (Paul Graham) pjt@yin.cpac.washington.edu (Larry Setlow) pmafire!geoff@uunet.UU.NET (Geoff Allen) px%om.fctunl.rccn.pt@EVANS.UCAR.EDU (Joaquim Baptista (pxQuim)) ray@gibbs.physics.purdue.edu (Ray Moody) rfm@Sun.COM (Rich McAllister) sanders@grads.cs.ubc.ca (Michael Sanderson) seth@sirius.ctr.columbia.edu slabovit@afit-ab.arpa (Stuart L. Labovitz) steven%zaphod@gargoyle.uchicago.edu storm@texas.dk (Kim F. Storm) streeter@disney.crd.ge.com (ken streeter) suzy marie mercer svh@XAIT.Xerox.COM (Susan Hammond) syd@dsinc.dsi.com (Syd Weinstein) tar@ksuvax1.cis.ksu.edu (Tim Ramsey) tarvaine@jyu.fi (Tapani Tarvainen) ted reichardt tombre@weissenburger.crin.fr (Karl Tombre) unido!isaak!zuse!woerz@uunet.UU.NET (Dieter Woerz) wbt@cbnews.ATT.COM (William B. Thacker) wedgingt@nike.cair.du.edu (Will Edgington) win@gatech.edu (Win Strickland Jr) woolstar@csvax.caltech.edu (John D Woolverton) yuba!eric@wrs.com (Eric Stromberg) zardoz!neil@uunet.UU.NET (Neil Gorsuch)