Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!krj From: (Ken Jackson) Newsgroups: Subject: NA Digest Volume 89 : Issue 28 Message-ID: <> Organization: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto Distribution: ut Date: 24 Jul 89 03:23:17 GMT NA Digest Sunday, July 23, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 28 Today's Editor: Cleve Moler Today's Topics: Sixth Parallel Circus Professorship in New South Wales Courseware for Numerical Analysis 1989 Bell Award for Perfect Benchmarks FPS Math Library Publicly Available ------------------------------------------------------- From: Anne Greenbaum Date: Sat, 15 Jul 89 21:18:38 -0400 Subject: Sixth Parallel Circus SIXTH PARALLEL CIRCUS Courant Institute, New York, NY The Sixth Parallel Circus will be held at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 27-28, 1989. This is an informal gathering of researchers interested in parallel processing. The intention is to share recent research results in the area of parallel computing, especially numerical algorithms and applications and programming tools. Students are espe- cially welcome to attend. There is no formal proceedings for the meeting. Each participant may submit a title of a talk that she/he would be willing to give, and the order of speakers will be set just before the start of the meeting. Previous Circuses have been held at Yale, Cornell, IBM Kingston, Rutgers, and RPI. The Sixth Circus is being chaired by Gene Golub and Olof Widlund and organized by Anne Greenbaum. The Courant Institute is located at 251 Mercer Street, New York, NY. Buses/taxis are available from Kennedy, LaGuardia, or Newark airport, and train service is available from surrounding areas. Hotels in NY are EXPENSIVE, but room sharing is possible. If you are interested in attend- ing or would like further information, please send e-mail to or regular mail to Anne Greenbaum Courant Institute 251 Mercer Street New York, NY 10012 (Note: I will be out of town until Aug. 1, so responses to inquiries will be sent then.) ------------------------------ From: Ian Sloan Date: Tue, 18 Jul 89 11:40:06 EST Subject: Professorship in New South Wales Professor of Applied Math at New South Wales The University of New South Wales, in Sydney Australia, is seeking an applied mathematician of quality (field unspecified) as Professor of Applied Mathematics. The advertisement follows. Please contact me if I can be of any help. A regular mail address would allow me to send extra information. Ian Sloan sloan@napier.maths.unsw.oz or UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA PROFESSOR OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS Applications are invited for the Chair of Applied Mathematics which becomes vacant following the retirement of Professor V.T. Buchwald. The other Chair of Applied Mathematics is held by Professor R.H.J. Grimshaw, and a Personal Chair by Professor I.H. Sloan. Applicants should have a distinguished record of research and scholarship in a branch of applied mathematics, and the ability to provide academic leadership. The School of Mathematics is one of the largest in Australia, and has a record of excellence in research as well as a commitment to teach at all undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Withing the School, the Department of Applied Mathematics, with an academic staff of around 20, has active research groups in optimization, optimal control, systems theory, numerical analysis, computational mathematics, nonlinear dynamics, wave theory, fluid dynamics and physical oceanography. The Department encourages interaction with other disciplines and research activity involving applications. In addition the School of Mathematics is currently building up strength in the area of mathematical computer science. The new professor will be expected to serve as Head of Department or Head of School for a term or terms if so requested. Futher information may be obtained from Professor I.H. Sloan, Head of School (02) 697 2957, or from the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Professor G. Brown (02) 679 2960. Salary: \$A63,919 per annum. Subject to consent by the University, professors may undertake a limited amount of higher consultative work. The University reserves the right to fill any chair by invitation. Details of the position, together with conditions of appointment are available from the Head, Senior Appointments Unit, Vice-Chancellor's Division, UNSW, P.O. Box 1, Kensington, NSW 2033, Australia. Applications close: 16 October 1989. ------------------------------ From: Patrick Gaffney Date: Fri, 21 Jul 89 10:14:31 EMT Subject: Courseware for Numerical Analysis Ken Mandelberg's request for Mathematica "courseware" prompts me to ask the question "Why would anyone wish to use Mathematica for presenting a Numerical Analysis course in preference say to MATLAB or to the new Kahaner, Moler, Nash book?" It seems to me that both of the above alternatives are more suitable for such a course than Mathematica, which as far as I can tell has yet to be proven as a system worthy of such an enterprise. I would welcome a discussion of the merits of Mathematica and other such packages either in this forum or in the SIGNUM newsletter. Patrick Gaffney ------------------------------ From: George Cybenko Date: Fri, 21 Jul 89 21:07:15 CDT Subject: 1989 Bell Award for Perfect Benchmarks Gordon Bell is sponsoring a new award for high performance scien- tific computing that consists of five categories. Contestants can compete in any number of the categories described below. 1989 Bell Award for Perfect Benchmark Rules Four of the five new award categories are based on the Per- fect Club benchmarks, 13 Fortran codes from a range of scientific and engineering applications, including fluid dynamics, signal processing, physical/chemical computation, and engineering design. The codes have been collected and ported to a number of computer systems by a group of applications experts from industry and academia. The $2,500 prize fund will be distributed appropriately, at the discretion of the judges, among the winning entries in the following five categories: (1) Sixteen or Fewer Processors: The measure is the fastest wall clock time (including I/O) for the entire Perfect suite on any computer system that contains no more than 16 proces- sors. The programs must be executed as a sequential job stream, i.e., only one of the benchmarks may be executing at any moment. "Computer system" includes distributed systems. There are no constraints on modifications that may be made to the codes to obtain the results as long as solutions are sufficiently close to solutions obtained by the benchmark codes. (2) More than 16 Processors: The measure is the same as in 1., except that the computer system has more than 16 processors and all processors must participate in the execution of each benchmark. (3) Perfect Suite Cost-effectiveness: The measure is the max- imum cost-effectiveness run of the Perfect suite where cost-effectiveness is defined as 1 divided by the product of running time and the cost, where running time is defined in 1., and cost is the list price of the computer system and software at the time of the run. This disqualifies noncom- mercial machines from competing, unless they are a combina- tion of commercially available computer systems. (4) Algorithms Cost-effectiveness: The measure is the maximum cost-effectiveness for the total running time of four algo- rithms (not whole benchmarks) chosen each year. The same rules apply here as in 3., except that the current list price is based on the minimum configuration required to run the algorithm. (Write to address below for more details for 1989.) (5) Perfect Subset: The measure is the minimal running time, defined as in 1., but with no restriction on the number of processors, for two codes to be selected annually from the Perfect suite. (Write to address below for more details for 1989.) Processor Definition The processor divisions in 1. and 2., although somewhat arbitrary, are intended to reflect the broad classes of extant parallel systems: current systems range from small numbers of powerful processors to large numbers of extremely simple proces- sors. The division at 16 would move to a larger number over time. The number of processors is defined as the number of simultaneous program execution streams, i.e., in effect the number of program counters in simultaneous operation. For example the Cray Y-MP in operation today has 8 processors and the number is projected to grow to 16 and 64 for the Cray 3 and 4. Similarly, the Thinking Machines Corp. CM2 has up to 4 processors each with 16K process- ing elements or is a uniprocessor with 64K processing elements. The Perfect Club Benchmark Applications The Perfect Club was formed with the purpose of developing and applying a scientific methodology for the performance evalua- tion of supercomputers. Club members were drawn from industry and academic sectors and an initial suite of 13 Fortran codes were designated as the "Perfect" Benchmark programs. These codes were selected because they solved fundamental problems across a variety of applications requiring supercomputing performance - fluid dynamics, signal processing, physical/chemical computations and engineering design. See [BCKK89] for more information about the Perfect Club codes. [BCKK89] Berry, M., Chen, D., Koss, P., Kuck, D., Lo, S., Pang, Y. Pointer, L., Roloff, R., Sameh, A., Clementi, E., Chin, S., Schneider, D., Fox, G., Messina, P., Walker, D., Hsiung, C., Schwarzmeier, J., Lue, K., Orszag, S., Seidl, F., Johnson, O., Swanson, G., Goodrum, R., Mar- tin, J., The Perfect Club Benchmarks: Effective Per- formance Evaluation of Supercomputers, CSRD Report No. 827, 1988. (To appear in the International Journal of Supercomputing Applications, 1989.) The deadline for contest submissions is December 31, 1989. For more information about the Perfect Benchmark Suite and the Bell Award for the Perfect Benchmarks write to: Bell Awards for Perfect Benchmarks Center for Supercomputing Research and Development University of Illinois Urbana, IL 61801 USA NOTE: IEEE Software administers a separate prize sponsored by Gordon Bell. Contact the IEEE Software office for information about that prize. ------------------------------ From: Brad Carlile Date: 19 Jul 89 21:08:02 GMT Subject: FPS Math Library Publicly Available News Release: FPS COMPUTING MATH LIBRARY OFFERED AT NO COST BEAVERTON, Oregon, June 23 -- FPS Computing today announced "at-cost" availability of FPSMath(TM), the de facto standard library for engineering and scientific algorithms. This permits organizations to have common mathematical tools across their entire computing environment at nominal cost, speeding application development and research, assuring portability, and taking advantage of supercomputer and accelerator features. Only a nominal one-time duplication and shipping fee will be charged now for the extended use of FPSMath. Updates will also be offered on a regular basis. Customers can get FPSMath product information by calling 1-800-635-0938, or the nearest FPS sales office. FPS Computing has been dedicated for 20 years to providing the best in high-end computing. FPSMath has been installed on over 400 minisupercomputers and over 8,000 array processors during that history. FPSMath is a scientific and engineering math library containing over 300 routines which has evolved into a de facto industry standard. All subroutines in FPSMath have names and calling sequences compatible with their counterparts in the well-established FPS Math Library. The entire FPS Math Library, now available as FPSMath, is optimized for use on the FPS Model 500 departmental supercomputer and Model 350/300 graphics and workgroup supercomputers. FPS Computing (Floating Point Systems, Inc.) has the largest installed base of high performance computing equipment in the industry. Founded in 1970, FPS is headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Features Summary FPSMath ------------------------- + over 300 routines. + covering all popular engineering and scientific algorithms. + may be utilized on any machine. + on over 400 minisupercomputers and on over 8,000 array processors. + callable from FORTRAN or C. + no-cost license for FORTRAN source. + on-line documentation -- UNIX "man pages". FPSMath Library Categories -------------------------- Geophysical Processing - contains the normal moveout, filtering, and scanning routines that have become the standard in the seismic community. Image Processing - two-dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms, convolution, correlation, and a variety of matrix filter routines. Matrix Basic and Extended Arithmetic - commonly used real and complex matrix kernels, including matrix multiplication, matrix inversion, matrix transpose, linear system solution, and eigensystem solution routines. Matrix Sparse Arithmetic - real and complex symmetric and nonsymmetric sparse factor and solve routines, as well as tridiagonal, skyline format, and sparse iterative matrix solvers. Signal Processing - all of the routines expected from the leader in signal processing: cross-correlation, auto-correlation, windowing, Fast Fourier Transform, and tapered convolution routines to name a few. Simulation - prediction and correlation routines, Bessel functions, Runge- Kutta-Gill integration, and linear interpolation routines. Basic Vector Arithmetic - real and complex vector routines from vector add to vector integration. Includes all basic vector arithmetic operations, a mixed-radix FFT package, and coordinate transformation and conversion routines. Vector Data Processing - contains a variety of routines for sorting, clipping, merging, and determining the maximum and minimum values between two vectors. Vector Logical - routines which can be used to determine the logical relationship between the elements of two vectors. Vector Scalar Function - dot products, determination of vector maximums, and minimums, root-mean-square of vector elements, and several other common vector calculations which produce a scalar output. FPSMath product information can be obtained by calling 1-800-635-0938, or by contacting the nearest FPS sales office. The following trademarks are owned by Floating Point Systems, Inc.: FPSMath, FPS Computing. ------------------------------ End of NA Digest ************************** ------- Reposted by -- Prof. Kenneth R. Jackson, (on Internet, CSNet, Computer Science Dept., ARPAnet, BITNET) University of Toronto, (on CDNnet and other Toronto, Ontario, X.400 nets (Europe)) Canada M5S 1A4 ...!{uunet,pyramid,watmath,ubc-cs}!utai!krj