Path: utzoo!utgpu!!mailrus!rutgers!!uunet!ncrlnk!cipc1!gmaranca From: gmaranca@cipc1.Dayton.NCR.COM (Gabriel Maranca) Newsgroups: alt.sources Subject: browse.c: A stupid but user-friendly file browser Keywords: browse more less pg Message-ID: <1258@cipc1.Dayton.NCR.COM> Date: 18 Aug 89 18:46:36 GMT Reply-To: gmaranca@cipc1.Dayton.NCR.COM (Gabriel Maranca) Organization: NCR Controller's Division - F*A*S*T - Dayton, OH Lines: 471 This program is NOT as powerful as other pagers - programmers will probably never use it. If you have an application that outputs print files to disk, and you want to give your users ability to page through the print file without worrying about them escaping to the shell and doing dangerous things, this may be a solution. I particularly like the way form-feeds and long lines are treated. So far, I have tested this program on two NCR Towers (600 and 800) running Unix System V and on an NCR PC 9/16 running Unix System V/386. I don't have a lot of experience using curses, so there may be ways to optimize the code - any suggestions would be appreciated. Hope you find this useful. If you have any comments, please send me direct mail, as I don't have time to look at the news very often. #-----cut-----cut-----cut-----cut-----cut-----cut-----cut-----cut-----cut----- #! /bin/sh # This is a shar archive. "sh" it to unpack (no "csh", please). # # Lines Words Bytes Filename # ===== ===== ===== ======== # 2 8 52 makefile # 415 1529 9661 browse.c # 417 1537 9713 total # Wrapped on Fri Aug 18 13:52:24 EDT 1989 # if [ -s makefile ] then echo will not clobber existing makefile 1>&2 else echo x - makefile 1>&2 sed 's/^X//' >makefile <<'~~END-of-makefile~~' Xbrowse: browse.c X cc -O browse.c -o browse -lcurses ~~END-of-makefile~~ if [ `wc -c < makefile` -eq 52 ] then echo "... verifies OK" 1>&2 else echo "^^^ CHECKSUM ERROR!!!" 1>&2 fi fi if [ -s browse.c ] then echo will not clobber existing browse.c 1>&2 else echo x - browse.c 1>&2 sed 's/^X//' >browse.c <<'~~END-of-browse.c~~' X/* X X browse.c: A very stupid but user-friendly file browser based on curses X Author: Gabriel Maranca - NCR Corporation - F*A*S*T, CDISS - August 1989 X X The only advantages of this program over other pagers are the treatment X of lines longer than the screen width, and the highlighting of form-feeds. X X Sorry; no standard input, no shell escapes, no multiple parameters, X no pattern matching! I said the program was stupid. X X cc -O browse.c -lcurses -o browse X X*/ X#include X#include X#define LENGTH (LINES - 2) X#define WIDTH (COLS * 2) X#define ECOL ((SCOL + COLS - 1 > WIDTH)? WIDTH : (SCOL + COLS - 1)) X#define ELIN ((SLIN + LENGTH - 1 > LENGTH * 2)?(LENGTH * 2):(SLIN + LENGTH - 1)) X#define HLIN 12 X#define HCOL 48 X#ifndef SEEK_SET X#define SEEK_SET 0 X#define SEEK_CUR 1 X#define SEEK_END 2 X#endif X#define ABS(x) (((long)(x) < (long)0)? -(x) : (x)) X Xchar *progname, X *Buffer, X *Hlpmsg[HLIN] = { X " q: Quit (also INTERRUPT) ", X " t: Go to the top (also f) ", X " b: Go to the bottom (also l) ", X " ?: This help screen (also h) ", X "(n)+: Advance n screens (also SPACEBAR, j) ", X "(n)-: Back n screens (also k) ", X "(n)g: Go to screen n (also RETURN, LINE-FEED)", X "(n)>: Right shift n col (also RIGHT-ARROW) ", X "(n)<: Left shift n col (also LEFT-ARROW) ", X "(n)c: Shift to col n (also w) ", X "(n)k: Up n lines (also UP-ARROW) ", X "(n)j: Down n lines (also DOWN-ARROW) " X }; XFILE *fp; Xtypedef struct screen_list { X int sno; X long saddr; X struct screen_list *next, *prev; X} slst; Xslst *Head = (slst *)NULL, X *Tail = (slst *)NULL, X *Curr = (slst *)NULL; Xint SCOL = 1, SLIN = 1; Xlong Laddr = 0L; XWINDOW *Pad, *Top, *Bot, *Rgt, *Hlp; X Xvoid done() X{ X move(LINES - 1, 0); X clrtoeol(); X refresh(); X flushinp(); X endwin(); X exit(0); X} X Xvoid error(s1, s2) Xchar *s1, *s2; X{ X extern int errno, sys_nerr; X extern char *sys_errlist[], *progname; X move(LINES - 1, 0); X clrtoeol(); X refresh(); X flushinp(); X endwin(); X if (progname) X fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname); X fprintf(stderr, s1, s2); X if (errno > 0 && errno < sys_nerr) X fprintf(stderr, " (%s)", sys_errlist[errno]); X fprintf(stderr, "\n"); X exit(1); X} X Xslst *aslst(sno, saddr) Xint sno; Xlong saddr; X{ X slst *s = (slst *)malloc(sizeof(slst)); X if (s == (slst *)NULL) X error("error calling malloc", ""); X s->sno = sno; X s->saddr = saddr; X s->next = s; X if (Head == (slst *)NULL) { X Head = s; X Tail = s; X } X Tail->next = s; X s->prev = Tail; X Tail = s; X return(Tail); X} X Xslst *fslst(sno) X{ X slst *s = Curr; X if (sno <= Head->sno) X return(Head); X if (sno >= Tail->sno) X return(Tail); X if ( ABS(s->sno - sno) > ABS(Tail->sno - sno)) X s = Tail; X if ( ABS(s->sno - sno) > ABS(Head->sno - sno)) X s = Head; X while(sno > s->sno) X s = s->next; X while(sno < s->sno) X s = s->prev; X return(s); X} X Xvoid display(sno) Xint sno; X{ X long offset; X int whence = SEEK_CUR; X int i = 0, j = 0, c = 0; X Curr = fslst(sno); X offset = Curr->saddr - ftell(fp); X if ( ABS(offset) > Curr->saddr ) { X offset = Curr->saddr; X whence = SEEK_SET; X } X else if ( ABS(offset) > ABS(Curr->saddr - Laddr) ) { X offset = Curr->saddr - Laddr; X whence = SEEK_END; X } X if (fseek(fp, offset, whence)) X error("error calling fseek", ""); X offset = ftell(fp); X mvwprintw(Top, 0, 0, "Screen #:%4d of%4d", sno, Tail->sno); X wrefresh(Top); X wclear(Pad); X for (i = 0; offset < Laddr && i < LENGTH * 2; i++) { X j = 0; X Buffer[WIDTH] = '\0'; X do { X c = fgetc(fp); X offset++; X if (j < WIDTH) { X if (c == '\n' || X c == '\f' || X c == EOF) X do X Buffer[j++] = ' '; X while (j < WIDTH); X else if (c == '\t') X do X Buffer[j++] = ' '; X while (j < WIDTH && j % 8 != 0); X else if (c > '~' || c < ' ') X Buffer[j++] = '?'; X else Buffer[j++] = c; X } X } X while (c != '\n' && c!= '\f' && c != EOF); X mvwaddstr(Pad, i, 0, Buffer); X if (c == '\f') X wstandout(Pad); X else wattrset(Pad, 0); X } X pnoutrefresh(Pad, SLIN - 1, SCOL - 1, 1, 0, LENGTH, COLS - 1); X} X Xmain(argc, argv) Xint argc; Xchar *argv[]; X{ X int h = 0, i = 0, j = 0, k = 1, kk = 1, c = 0, x = 0, y = 0; X signal(SIGINT, done); X initscr(); X noecho(); X cbreak(); X nonl(); X Buffer = (char *)malloc((WIDTH + 1)* sizeof(char)); X if (Buffer == (char *)NULL) X error("error calling malloc", ""); X progname = argv[0]; X if (argc < 2) X error("Usage: %s file-name", progname); X if ((fp = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) X error("can't open %s", argv[1]); X Top = newwin(1, COLS, 0, 0); X Bot = newwin(1, COLS - 20, LINES - 1, 0); X Rgt = newwin(1, 20, LINES - 1, COLS - 19); X Hlp = newwin(HLIN, HCOL, (LINES - HLIN)/2, (COLS - HCOL)/2); X Pad = newpad(LENGTH * 2, WIDTH); X keypad(Bot, TRUE); X wattrset(Top, A_BOLD); X wattrset(Bot, A_BOLD); X wattrset(Rgt, A_BOLD); X wattrset(Hlp, A_BOLD | A_REVERSE); X for(h = 0; h < HLIN; h++) X mvwaddstr(Hlp, h, 0, Hlpmsg[h]); X mvwaddstr(Top, 0, (COLS - strlen(argv[1])) / 2, argv[1]); X mvwprintw(Top, 0, COLS - 19, "Columns:%4d -%4d", SCOL, ECOL); X mvwprintw(Rgt, 0, 0 , "Lines: %4d -%4d", SLIN, ELIN); X wnoutrefresh(Rgt); X c = fgetc(fp); X for (j = 1; c != EOF; j++) { X mvwprintw(Top, 0, 0, "Screen #:%4d of%4d", 0, j); X wrefresh(Top); X Curr = aslst(j, Laddr); X for (i = 0; i < LENGTH && c != EOF; i++) X do { X c = fgetc(fp); X Laddr++; X } X while (c != '\n' && c!= '\f' && c != EOF); X if (c != EOF) { X c = fgetc(fp); X Laddr++; X } X } X c = 'T'; X do { X switch(c) { X case '?': case 'H': case 'h': X touchwin(Hlp); X wnoutrefresh(Hlp); X wrefresh(Bot); X wgetch(Bot); X touchwin(Pad); X pnoutrefresh(Pad, SLIN - 1, SCOL - 1, X 1, 0, LENGTH, COLS - 1); X wrefresh(Bot); X break; X case 'q': case 'Q': X done(); X break; X case 't': case 'T': case 'f': case 'F': X SLIN = 1; X mvwprintw(Rgt, 0, 0, X "Lines: %4d -%4d", SLIN, ELIN); X wnoutrefresh(Rgt); X display(j = 1); X wclear(Bot); X mvwaddstr(Bot, 0, 0, "qtb? (n)+-g>sno); X wclear(Bot); X mvwaddstr(Bot, 0, 0, "qtb? (n)+-g>sno) { X SLIN = 1; X mvwprintw(Rgt, 0, 0, X "Lines: %4d -%4d", SLIN, ELIN); X wnoutrefresh(Rgt); X kk = k = 1; X c = '+'; X } X case ' ': case '+': X if (j + k > Tail->sno) X beep(); X else display(j+=k); X wclear(Bot); X mvwaddstr(Bot, 0, 0, "qtb? (n)+-g> 0) { X SLIN-=k; X mvwprintw(Rgt, 0, 0, X "Lines: %4d -%4d", SLIN, ELIN); X wnoutrefresh(Rgt); X pnoutrefresh(Pad, SLIN - 1, SCOL - 1, X 1, 0, LENGTH, COLS - 1); X wclear(Bot); X mvwaddstr(Bot, 0, 0, "qtb? (n)+-g> Head->sno) { X SLIN = LENGTH - 1; X mvwprintw(Rgt, 0, 0, X "Lines: %4d -%4d", SLIN, ELIN); X wnoutrefresh(Rgt); X kk = k = 1; X c = '-'; X } X case '-': X if (j - k < 1) X beep(); X else display(j-=k); X wclear(Bot); X mvwaddstr(Bot, 0, 0, "qtb? (n)+-g> Tail->sno) X beep(); X else display(j = k); X wclear(Bot); X mvwaddstr(Bot, 0, 0, "qtb? (n)+-g> WIDTH - COLS + 1 || k < 1 ) X beep(); X else { X SCOL = k; X mvwprintw(Top, 0, COLS - 19, X "Columns:%4d -%4d", SCOL, ECOL); X wnoutrefresh(Top); X pnoutrefresh(Pad, SLIN - 1, SCOL - 1, X 1, 0, LENGTH, COLS - 1); X } X wclear(Bot); X mvwaddstr(Bot, 0, 0, "qtb? (n)+-g>': case KEY_RIGHT: X if (SCOL + k > WIDTH - COLS + 1) X beep(); X else { X SCOL+=k; X mvwprintw(Top, 0, COLS - 19, X "Columns:%4d -%4d", SCOL, ECOL); X wnoutrefresh(Top); X pnoutrefresh(Pad, SLIN - 1, SCOL - 1, X 1, 0, LENGTH, COLS - 1); X } X wclear(Bot); X mvwaddstr(Bot, 0, 0, "qtb? (n)+-g> 17 && !kk) { X mvwdelch(Bot, y, x-1); X wrefresh(Bot); X } X k = k / 10; X if (k == 0) X kk = k = 1; X break; X default: X beep(); X wclear(Bot); X mvwaddstr(Bot, 0, 0, "qtb? (n)+-g>&2 else echo "^^^ CHECKSUM ERROR!!!" 1>&2 fi fi #-----cut-----cut-----cut-----cut-----cut-----cut-----cut-----cut-----cut----- #Gabriel Maranca #Gabriel.Maranca@cipc1.Dayton.NCR.COM #...!uunet!ncrlnk!cipc1!gmaranca