Path: utzoo!dciem!chk
From: (C. Harald Koch)
Newsgroups: can.general
Subject: Re: Canadians apathetic? (was Re: TAX REVOLT NOW!!)
Keywords: our tax burden is revolting ... why aren't we?
Message-ID: <>
Date: 16 Aug 89 17:05:09 GMT
References: <1989Aug13.220446.2604@ziebmef.uucp> <2408@client1.DRETOR.UUCP>
Reply-To: (C. Harald Koch)
Distribution: can
Organization: NTT Systems, Inc., Toronto, Canada
Lines: 16

In article <2408@client1.DRETOR.UUCP> (Socrates) writes:
>Actually this has less to do with the fact that we are Canadians and more
>to do with the fact that we are apathetic.  The government does these
>things to us because we let them, not vice versa.

But why are we apathetic? perhaps because a so many of us 'Canadians'
are first (or second) generation immigrants, and we have it much better here
than we ever had anywhere else in the world...

[ Hmm, I think I just tied two can.general threads together... ]

"Wednesdays, I wear a    | C. Harald Koch  NTT Systems, Inc., Toronto, Ontario
wet suit with the back   |	   (long-term address)
cut out."                |	      (my current job)
          -Doctor Doctor | chk@chkent.UUCP		    (my AMIGA at home)