Newsgroups: can.general Path: utzoo!telly!evan From: (Evan Leibovitch) Subject: Re: Scene at a Roman Catholic cathedral near you a few years ago. Message-ID: <> Organization: Telly Online, Brampton, Ontario References: <> <> Date: Thu, 17 Aug 89 23:36:38 GMT *** WARNING: This piece is mostly flame. I deal with the content of the original posting under separate cover. Maybe. *** In article <> (Herb Presley, Emergency Planning Officer) writes: >In article <>, I wrote: >> And I was waiting for someone to come to the Church's defence, feeble >> defence that it is... >Why is it whenever you try to have an open discussion on a subject involving >the christian faith, someone always has to start talking like a nerd. I invite the readers of this to determine the nerd quotient here. Exhibit 1: >"Look, a >CHURCH lover! Spank, spank, spank. Ooohhh!" Exhibit 2: >"Thank goodness for the RIGHT WING POLICE. They will make sure that NOONE gets >to defend anything to do with that....that....that....(sputter, >choke)...CHURCH! Exhibit 3: >In fact, LET'S PUT EVERYBODY IN JAIL! Exhibit 4: >Oh yeah. The Reverend Jimmy Carson. Pastor of the late night television >evangelists. Listen to him! He'll not lead you astray. Two broken marriages >and earnings in the six figure range. But he speaks the truth! The church >doesn't, but HE IS INFALLIBLE! Wow! Exhibit 5: >A John Bircher. Gawd, I thought you guys were extinct now. The defence rests. Lots of neat, logical points raised here, eh? Perhaps if more effort was spent on logic and less on poor sarcasm, you'd have a point to make. -- Evan Leibovitch, SA, Telly Online, located in beautiful Brampton, Ontario / uunet!attcan!telly!evan / Director & editor, /usr/group/cdn Canadian Football League: 8 teams, two with the same name.