Xref: utzoo comp.lang.ada:2553 comp.lang.c++:4325 comp.lang.eiffel:352 comp.lang.lisp:2019 comp.lang.smalltalk:1264 comp.software-eng:1857 comp.databases:3230 Path: utzoo!utgpu!watmath!att!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!pt.cs.cmu.edu!sei!ajpo!eberard From: eberard@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu (Edward Berard) Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada,comp.lang.c++,comp.lang.eiffel,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.smalltalk,comp.software-eng,comp.databases Subject: Results of the Search for Object-Oriented Metrics Keywords: object-oriented, metrics, survey Message-ID: <547@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu> Date: 9 Aug 89 17:24:57 GMT Lines: 366 I received about 20 replies to my request for information on object-oriented metrics. A few were simply requests for more information. Some respondents requested that I not publish all, or part, of their response. The respondents came from many different backgrounds, and represent a variety of programming languages and approaches. If you chose to contact any of them please be (at least temporarily) respectful of their way of doing business. Next, I would like to make some general observations: - There are more than a few graduate students (worldwide) who are researching object-oriented technology in general, and several who are specifically focusing on object-oriented metrics. - More than once, I was informed that while many people valued metrics, few people actually collected them. Of those that did collect metrics, few did it systematically and/or regularly. - I was also made aware that many, if not all, CASE vendors did not supply tools which would automate the gathering of object-oriented metrics. Regarding software engineering metrics in general: - There are three broad categories of software engineering metrics: - Metrics which are used to measure software (both code and non-code software) itself, e.g., lines of code, pages of documentation, numbers of process boxes, and ease of reusability. - Metrics which are used to measure various software engineering processes, e.g., how long should "design" take. - Metrics which are used to measure software engineers, either individually, or in groups, e.g., effort per unit output - Seldom is any one metric sufficient. Since emphasis in one area can result in disaster in another area. Collecting only one metric is usually not worth the effort, and may actually be detrimental. - For comparison of metrics to be meaningful, the terms have to be precisely defined, e.g., what is a class, an operation, a method. - For comparison of metrics to be meaningful, the environment has to be defined, e.g., productivity goes down as the size of the project goes up. - Even the best, and most meaningful, metrics can be rendered useless through a faulty analysis. [I, as always, have much more to say on this topic. Besides object-oriented technology, and software resuability, metrics are also an area of interest and study for me.] I was surprised about how few people mentioned metrics like: - the typical number of operations in the interface of a class - the typical number of instances created per class per application - the average size of a method (e.g., in lines of code) - the number of classes per application - metrics for measuring polymorphism - the numbers of superclasses for a typical class - the relative efficiencies of object-oriented databases compared with relational databases - metrics for the effort and resources needed to transition an organization to the object-oriented paradigm. - metrics that would allow for the meaningful comparison of the object-oriented paradigm with other paradigms. - metrics which are especially useful for object-oriented development in the large (OODIL) - metrics such activities as testing, debugging, and maintaining objects, classes, and other object-oriented entities I wish to thank all who contributed. My next step will probably be to write an article on the topic, after some more research. -- Edward V. Berard Berard Software Engineering, Inc. 18620 Mateney Road Germantown, Maryland 20874 Phone: (301) 353-9652 E-Mail: eberard@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu ---------------------------------- Ralph Johnson (johnson@p.cs.uiucf.edu): Every so often I see a message that makes me want to mount a soap-box and preach. My apologies to Edward Berard. This is certainly not an attack on you, even though you are the cause of it! I am usually suspicious of software metrics. In general, we do not know what to measure of software. We really need to measure the IDEAS in software, not the lines of code, though nobody knows how to do that. The typical size of a class depends on how good the design is. Those new to OOP often write huge classes, but a good design will have a larger number of smaller classes. The proper way to measure the size of a class is NOT in source code instructions but in methods (member functions, etc), since the most important aspect of a class is its external interface. The number of methods is directly related to the number of source code instructions since no method should be more than a page long. In Smalltalk, the median size of a method is three lines. A class with more than 50 methods is probably getting too large. All classes are not equal. A minor variation of a well-understood concrete class can be built in a few minutes. A concrete subclass of a well-designed abstract class takes a few hours. Designing a good abstract class can take months. Thus, "the typical amount of time necessary for a designer to design a class" is simply not a well-formed question! This is like asking the average lifetime of a mammal. It makes a big difference whether you are a mouse or an elephant. In my opinion, the difficulty of moving to the object-oriented paradigm is overrated. The problem is that you have to have somebody who understands it who can teach the others. This person has to focus on teaching, not on building or designing. Most groups don't have anybody like this. I have just started teaching all the employees in a small company object-oriented programming and design. My guess is that it will take about 3 months before they are able to use the tools of the trade well and 6 months to become experts. This is based on the time it takes for me to train my own students. The effort required to build systems using object-oriented technologies depends almost entirely on the size and quality of the existing class libraries. Designing these libraries is hard and requires good designers. Using them is much easier. One of the major advantages of Smalltalk is that it comes with a good class library. Of course, eventually the other languages will have something similar, but telling people to just go out and write their own is silly. The whole point of object-oriented programming (in my opinion) is code reuse, and a system for code reuse that doesn't come with any reusable code doesn't do much good in the short term. You will first have to spend the long process of writing reusable classes before you can receive the tremendous payback that is possible from object-oriented programming. The size and performance of a system depends as much on the language implementation and the class libraries as anything else. Object-oriented language implementation is still at an early stage, so size and speed should improve a lot in the future. For example, C++ is as efficient as other languages, though programs that make heavy use of class libraries tend to be a lot bigger because they tend to include code they don't need. Smalltalk programs have a very large minimum size because they all include the programming environment (though this will change) but they grow a lot slower because of code reuse and efficient representations of programs. Purely numeric Smalltalk programs are orders of magnitude slower than the equivalent FORTRAN programs, but programs that use a lot of graphics or that depend heavily on polymorphism might be just as fast or faster than their C equivalents. Thus, it is impossible to make simple statements about relative size and speed. --------------------------------------- Rajendra K. Raj I am responding to your recent message about object-oriented metrics on the net. I have been looking at object-oriented metrics that help measure the amount of reuse present in an object-oriented system, but I don't have anything to distribute as yet. Sometime in the next few months is what I usually tell people who ask me when I'll have something ready. Please keep me informed about any responses you get on this issue. If you plan on posting a summary to the net, that will be okay too. Thanks, EMail: rkr@cs.washington.edu, rkr@uw-june.UUCP Mail: Department of Computer Science, FR-35 University of Washington Seattle WA 98195 USA -------------------------------- Jakob Nielsen (jn@iddth.dk): To your list I would add "The time it takes a programmer who is experienced in traditional languages to transfer to the object-oriented language". Check out my article in the May 1989 IEEE Software about the difficulties of learning Smalltalk. We only give anecdotal numbers, but the learning time for Smalltalk may be in the order of two months for an experienced programmer. This is much longer than many people might expect and could screw up the time estimates for some projects. Maybe other languages such as C++ are faster to learn. Jakob Nielsen Asst.Prof. of User Interface Design Technical University of Denmark, Dept. of Computer Science Building 344, DK-2800 Lyngby Copenhagen, Denmark datjn@neuvm1.bitnet or jn@iddth.dk ------------------------------------ David Weiss (weiss@software.org): I suggest that you look at the papers published concerning measurement of the A-7 project at the Naval Research Laboratory. I believe the approach used on that project would certainly be considered object oriented, despite the fact that the project predates the term object oriented by several years. In particular, I am thinking of papers such as Basili & Weiss, Evaluation of a Software Requirements Document By Analysis of Change Data, Proc. 5ICSE, 1981 (This paper describes the measurement approach and how it was applied to a requirements document. Except for the measurement approach, the data it contains is probably of little interest from the object oriented viewpoint.) Norcio & Chmura, Design Activity in the Software Cost Reduction Project, NRL Report 8974, August, 1986 (This paper analyzes design activity on the project, including an analysis of number of labor hours needed to design different modules) Chmura, Norcio, Wicinski, Design Changes in the Software Cost Reduction Project, NRL Report 9124, June 1988 (This paper analyzes the changes made to the design during the development process. The analysis looks mostly at the effort to make changes.) There are several other references that may be of interest, but these are a good starting point. ----------------------------- Doug L. Bryan (bryan@sierra.STANFORD.EDU): Ed, > - any other object-oriented metrics, or metric techniques, > that you can think of, or have experience with One area of computer science that I think software engineers have woefully and wrongly ignored is graph theory (with the notable exception of one good paper at the International S/W Eng. conference in Singapore that showed why the cohesion of Booch's components wasn't too good). I've been thinking about metrics that use graph theory lately since my real work is starting to use graphs a lot. Consider the following object/class/package/type dependency: A /| v | B | \| v C A depends on B and C; B depends on C. This is nicey represented by lby a directed graph. Is this a good dependency structure? Some would say yes, some would say no; I say no. This can be measured using many heuristics/specifications, including: for all nodes x,y: exists 2 paths of different lengths between x and y. food for thought. -------------------------------------- Steve Sanderson (halley!san@cs.utexas.edu): I remember a paper at SIGCHI '89 here in Austin that may be relevant, I haven't looked for this paper in the proceedings, but I'll bet its worth a shot. Steve Sanderson san!halley@cs.utexas.ed -or- cs.utexas.edu!halley!san --------------------------- Ra'ad Siraj (siraj@harvard.harvard.edu): Two months to get familiar with the environment, oo concepts, and oo syntax. And then roughly one day per class. ---------------------------------------- David Wheeler (wheeler@ida.org): The "Law of Demeter" is documented in a few places, inc. page 323 of the OOPSLA '88 Conference proceedings. It's essentially a measure of good O-O "style". Title: "Object-Oriented Programming: An Objective Sense of Style" by K. Lieberherr, I. Holland, A. Riel. --- David A. Wheeler wheeler@ida.org ------------------------------ Shari Pfleeger (pfleeger@ctc.contel.com): In response to your request for information on object-oriented metrics: We at Contel are doing quite a bit. I have developed a cost model for object-oriented development that seems to be far more accurate than COCOMO and Ada-COCOMO on the small set on which I have tested it. We are using a count of objects and methods as a size estimator, in the same way that HP is using the count. As head of the Contel Software Metrics Program, I am having all of our object-oriented projects count objects and methods as well as lines of code and function points. In the next few years, we will be able to tell which measure is most appropriate for what projects. You may want to contact Sally Schlaer at Project Technology. She is asking companies to allow her to use their data on object-oriented projects for various metrics calculations. I don't know how many companies have agreed, but she can tell you. If you are interested in our metrics program at Contel, please give me a call. Shari Lawrence Pfleeger Contel Technology Center 15000 Conference Center Drive PO Box 10814 Chantilly, VA 22021-3808 (703)818-4498 pfleeger@ctc.contel.com --------------------------------- Richard Locke (locke@pdn.paradyne.com): ... [On Bertrand Meyer's presentation at a recent object-oriented forum] Meyer decries the lack of libraries with C++, and feels that the technical means to support reusable libraries don't exist in the language, and that this is *why* there are no libraries. [Meyer cited an] Example of successful Eiffel development effort: 350,000 lines, 55% reusable code, 100 on team, 1 year start to market time. Allegedly improved productivity, time to market, and quality of result. (Cognos corp., Ottowa.)