Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!watmath!att!!cica!iuvax!mailrus!ames!ucsd!usc!hacgate!ashtate!dbase!awd From: awd@dbase.UUCP (Alastair Dallas) Newsgroups: comp.databases Subject: Pop-up Picklist in dBASE IV (long!) Keywords: dBASE IV, Ashton-Tate, Template Language Message-ID: <191@dbase.UUCP> Date: 8 Aug 89 18:01:26 GMT Organization: Ashton Tate Devlopment Center Glendale, Calif. Lines: 937 An earlier poster asked about popping up a picklist in dBASE IV. I thought the request seemed reasonable, but it's out of my area, so I asked Kirk Nason, our resident expert. Kirk and Bill Ramos had already developed the code which follows, and it has been made available on the Ashton-Tate BBS, so it's releasable here. Hope it helps. /alastair/ From Kirk Nason: We have a template (formpop.cod) that allows you as a designer of a form to embed popups in the form designer. It uses the template language in dBASE to determine the row and col to display the modified data. Rather than having dBASE do the grunt work we generated the proper dBASE code to redisplay the data. If you have the Developers edition of dBASE IV you can recompile it with DTC.EXE, the dBASE IV template language compiler. Here is the source to the template: // // Module Name: FORMPOP.COD // Description: This module produces dBASE IV .FMT files // with popups for VALID clauses // field validation // Format (.fmt) File Template with POPUP field validation ------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1.3 BETA TEST Ashton-Tate (c) 1987, 1988, 1989 Written by Kirk J. Nason & Bill Ramos This template will support POPUPs for VALID clause field validations. Example: In "ACCEPT value when" under "Editing options" enter, "POPUP" = "vendor->vendor_id ORDER vendor_id REQ", ------------------------------------------------- this will activate a popup if the data entered is invalid for that field and will also make the field REQUIRED. Explaination of the POPUP string follows: POPUP Indicates that a popup will be used for this field. vendor->vendor_id Indicates the .DBF to open and FIELD to use as validation. ORDER vendor_id Indicates which INDEX to SEEK in. REQ Indicates the FIELD requires data (can't be empty). Leave REQ out if the field is NOT required. NOTE: The POPUP string must be entered with the quotes as in the example. { //======================================================================== //$Header: C:/test/user_grp/doc/form.cov 1.4 19 Jul 1989 11:25:40 WWR $ //$Log: C:/test/user_grp/doc/form.cov $ // // Rev 1.6 27 Jul 1989 11:25:40 KJN // Fixed the display of fieldname and entered value in the window above // the picklist // // Rev 1.5 25 Jul 1989 11:25:40 KJN // Fixed search for "POPUP" to by putting UPPER() around selector name // Put nul2zero() around @ GET for value redisplay // // Rev 1.4 19 Jul 1989 11:25:40 WWR // On a non-required field, if Esc is pressed, and the initial value failed // the lookup, a false condition is returned, versus true. // // Rev 1.3 19 Jul 1989 11:16:28 WWR // Stripped out the WHEN logic for dBASE 1.0 bug, where a replace statement // in a WHEN UDF() will not do a REPLACE like a VALID UDF() can. // // Rev 1.2 19 Jul 1989 11:06:38 WWR // Fixed the problem with using numeric key values. The TYPE() function is // used to determine if it's a numeric field being looked up. If it is // the VAL() function is used to take the character PROMPT() value and // convert it. // Picture functions are now used when displaying data after the POPUP // selection is made. //======================================================================== include "form.def"; // Form selectors include "builtin.def"; // Builtin functions // // Enum string constants for international translation // enum wrong_class = "Can't use FORM.GEN on non-form objects. ", form_empty = "Form design was empty. " ; // if FRAME_CLASS != form then // We are not processing a form object pause(wrong_class + any_key) goto NoGen; endif var fmt_name, // Format file name crlf, // line feed carry_flg, // Flag to test carry loop carry_cnt, // Count of the number of fields to carry carry_len, // Cumulative length of carry line until 75 characters carry_lent, // Total cumulative length of carry line carry_first,// Flag to test "," output for carry fields color_flg, // Flag to if color should stay on am line line_cnt, // Count for total lines processed (Mulitple page forms) page_cnt, // Count for total pages processed (Mulitple page forms) temp, // tempory work variable cnt, // Foreach loop variable wnd_cnt, // Window counter wnd_names, // Window names so I can clear them at the bottom of the file default_drv,// dBASE default drive dB_status, // dBASE status before entering designer scrn_size, // Screen size when generation starts display, // Type of display screen we are on is_popup, // POPUP validation requested pop_cnt, // Counter used to indicate running popup id color; // Color returned from getcolor function //----------------------------------------------- // Assign default values to some of the variables //----------------------------------------------- crlf = chr(10) temp = "" carry_flg = carry_first = carry_cnt = carry_len = carry_lent = wnd_cnt = line_cnt = color_flg = cnt = 0 page_cnt = 1 is_popup = 0 screen_size() //------------------------------- // Create Format file //------------------------------- if !make_Fmt() then goto nogen header(); } *-- Format file initialization code -------------------------------------------- IF SET("TALK") = "ON" SET TALK OFF lc_talk = "ON" ELSE lc_talk = "OFF" ENDIF //lc_cursor = SET("CURSOR") //SET CURSOR ON *-- This form was created in {display_type()} mode SET DISPLAY TO {display_type()} lc_status = SET("STATUS") *-- SET STATUS was \ {if dB_status then} ON when you went into the Forms Designer. IF lc_status = "OFF" SET STATUS ON {else} OFF when you went into the Forms Designer. IF lc_status = "ON" SET STATUS OFF {endif} ENDIF //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Process fields to build "SET CARRY" and WINDOW commands. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- { foreach FLD_ELEMENT flds if nul2zero(ROW_POSITN) - line_cnt > scrn_size then line_cnt = line_cnt + scrn_size + 1 endif if FLD_CARRY then carry_flg = 1; ++carry_cnt endif if chr(FLD_VALUE_TYPE) == "M" and FLD_MEM_TYP and wnd_cnt < 20 then ++wnd_cnt wnd_names = wnd_names + "Wndow" + wnd_cnt + ","; } *-- Window for memo field {lower(FLD_FIELDNAME)}. DEFINE WINDOW { Window_Def(flds)}\ { endif next flds print(crlf); if carry_flg then } lc_carry = SET("CARRY") *-- Fields to carry forward during APPEND. SET CARRY TO { Carry_Flds()} {endif if check_for_popups() then } SET PROCEDURE TO u_{substr(name,1,6)} DO s_{substr(name,1,6)} { endif} *-- @ SAY GETS Processing. ----------------------------------------------------- *-- Format Page: {page_cnt} {line_cnt = wnd_cnt = 0 foreach ELEMENT k color = getcolor(FLD_DISPLAY, FLD_EDITABLE) // get color of element if nul2zero(ROW_POSITN) - line_cnt > scrn_size then line_cnt = line_cnt + scrn_size + 1; ++page_cnt; } READ *-- Format Page: {page_cnt} { endif // if ELEMENT_TYPE == @TEXT_ELEMENT or ELEMENT_TYPE == @FLD_ELEMENT then if FLD_FIELDTYPE == calc then} *-- Calculated field: {lower(FLD_FIELDNAME)} - {FLD_DESCRIPT} { endif if FLD_FIELDTYPE == memvar then} *-- Memory variable: {lower(FLD_FIELDNAME)} { endif} @ {nul2zero(ROW_POSITN) - line_cnt},{nul2zero(COL_POSITN)} \ { endif if ELEMENT_TYPE == @BOX_ELEMENT then} @ {box_coordinates(k)}\ { endif} // { case ELEMENT_TYPE of @TEXT_ELEMENT: // Certain control characters can cause dBASE problems ie, ASCII(13,26,0) // so the form designer will either send them to us as a string if they are // all the same character or as individual characters if they differ. We // handle this by using the chr() function to "SAY" them in dBASE. } SAY \ { if asc(TEXT_ITEM) < 32 then if len(TEXT_ITEM) == 1 then} CHR({asc(TEXT_ITEM)}) \ { else} REPLICATE(CHR({asc(TEXT_ITEM)}), {len(TEXT_ITEM)}) \ { endif else} "{TEXT_ITEM}" \ { endif outcolor()} { @Box_element: outbox(BOX_TYPE, BOX_SPECIAL_CHAR)} { outcolor()} { @FLD_ELEMENT: if !FLD_EDITABLE then; // its a SAY} SAY \ { if FLD_FIELDTYPE == calc then // Loop thru expression in case it is longer than 237 foreach FLD_EXPRESSION fcursor in k FLD_EXPRESSION} { next} // Output a space after the Fld_expression and get ready for picture clause \ { else // not a editable field if FLD_FIELDTYPE == dbf then temp = "" else temp = "m->" endif lower(temp + FLD_FIELDNAME)} \ { endif if Ok_Template(k) then} PICTURE "{ if FLD_PICFUN then}@{FLD_PICFUN}\ { if AT("S", FLD_PICFUN) then}{FLD_PIC_SCROLL}{endif}\ {//leave this space}\ { endif if !AT("S", FLD_PICFUN) and !AT("M", FLD_PICFUN) then FLD_TEMPLATE}\ { endif}" \ { endif else // it's a get} GET \ { if FLD_FIELDTYPE == dbf then temp = "" else temp = "m->" endif lower(temp + FLD_FIELDNAME)} \ { if chr(FLD_VALUE_TYPE) == "M" && FLD_MEM_TYP then if wnd_cnt < 20 then ++wnd_cnt endif if Fld_mem_typ == 1}OPEN {endif}WINDOW Wndow{wnd_cnt} \ { endif if Ok_Template(k) then} PICTURE "{if FLD_PICFUN then}@{FLD_PICFUN}\ { if AT("S", FLD_PICFUN) then}{FLD_PIC_SCROLL}{endif}\ {//leave this space}\ { endif if AT("M", FLD_PICFUN)}{FLD_PIC_CHOICE}{endif}\ { if !AT("S", FLD_PICFUN) and !AT("M", FLD_PICFUN) then FLD_TEMPLATE}\ { endif}" \ { endif if FLD_L_BOUND or FLD_U_BOUND then color_flg = 1;} ; RANGE {FLD_L_BOUND}{if FLD_U_BOUND then},{FLD_U_BOUND}{endif} \ { endif if FLD_OK_COND then color_flg = 1;} ; { if AT("POPUP", UPPER(FLD_OK_COND)) then // A POPUP is desired for showing coded values, redo the // VALID clause to call a UDF based on "U_" + Fld_fieldname } VALID {get_udfname(FLD_FIELDNAME)}( {FLD_FIELDNAME} ) \ { else } VALID {FLD_OK_COND} \ { endif if FLD_REJ_MSG then} ; ERROR \ { if !AT("IIF", upper(FLD_HLP_MSG))}"{endif}{FLD_REJ_MSG}\ { if !AT("IIF", upper(FLD_HLP_MSG))}"{endif} \ { endif endif // FLD_OK_COND if FLD_ED_COND then color_flg = 1;} ; WHEN {FLD_ED_COND} \ { endif if FLD_DEF_VAL then color_flg = 1;} ; DEFAULT {FLD_DEF_VAL} \ { endif if FLD_HLP_MSG then color_flg = 1;} ; MESSAGE \ { if !AT("IIF", upper(FLD_HLP_MSG))}"{endif}{FLD_HLP_MSG}\ { if !AT("IIF", upper(FLD_HLP_MSG))}"{endif} \ { endif endif // FLD_EDITABLE} { outcolor()} { color_flg = 0; otherwise: goto getnext; endcase } //Leave the above blank line, it forces a line feed! //----------------- // End of @ SAY GET //----------------- { ++cnt; getnext: next k; } *-- Format file exit code ----------------------------------------------------- *-- SET STATUS was \ {if dB_status then} ON when you went into the Forms Designer. IF lc_status = "OFF" && Entered form with status off SET STATUS OFF && Turn STATUS "OFF" on the way out {else} OFF when you went into the Forms Designer. IF lc_status = "ON" && Entered form with status on SET STATUS ON && Turn STATUS "ON" on the way out {endif} ENDIF {if carry_flg then} IF lc_carry = "OFF" SET CARRY OFF ENDIF {endif} //IF lc_cursor = "OFF" // SET CURSOR OFF //ENDIF {if wnd_names then} RELEASE WINDOWS {substr(wnd_names, 1, (len(wnd_names) - 1))} {endif} IF lc_talk="ON" SET TALK ON ENDIF RELEASE {if carry_flg then}lc_carry,{endif}lc_talk,lc_fields,lc_status { if is_popup then } DO c_{substr(name,1,6)} SET PROCEDURE TO { endif } *-- EOP: {filename(fmt_name)}FMT { // Create the Procedure File for POPUP's if required if is_popup then if not create(frame_path+"u_"+rtrim(substr(name,1,6))+".PRG") then pause(frame_path+"u_"+rtrim(substr(name,1,6))+".PRG" + read_only + any_key); goto nogen; endif } // {print("*"+replicate("-",78)+crlf);} *-- Name....: {frame_path}u_{rtrim(substr(name,1,6))}.PRG *-- Date....: {ltrim(SUBSTR(date(),1,8))} *-- Version.: dBASE IV, Procedure for Format {Frame_ver}.0 *-- Notes...: Procedure file for VALID POPUPs with {filename(fmt_name)}FMT {print("*"+replicate("-",78)+crlf);} // PROCEDURE s_{substr(name,1,6)} && Open files and Define POPUPs { pop_cnt = 0; // Scan to create opens & defines foreach Fld_element flds if AT("POPUP", UPPER(FLD_OK_COND)) then ++pop_cnt; } DEFINE WINDOW {get_popname(FLD_OK_COND)} FROM 7,30 TO 9,{31+len(FLD_FIELDNAME)+len(FLD_TEMPLATE)+5} //{ nmsg("Length of fld_name ") pause(str(len(FLD_FIELDNAME)))) // nmsg("Length of fld_length") pause(str(len(FLD_LENGTH)))} USE {get_file(FLD_OK_COND)} ORDER {get_key(FLD_OK_COND)} IN {pop_cnt+1} AGAIN DEFINE POPUP {get_popname(FLD_OK_COND)} FROM 10,40 ; PROMPT FIELD {get_field(FLD_OK_COND)} ; MESSAGE "Select from list using ENTER, cancel selection with ESC" ON SELECTION POPUP {get_popname(FLD_OK_COND)} DEACTIVATE POPUP { endif next flds; } SELECT 1 *-- EOP: s_{substr(name,1,6)} RETURN {print("*"+replicate("-",78)+crlf);} PROCEDURE c_{substr(name,1,6)} && Close files and Release POPUPs { pop_cnt = 0; // Scan to close files and release foreach Fld_element flds if AT("POPUP", UPPER(FLD_OK_COND)) then ++pop_cnt; } USE IN {pop_cnt+1} RELEASE WINDOW {get_popname(FLD_OK_COND)} RELEASE POPUP {get_popname(FLD_OK_COND)} { endif next flds; } SELECT 1 *-- EOP: c_{substr(name,1,6)} RETURN {print("*"+replicate("-",78)+crlf);} FUNCTION empty && Determine if the passed argument is NULL PARAMETER x mtype = TYPE("x") DO CASE CASE mtype = "C" retval = (LEN(TRIM(x))=0) CASE mtype$"NF" retval = (x=0) CASE mtype = "D" retval = (" "$DTOC(x)) ENDCASE *-- EOP: empty RETURN (retval) { pop_cnt = 0; foreach Fld_element flds if AT("POPUP", UPPER(FLD_OK_COND)) then ++pop_cnt; } {print("*"+replicate("-",78)+crlf);} FUNCTION {get_udfname(Fld_fieldname)} PARAMETER fld_name { if !is_required(FLD_OK_COND) then } IF empty(fld_name) && Not a required field, so return RETURN (.T.) && if null field ENDIF { endif } EscKey = 27 && 27 represents the ESC key SELECT {pop_cnt+1} && Select the lookup file SEEK fld_name IF .NOT. FOUND() ACTIVATE WINDOW {get_popname(FLD_OK_COND)} ?? " {FLD_FIELDNAME} =", {FLD_FILENAME}->{FLD_FIELDNAME} \ { if Ok_Template(flds) then} PICTURE "{ if FLD_PICFUN then}@{FLD_PICFUN}\ { if AT("S", FLD_PICFUN) then}{FLD_PIC_SCROLL}{endif}\ {//leave this space}\ { endif if !AT("S", FLD_PICFUN) and !AT("M", FLD_PICFUN) then FLD_TEMPLATE}\ { endif}" \ { endif} ACTIVATE SCREEN ACTIVATE POPUP {get_popname(FLD_OK_COND)} DEACTIVATE WINDOW {get_popname(FLD_OK_COND)} IF LASTKEY() <> EscKey rtn_fld = PROMPT() @ {nul2zero(ROW_POSITN)},{nul2zero(COL_POSITN)} GET rtn_fld \ { if Ok_Template(flds) then} PICTURE "{ if FLD_PICFUN then}@{FLD_PICFUN}\ { if AT("S", FLD_PICFUN) then}{FLD_PIC_SCROLL}{endif}\ {//leave this space}\ { endif if !AT("S", FLD_PICFUN) and !AT("M", FLD_PICFUN) then FLD_TEMPLATE}\ { endif}" \ { endif} CLEAR GETS DO CASE CASE TYPE("fld_name") = "C" REPLACE A->{get_field(FLD_OK_COND)} WITH rtn_fld CASE TYPE("fld_name") $ "NF" REPLACE A->{get_field(FLD_OK_COND)} WITH VAL(rtn_fld) ENDCASE SELECT 1 RETURN (.T.) ELSE SELECT 1 { if !is_required(FLD_OK_COND) then } IF empty(fld_name) && Not a required field, so return RETURN (.T.) && if null field ENDIF { endif } RETURN (.F.) ENDIF ELSE SELECT 1 RETURN (.T.) ENDIF SELECT 1 && Go back to the edit file *-- EOP: {get_udfname(Fld_fieldname)} RETURN (.F.) { endif next flds; } {print("*"+replicate("-",78)+crlf);} { fileerase(frame_path+"u_"+rtrim(substr(name,1,6))+".DBO"); endif; // there were POPUP VALID clauses if cnt == 0 then pause(form_empty + any_key) endif fileerase(fmt_name+".FMO") nogen: return 0; //--------------------------------------- // Template user defined functions follow //--------------------------------------- define header() // Print Header in program print( replicate( "*",80) + crlf);} *-- Name.......: {filename(fmt_name)}FMT *-- Date.......: {ltrim( substr( date(),1,8))} *-- Version....: dBASE IV, Format {FRAME_VER}.1 *-- Notes......: Format files use "" as delimiters! { print( replicate( "*",80) + crlf); enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define ok_template(cur) var temp; temp = cur.FLD_TEMPLATE if cur.FLD_TEMPLATE && !(chr(cur.FLD_VALUE_TYPE) == "D" || chr(cur.FLD_VALUE_TYPE) == "M") then return 1; else return 0; endif enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define screen_size() // Test screen size if display > 2 screen is 43 lines display = numset(_flgcolor) if display > ega25 then scrn_size = 39 else scrn_size = 21 endif // Test to see if status was off before going into form designer dB_status = numset(_flgstatus) if scrn_size == 21 and !db_status then scrn_size = 24 endif if scrn_size == 39 and !db_status then // status is off scrn_size = 42 endif return; enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define display_type() var temp; case display of mono: temp = "MONO" cga: temp = "COLOR" ega25: temp = "EGA25" mono43: temp = "MONO43" ega43: temp = "EGA43" endcase return temp; enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define getcolor(f_display, f_editable) // Determines the color from f_display and f_editable (GET or SAY) enum Foreground = 7, Intensity = 8, // Color Background = 112, MIntensity = 256, Reverse = 512, // Mono Underline =1024, Blink =2048, default =32768; // Screen set to default var forgrnd, enhanced, backgrnd, blnk, underln, revrse, use_colors, incolor; incolor="" use_colors = default & f_display forgrnd = Foreground & f_display enhanced = (Intensity & f_display) || (MIntensity & f_display) backgrnd = Background & f_display blnk = Blink & f_display underln = Underline & f_display revrse = Reverse & f_display if not use_colors then // Use system colors, no colors set in designer if backgrnd then backgrnd = backgrnd/16 endif if (display != mono and display != mono43) then case forgrnd of 0: incolor = "n" 1: incolor = "b" 2: incolor = "g" 3: incolor = "bg" 4: incolor = "r" 5: incolor = "rb" 6: incolor = "gr" 7: incolor = "w" endcase else incolor = "w" endif if revrse then incolor = incolor + "i" endif if underln then incolor = incolor + "u" endif if enhanced then incolor = incolor + "+" endif if blnk then incolor = incolor + "*" endif incolor = incolor + "/" if (display != mono and display != mono43) then case backgrnd of 0: incolor = incolor + "n" 1: incolor = incolor + "b" 2: incolor = incolor + "g" 3: incolor = incolor + "bg" 4: incolor = incolor + "r" 5: incolor = incolor + "rb" 6: incolor = incolor + "gr" 7: incolor = incolor + "w" endcase else incolor = incolor + "n" endif if f_editable and incolor then incolor = incolor + "," + incolor endif endif // use no colors return alltrim(incolor); enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define outbox(mbox, mchar) var result; // Output the of Box border and charater if any case mbox of 0: result = " " // single 1: result = " DOUBLE " 2: result = " CHR("+mchar+") " endcase return result; enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define outcolor() // Output the of color of the @ SAY GET or Box var result; result = ""; if len(color) > 0 then if color_flg then // If flag is set output a dBASE continuation ";" result = ";"+crlf+space(3) endif result = result + "COLOR " + color + " " endif return result; enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define Window_Def(cur) var result; result = "Wndow" + wnd_cnt + " FROM " + Box_Coordinates(cur) result = result + outbox(cur.BOX_TYPE, cur.BOX_SPECIAL_CHAR) color = getcolor(cur.FLD_DISPLAY, cur.FLD_EDITABLE) result = result + outcolor() return result; enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define Box_Coordinates(cur) var result; result = nul2zero(cur.BOX_TOP) - line_cnt+"," result = result + nul2zero(cur.BOX_LEFT)+" TO " temp = nul2zero(cur.BOX_TOP) + cur.BOX_HEIGHT - line_cnt - 1 if temp > scrn_size then temp = scrn_size endif result = result + temp + "," + (nul2zero(cur.BOX_LEFT) + cur.BOX_WIDTH - 1) return result; enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define Carry_Flds() carry_len = carry_lent = 13 carry_first = 0 foreach FLD_ELEMENT flds if FLD_CARRY then carry_len = carry_len + len(FLD_FIELDNAME + ",") carry_lent = carry_lent + len(FLD_FIELDNAME + ",") if carry_lent > 1000 then print(crlf + "SET CARRY TO ") carry_len = carry_lent = 13 endif if carry_len > 75 then print(";" + crlf + " ") carry_len = 2 endif temp = lower(FLD_FIELDNAME) if !carry_first then print(temp) carry_first = 1 else print("," + temp) endif endif next flds print(" ADDITIVE"); return enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define make_fmt() // Attempt to create program. default_drv = strset(_defdrive) // grab default drive from dBASE fmt_name = FRAME_PATH + NAME // Put path on to object name if not fileok(fmt_name) then if !default_drv then fmt_name = NAME else fmt_name = default_drv + ":" + NAME endif endif fmt_name = upper(fmt_name) if not create(fmt_name+".FMT") then pause(fileroot(fmt_name) +".FMT" + read_only + any_key) return 0; endif return 1; enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define nul2zero(numbr) // if number is nul and we are expecting a zero - convert the nul to 0 if !numbr then numbr=0 endif return numbr; enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define check_for_popups() foreach Fld_element flds if AT("POPUP", UPPER(FLD_OK_COND)) then is_popup = 1 exit endif next flds return is_popup; enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define parse_line( before, // Out: chars before the look_for string input, // In: line being parsed look_for // In: string searched for ) // Rtn: chars after the look_for string // If the look_for sting is not found, the before sting will equal the // input string, and the returned value will be NUL var location; location = AT(look_for, UPPER(input)) if location == 0 then before = input return ( "" ); endif before = substr( input, 1, location-1) return ( substr( input, location+len(look_for), len(input) ) ); // end: parse_line() enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Parsing routines for pulling objects out of the VALID string // "POPUP" = "file->fld_name ORDER key_fld REQ" // 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 // 1 2 3 4 define get_file(valid_str) var s_arrow, // String "->" test, s_equal, // String "=" next_alpha, at_alias, s_before, // String before the searched for item r_target, // Remainder of the target string after item use_name; // Return for file s_arrow = "->" s_equal = "=" r_target = parse_line( s_before, valid_str, s_equal ) // ' "file->...' next_alpha = atalpha(r_target) // 3 at_alias = AT(s_arrow, r_target) // 7 use_name = substr(r_target,next_alpha,at_alias-next_alpha) // 'file' return use_name; enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define get_key(valid_str) var s_order, // String "ORDER " at_space, s_before, // String before the searched for item r_target, // Remainder of the target string after item order_tag; // Search TAG to ORDER BY s_order = "ORDER " r_target = parse_line( s_before, valid_str, s_order ) // 'key_fld REQ' at_space = AT(" ",r_target) if at_space == 0 then order_tag = substr(r_target, 1, len(r_target)-1) // 'key_fld"' else order_tag = substr(r_target, 1, at_space-1) endif return order_tag; enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define get_field(valid_str) var s_arrow, // String "->" at_space, s_before, // String before the searched for item r_target, // Remainder of the target string after item fld_name; // Field name to lookup in target file s_arrow = "->" r_target = parse_line( s_before, valid_str, s_arrow ) // 'fld_name ORDER...' at_space = AT(" ",r_target) if at_space == 0 then fld_name = r_target else fld_name = substr(r_target, 1, at_space-1) endif return fld_name; enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define get_popname(valid_str) var pop_name; pop_name = "u_" + substr(get_field(valid_str),1,6); return pop_name; enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define get_udfname(fld_str) var udf_name; udf_name = "u_" + substr(fld_str,1,6); return udf_name; enddef //-------------------------------------------------------------- define is_required(valid_str) var req_flag; if AT("REQ",valid_str) then req_flag = 1 else req_flag = 0 endif return req_flag; enddef } // EOP FORM.COD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------