Xref: utzoo comp.editors:901 comp.emacs:6624
Path: utzoo!utgpu!watmath!att!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!cs.utexas.edu!csd4.milw.wisc.edu!leah!rpi!batcomputer!lacey
From: lacey@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (John Lacey)
Newsgroups: comp.editors,comp.emacs
Subject: Needed: Info on folding editors
Message-ID: <8580@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu>
Date: 8 Aug 89 20:45:21 GMT
Reply-To: lacey@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu (John Lacey)
Distribution: na
Organization: Cornell Theory Center, Cornell University, Ithaca NY
Lines: 26

I am looking for information on folding editors.  I remember seeing a 
brief discussion about one a few weeks ago, but I can't remember any
details, and I didn't save anything at the time.

My understanding of a folding editor is as follows.  Text is seen as a tree,
or perhaps more likely, as a forest.  You can open and close nodes in this
forest, which amounts to replacing a node with its children, and replacing
a node and its siblings with their parent, respectively.

The specific application I have in mind is using a simple folding browser
as a full-screen interface for reading news, to replace the user interface
of rn.  In that application, the three levels of the forest would be
(1) the newsgroups, (2) the articles, and (3) the text of an article.

I am not looking for a complete editor, but merely a browser, really.   Also,
of course, I need source, as I have to use the browser as a skeleton on 
which to build up news-specific commands.


John Lacey     lacey@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu    cornell!batcomputer!lacey

After August 16:  jjlacey@owucomcn.bitnet
If you have to, try  mdl@sppy00.UUCP or maybe {...}!osu-cis!sppy00!mdl