Xref: utzoo comp.lang.c:20547 comp.editors:903 Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!mcvax!hp4nl!phigate!prle!prles2!cstw01!meulenbr From: meulenbr@cstw01.prl.philips.nl (Frans Meulenbroeks) Newsgroups: comp.lang.c,comp.editors Subject: survey of query for syntax directed editors Message-ID: <640@prles2.UUCP> Date: 10 Aug 89 09:04:06 GMT Sender: nobody@prles2.UUCP Reply-To: meulenbr@cst.prl.philips.nl () Organization: Centre for Software Technology, Philips Eindhoven Lines: 216 As promised here are the results of my survey for syntax directed editors. I've edited the replies mildly to remove all quotations of the original article, duplicate signatures, some blank lines, and mail headers. Thanks to all the people who send me a reply! Frans Meulenbroeks (meulenbr@cst.prl.philips.nl) Centre for Software Technology ( or try: ...!mcvax!phigate!prle!cst!meulenbr) --------------------------------- From hp4nl!hp4nl.nluug.nl!presto.ig.com!dow@phigate Sat Jul 29 08:37:21 1989 GNU Emacs does brace, paren, & bracket matching, & it also parses the error messages. ---chd Chris Dow IntelliGenetics 700 East El Camino Real Mountain View, Ca. 94040 dow@presto.ig.com (415) 962-7320 AisA --------------------------------- From hp4nl!hp4nl.nluug.nl!nexus.yorku.ca!oz@phigate Sat Jul 29 21:36:09 1989 See "Fred" from University of Illinois @ Urbana. If you have ftp access, you can pick it up from uihub.cs.uiuc.edu. One other alternative is the "synthsizer generator" from cornell. It is not ftp-pickable: you will have to get in touch with them. Hope this is of any help.. oz -- They are like the Zen students who, Usenet: oz@nexus.yorku.ca when the master points at the moon, ......!uunet!utai!yunexus!oz continue to stare at his finger.... Bitnet: oz@[yulibra|yuyetti] P. da Silva Phonet: +1 416 736-5257x3976 --------------------------------- From hp4nl!hp4nl.nluug.nl!cs.exeter.ac.uk!admin@phigate Mon Jul 31 16:32:36 1989 There is such a beast called 'syndie', yes runs on unix. Its a commercial product marketed by IntaSoft IntaSoft Ltd 60 Portland St Exeter EX1 2EQ Devon, UK Tel: +44 392 217670 Fax: +44 392 412463 -- Khalid Sattar JANET : admin@uk.ac.exeter.cs Computer Science Dept. UUCP : admin@expya.uucp University of Exeter BITNET : admin%uk.ac.exeter.cs@ukacrl Exeter, UK. Tel : +44 392 264062 --------------------------------- From hp4nl!hp4nl.nluug.nl!siswat!buck@phigate Fri Aug 4 02:36:35 1989 Cornell has one that they license for about $200 but I don't have any contact information anymore. --- A. Lester Buck ...!texbell!moray!siswat!buck --------------------------------- From hp4nl!hp4nl.nluug.nl!alpha.ces.cwru.edu!bammi@phigate Fri Aug 4 02:36:45 1989 i mentioned the brown U. maple/balsa system to you last night in my mail. here are some more: Alice Pascal: from looking glass software :- probably the best one that i have used. very well done (even though i hate pascal, and even though i made a living writing pascal compilers in my deep dark past :-) runs on many platforms. Leif: is a customizable SDE, that uses GnuEmacs (with special hacks) at the back end. It is PD. tpl: the template programming language - another front end to GnuEmacs. Not really an SDE but lets you create some pretty neat templates that can be bound etc in emacs. quite powerful. comes with a dozen or so examples. Its PD., let me know if you want it. Cornell stuff: tried it a few light years ago. i quite dont remember what all the problems were, but i did'nt like it (but then i am biased). On of the problems was that the incremental compiler did its job at a very fine level of granularity and complained about things that you would take care off in a moment. Things may have changed here since it was a long time ago (i am not sure if we even have a copy of this around). i have'nt kept up lately with this stuff, and i let my subscription to TOPLAS expire. if you find some interesting ones please let me know. regards, -- bang: {any internet host}!dsrgsun.ces.CWRU.edu!bammi jwahar r. bammi domain: bammi@dsrgsun.ces.CWRU.edu GEnie: J.Bammi --------------------------------- From hp4nl!hp4nl.nluug.nl!indetech!lrs@phigate Fri Aug 4 08:56:22 1989 Gnu emacs supports syntax sensitive editing of c, c++, lisp, prolog, ada, etc. With LEAF (a free extyension) it maintains a parse tree as you go along and allows edits accordingly. --------------------------------- [ the following message isn in dutch. It references the Gandalf editor of CMU. Frans] From hp4nl!hp4nl.nluug.nl!qmflp.junet!spee@phigate Tue Aug 8 09:03:05 1989 Is de Gandalf editor van CMU iets? Een paar jaar terug heeft een afstudeerder van de afdeling Informatica, TH Delft, Gandalf onder de loep genomen. Informeer eens bij Ir. R. Huijsman (dezelfde afdeling, nu TU Delft). Paul Spee, spee%qmflp.junet@RELAY.CS.NET --------------------------------- From hp4nl!hp4nl.nluug.nl!COGS.SUSSEX.AC.UK!aarons@phigate Wed Aug 9 23:44:22 1989 I wonder whether you have looked at the VED editor in Poplog, which is used in a number of Philips sites. It supports both document preparation and program preparation, and is fully programmable, so it can be indefinitely tailored and extended to suit the requirements of different languages. Poplog includes Common Lisp, Prolog, Pop-11 and standard ML. People also regularly use its editor for developing software written in other languages, e.g. Pascal, C, Fortran. VED is written in Pop-11, an interactive Lisp-like language with a syntax more like Pascal, which many people find more readable. A VED file is just a vector of strings, so programming extensions is relatively easy. It also supports the development of browsable documentation with multiple cross-references, search lists, etc. It runs on VAX+VMS VAX+Unix and a range of additional Unix machines including all the Sun family, Solbourne, Sequent Symmetry, HP 9000 series with HP-UX, Apollo (+Unix). It is currently being ported to DECstation+Ultrix and MAC II+A/UX. MIPS machines will probably follow. VED allows you have a notional file that is actually a window to a CSH process to which you can give commands from the file (e.g. cc or ls commands). Any output is spliced into the file. To redo any command you just put the cursor on it and press . Alternatively you can edit the command first then redo. People here also use VED as their front end to Unix mail. Poplog includes a window manager on Sun-3 and VAXstation, and it is currently being replaced by an X windows interface (X11 R3), that should be ready early 1990. (Already being used here). Poplog is developed here at Sussex University, and is distributed commercially for us by Integral Solutions Ltd Unit 3, Campbell Court Bramley, Near Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG26 5EG England Phone +44-256 882028 Fax +44-256 882182 If you phone, the best person to talk to is Colin Shearer. If you want more information about Poplog I can send an email summary, and/or a longer description by post. Yours sincerely Aaron Sloman, School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, Univ of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9QN, England INTERNET: aarons%uk.ac.sussex.cogs@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk aarons%uk.ac.sussex.cogs%nsfnet-relay.ac.uk@relay.cs.net JANET aarons@cogs.sussex.ac.uk BITNET: aarons%uk.ac.sussex.cogs@uk.ac or aarons%uk.ac.sussex.cogs%ukacrl.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu UUCP: ...mcvax!ukc!cogs!aarons or aarons@cogs.uucp Phone: University +(44)-(0)273-678294 (Direct line. Diverts to secretary) Frans Meulenbroeks (meulenbr@cst.prl.philips.nl) Centre for Software Technology ( or try: ...!mcvax!phigate!prle!cst!meulenbr)