Xref: utzoo misc.wanted:5811 comp.graphics:6770 Path: utzoo!dciem!client2!kevin From: kevin@client2.DRETOR.UUCP (Socrates) Newsgroups: misc.wanted,comp.graphics Subject: Searching for SIGGRAPH notes Message-ID: <2366@client2.DRETOR.UUCP> Date: 9 Aug 89 15:00:03 GMT Reply-To: kevin@client2 (Socrates) Distribution: na Organization: NTT SYSTEMS INC. Lines: 20 Apologies for the crossposting, but I am looking for two sets of course notes from the SIGGRAPH conference in Boston. One is "Math for SIGGRAPH", and the other is "3-D Computer Generated Animation.." (or somesuch; the course chaired by Bill Kroyer). Does anyone have one or both of these that they are willing to part with? I couldn't get to Boston and a full set of notes was a little beyond my budget. I am willing to pay for shipping and/or a reasonable price for these two. Contact by e-mail (fast), phone (slow to medium) or surface mail (micro-slow). Surface Address: 516 Scarlett Crescent Burlington, Ontario L7L 5M2 CANADA (416) 637-1721 -- --- Kevin Picott NTT Systems, Inc., Toronto, Ontario "There can be no offense where none is taken" - Japanese Proverb kevin@zorac.dciem.dnd.ca, or on some sites kevin@zorac.ARPA