Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!!ucbvax!agate!apple!sun-barr!texsun!texbell!vector!attctc!sampson From: sampson@attctc.Dallas.TX.US (Steve Sampson) Newsgroups: Subject: Map Projection and Database (Part 6 of 6) Message-ID: <8971@attctc.Dallas.TX.US> Date: 12 Aug 89 10:50:19 GMT Organization: The Unix(R) Connection, Dallas, Texas Lines: 1505 #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via # unshar, or by typing "sh MAP.C <<'END_OF_MAP.C' X/* X * map.c X * X * This program draws three types of map projections - Perspective, X * Modified Perspective, and Azimuthal Equidistant. X * X * Version 2.1 by MSgt Steven R. Sampson, N5OWK, 11 July 1989 X * Based on a program and article by William D. Johnston X * Copyright (c) May-June 1979 BYTE, All Rights Reserved X * X * Compiled with Turbo-C V1.5, Requires EGA or VGA with 2 graphic pages. X */ X X#include X#include X#include X#include X#include X#include X#include X Xtypedef int bool; X X/* Program Constants */ X X#define FALSE (bool) 0 X#define TRUE (bool) ~FALSE X X#define PI (3.141593F) /* Turbo-C'ism - F means float... */ X#define HALFPI (1.570796F) /* ..vice double, for slight speedup */ X#define TWOPI (2.0F * PI) /* Two Pi alias 360 Degrees */ X#define RADIAN (180.0F / PI ) /* One radian */ X#define TWO (2.0F / RADIAN) /* 2 Degrees in radians */ X#define TEN (10.0F / RADIAN) /* 10 degrees in radians */ X#define EIGHTY (80.0F / RADIAN) /* 80 degrees in radians */ X#define EARTH (6378.135F) /* Mean radius of earth (Kilometers) */ X X/* Program Globals */ X XFILE *fp; X Xstruct { /* Binary Database Format (BYTESWAP) */ X int code, lat, lon; X} coord; X Xfloat angle, maxplot, center_lat, center_lon, lat, lon, distance, X sin_of_distance, cos_of_distance, sin_of_center_lat, cos_of_center_lat, X scale, g, h2, facing_azimuth, aspect; X Xint option, center_x, center_y, grid_color, level = 5; Xint GraphDriver = DETECT, GraphMode; X Xchar optstring[] = "bcd:gilm:rsxy?"; Xchar database[128] = "mwdbii"; /* default name 'MWDBII' */ X /* leave room for pathname */ Xbool boundaries = TRUE, /* defaults to Boundaries, Islands */ X countries = FALSE, X grids = FALSE, X islands = TRUE, X lakes = FALSE, X rivers = FALSE, X states = FALSE, X colors = FALSE; X X/* Forward Declarations, Prototypes */ X Xextern int directvideo; X Xextern int getopt(int, char **, char *); Xextern int optind, opterr; Xextern char *optarg; X X/* /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ */ Xextern char SW; /*!!! modified getopt.c SW from static to global !!!!*/ X/* \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ */ X Xdouble dm2dec(double); Xvoid grid(void), plotmap(void), prompts(void), quit(void), query(void); Xbool compute(float *, float *, int *, int *), move(int); X Xmain(argc, argv) Xint argc; Xchar *argv[]; X{ X register int i; X int err, xasp, yasp; X X registerbgidriver(EGAVGA_driver); /* IBM Driver */ X registerbgifont(small_font); X X setcbrk(TRUE); /* Allow Control-C checking */ X ctrlbrk(quit); /* Execute quit() if Control-C detected */ X X /* This depends on Turbo-C getopt() and MS-DOS SWITCH char (- or /) */ X X while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, optstring)) != -1) { X switch (i) { X case 'b': X boundaries = FALSE; X break; X case 'c': X countries = TRUE; X break; X case 'd': X strcpy(database, optarg); X break; X case 'g': X grids = TRUE; X break; X case 'i': X islands = FALSE; X break; X case 'l': X lakes = TRUE; X break; X case 'm': X level = atoi(optarg); X break; X case 'r': X rivers = TRUE; X break; X case 's': X states = TRUE; X break; X case 'x': X colors = TRUE; X break; X case 'y': X directvideo = 0; X break; X case '?': X default: X printf("Usage: map [%cbcdgilmrsxy]\n\n", SW); X printf(" %cb Boundaries Off\n", SW); X printf(" %cc Countries On\n", SW); X printf(" %cdn Database ('MWDBII' Default)\n", SW); X printf(" %cg Grid lines On\n", SW); X printf(" %ci Islands Off\n", SW); X printf(" %cl Lakes On\n", SW); X printf(" %cmn Map Resolution (5 Default)\n", SW); X printf(" %cr Rivers On\n", SW); X printf(" %cs States On\n", SW); X printf(" %cx Colors On\n", SW); X printf(" %cy BIOS Video Mode On\n\n", SW); X printf("Defaults to Boundaries and Islands On\n"); X X exit(0); X } X } X X if ((fp = fopen(database, "rb")) == (FILE *)NULL) { X printf("\007Error: Can't locate Database '%s'\n", database); X exit(1); X } X X initgraph(&GraphDriver, &GraphMode, "");/* initialize graphics */ X err = graphresult(); X X restorecrtmode(); /* get back to text mode */ X X if (err < 0) { X printf("Graphics Error - %s\n", grapherrormsg(err)); X exit(1); X } X X if (GraphMode == VGAHI) /* Use medium resolution */ X GraphMode = VGAMED; /* for 2 graphic pages */ X X center_x = getmaxx() / 2; /* get screen size for x, y */ X center_y = getmaxy() / 2; X getaspectratio(&xasp, &yasp); /* squish factor for y axis */ X aspect = (float)xasp / (float)yasp; X X prompts(); /* get the basic map info */ X X setgraphmode(GraphMode); /* and go to graphics mode */ X setbkcolor(BLACK); X X if (colors) X grid_color = EGA_CYAN; X else X grid_color = EGA_LIGHTGRAY; X X if (grids) X grid(); /* draw lat & long ref lines */ X X setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); X X /* X * See if data plotting is even needed X */ X X if (boundaries || countries || islands || lakes || rivers || states) X plotmap(); /* display map on screen */ X X setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); X outtextxy(0, getmaxy() - 10, "Done"); X getch(); /* wait for end of viewing */ X X closegraph(); /* graphics off */ X fclose(fp); /* close database file */ X X exit(0); X} X X/* X * Return to operator following Control-C X */ X Xvoid quit() X{ X closegraph(); X fclose(fp); X exit(0); X} X X/* X * Operator prompts and input. X */ X Xvoid prompts() X{ X float ret, altitude; X X printf("West Longitudes and South Latitudes are negative\n"); X X /* input the world Lat & Long that is to be centered on */ X /* then convert the human notation to radians */ X X do { X printf("\nLatitude of the map center [+-] : "); X scanf("%f", &ret); X ret = dm2dec(ret); X } while (ret > 90.0F || ret < -90.0F); X X /* the arcosine function has trouble at 90 degrees */ X X if (ret == 90.0F) X center_lat = 89.9F / RADIAN; X else if (ret == -90.0F) X center_lat = -89.9F / RADIAN; X else X center_lat = ret / RADIAN; X X sin_of_center_lat = sin(center_lat); X cos_of_center_lat = cos(center_lat); X X do { X printf("Longitude of the map center [+-] : "); X scanf("%f", &ret); X ret = dm2dec(ret); X } while (ret > 180.0F || ret < -180.0F); X X center_lon = ret / RADIAN; X X do { X printf("\nSelect from the following options:\n\n"); X printf(" 1 - Perspective Projection\n"); X printf(" 2 - Modified Perspective Projection\n"); X printf(" 3 - Azimuthal Equidistant Projection\n\n"); X printf("Choice : "); X scanf("%d", &option); X } while (option < 1 || option > 3); X X if (option == 3) { X /* input the radial distance to map */ X X do { X printf("\nArc Distance (1 - 180 degrees) : "); X scanf("%f", &maxplot); X } while (maxplot == 0.0F || maxplot > 180.0F); X X maxplot /= RADIAN; X scale = (float) center_y / maxplot; X return; X } X X /* input the height above the terrain */ X X printf("\nObserver altitude (km) : "); X scanf("%f", &altitude); X X if (altitude == 0.0F) X altitude = 1.0F; X X h2 = EARTH + altitude; X maxplot = acos(EARTH / h2); X X /* The operator can orient the world upside down if they want */ X X do { X printf("Observer facing azimuth (0 - 359 degrees) : "); X scanf("%f", &facing_azimuth); X } while (facing_azimuth < 0.0F || facing_azimuth > 360.0F); X X facing_azimuth = -facing_azimuth / RADIAN; X X /* Calculate the scale for the polar coordinates */ X X scale = (float)center_y / (EARTH * sin(maxplot)); X X /* For the perspective projection */ X X g = EARTH * (h2 - EARTH * cos(maxplot)); X} X X/* X * Convert the database to the desired projection by computation. X * X * This code is a hand translation from BASIC to C based on Mr. Johnstons X * code. It is a non-mathematicians idea of what he meant. X * X * Return TRUE if offscale else FALSE. X */ X Xbool compute(lat, lon, x, y) Xregister float *lat, *lon; /* 16 bits, rather than 32 */ Xregister int *x, *y; X{ X float sin_of_lat, X cos_of_lat, X abs_delta_lon, /* absolute value */ X delta_lon, /* x distance from center */ X delta_lat, /* y distance from center */ X temp; /* temporary storage */ X X /* normalize the longitude to +/- PI */ X X delta_lon = *lon - center_lon; X X if (delta_lon < -PI) X delta_lon = delta_lon + TWOPI; X X if (delta_lon > PI) X delta_lon = delta_lon - TWOPI; X X abs_delta_lon = fabs(delta_lon); X X /* X * If the delta_lon is within .00015 radians of 0 then X * the difference is considered exactly zero. X * X * This also simplifies the great circle bearing calculation. X */ X X if (abs_delta_lon <= 0.00015F) { X delta_lat = fabs(center_lat - *lat); X X if (delta_lat > maxplot) X return TRUE; /* offscale */ X X if (*lat < center_lat) X angle = PI; X else X angle = 0.0F; X X sin_of_distance = sin(delta_lat); X cos_of_distance = cos(delta_lat); X } X X /* X * Check if delta_lon is within .00015 radians of PI. X */ X X else if (fabs(PI - abs_delta_lon) <= 0.00015F) { X delta_lat = PI - center_lat - *lat; X X if (delta_lat > PI) { X delta_lat = TWOPI - delta_lat; X angle = PI; X } else X angle = 0.0F; X X if (delta_lat > maxplot) X return TRUE; /* offscale */ X X sin_of_distance = sin(delta_lat); X cos_of_distance = cos(delta_lat); X } X X /* X * Simple calculations are out, now get cosmic. X */ X X else { X sin_of_lat = sin(*lat); X cos_of_lat = cos(*lat); X X cos_of_distance = sin_of_center_lat * sin_of_lat + X cos_of_center_lat * cos_of_lat * X cos(delta_lon); X X distance = acos(cos_of_distance); X X if (distance > maxplot) X return TRUE; /* offscale */ X X sin_of_distance = sin(distance); X X temp = (sin_of_lat - sin_of_center_lat * cos_of_distance) / X (cos_of_center_lat * sin_of_distance); X X if (temp < -1.0F || temp > 1.0F) X return TRUE; /* offscale */ X X angle = acos(temp); X X if (delta_lon < 0.0F) X angle = TWOPI - angle; X } X X if (facing_azimuth != 0.0F) { X angle = angle - facing_azimuth; X if (angle < 0.0F) X angle = TWOPI + angle; X } X X angle = HALFPI - angle; X X if (angle < -PI) X angle = angle + TWOPI; X X switch (option) { X case 1: X temp = (scale * (g * sin_of_distance)) / X (h2 - EARTH * cos_of_distance); X break; X case 2: X temp = scale * EARTH * sin_of_distance; X break; X case 3: X temp = scale * distance; X } X X /* convert polar to rectangular, correct for screen aspect */ X X *x = center_x + (int)(temp * cos(angle)); X *y = center_y - (int)(temp * sin(angle) * aspect); X X return FALSE; X} X X/* X * Read the database and plot points or lines. X * See DATA.DOC in MAPDAT.ARC for database description. X */ X Xvoid plotmap() X{ X float lat, lon; X int x, y; X bool point; X X point = TRUE; X while (fread(&coord, sizeof coord, 1, fp) > 0) { X X if (kbhit()) { X getch(); X query(); X } X X /* X * Skip data that has been optioned out. X */ X X if (coord.code < level) X continue; X X if (coord.code > 5) { /* must be a header */ X X point = TRUE; X X switch (coord.code / 1000) { X case 1: X if (boundaries) { X if (colors) X setcolor(EGA_LIGHTGRAY); X break; X } else { X if (move(1)) X return; X continue; X } X case 2: X if (countries) { X if (colors) X setcolor(EGA_BROWN); X break; X } else { X if (move(2)) X return; X continue; X } X case 4: X if (states) { X if (colors) X setcolor(EGA_BROWN); X break; X } else { X if (move(4)) X return; X continue; X } X case 5: X if (islands) { X if (colors) X setcolor(EGA_LIGHTGRAY); X break; X } else { X if (move(5)) X return; X continue; X } X case 6: X if (lakes) { X if (colors) X setcolor(EGA_BLUE); X break; X } else { X if (move(6)) X return; X continue; X } X case 7: X if (rivers) { X if (colors) X setcolor(EGA_GREEN); X break; X } else { X if (move(7)) X return; X continue; X } X } X } X X /* Convert database minutes of a degree to radians */ X X lat = (float) / 60.0F / RADIAN; X lon = (float) coord.lon / 60.0F / RADIAN; X X if (compute(&lat, &lon, &x, &y)) { X point = TRUE; /* offscale */ X continue; X } X X if (point) { X putpixel(x, y, getcolor());/* put down a dot */ X moveto(x, y); X point = FALSE; X } X else X lineto(x, y); /* connect the dots */ X } X} X X/* X * Move to next database characteristic X * X * Returns TRUE for end of file, else FALSE X */ X Xbool move(n) Xint n; X{ X while (fread(&coord, sizeof coord, 1, fp) > 0) { X if ((coord.code > 5) && ((coord.code/1000) != n)) X return FALSE; X } X X return TRUE; X} X X/* X * Convert X * X * Change degrees and minutes to decimal X */ X Xdouble dm2dec(degmin) Xdouble degmin; X{ X double t; X X t = (int)degmin; /* get the integer part */ X degmin -= t; /* now the fractional part */ X degmin /= .60; /* convert minutes to decimal */ X X return (degmin + t); /* add the two */ X} X X/* X * Draw grid lines X * X * Azimuthal Equidistant - Draw a radar scope presentation, X * All others - From -180 to +180 Degrees (Longitude Lines), X * and +80 to -80 Degrees (Latitude Lines). X */ X Xvoid grid() X{ X float lat, lon, bearing; X int x, y, pass1; X X setcolor(grid_color); X X if (option == 3) { X X /* X * Hide the drawing until finished X */ X X setvisualpage(0); X setactivepage(1); X X circle(center_x, center_y, center_y); /* inner ring */ X circle(center_x, center_y, center_y + 10); /* outer ring */ X X /* X * Ten Degree Full size ticks X */ X X for (bearing = 0.0F; bearing < TWOPI; bearing += TEN) { X moveto(center_x, center_y); X x = center_x + (int)((float)(center_y + 10) * sin(bearing)); X y = center_y - (int)((float)(center_y + 10) * cos(bearing) * aspect); X lineto(x, y); X } X X /* X * Two Degree Half size ticks X */ X X for (bearing = 0.0F; bearing < TWOPI; bearing += TWO) { X moveto(center_x, center_y); X x = center_x + (int)((float)(center_y + 5) * sin(bearing)); X y = center_y - (int)((float)(center_y + 5) * cos(bearing) * aspect); X lineto(x, y); X } X X /* X * This routine erases all bearing lines except X * those between the two circles. X */ X X setcolor(WHITE); X circle(center_x, center_y, center_y); X X settextjustify(CENTER_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT); X setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK); X X floodfill(center_x, center_y, WHITE); X X setcolor(grid_color); X circle(center_x, center_y, center_y); X X /* X * Mark the center X */ X X outtextxy(center_x, center_y, "+"); X X /* X * Label the Axis X */ X X settextstyle(SMALL_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 4); X X outtextxy(center_x, 20, "360"); X outtextxy(520, center_y, "090"); X outtextxy(center_x, 330, "180"); X outtextxy(120, center_y, "270"); X X /* X * Return to defaults X */ X X settextstyle(DEFAULT_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 1); X settextjustify(LEFT_TEXT, LEFT_TEXT); X setvisualpage(1); X } else { X setlinestyle(DOTTED_LINE, NULL, NORM_WIDTH); X X for (lon = -PI; lon <= PI; lon += TEN) { X pass1 = TRUE; X for (lat = EIGHTY; lat > -EIGHTY; lat -= TEN) { X if (!compute(&lat, &lon, &x, &y)) { X if (pass1) { X putpixel(x, y, grid_color); X moveto(x, y); X pass1 = FALSE; X } else X lineto(x, y); X } else X pass1 = TRUE; X } X X if (kbhit()) { X getch(); X query(); X } X } X X for (lat = EIGHTY; lat > -EIGHTY; lat -= TEN) { X pass1 = TRUE; X for (lon = -PI; lon <= PI; lon += TEN) { X if (!compute(&lat, &lon, &x, &y)) { X if (pass1) { X putpixel(x, y, grid_color); X moveto(x, y); X pass1 = FALSE; X } else X lineto(x, y); X } else X pass1 = TRUE; X X } X X if (kbhit()) { X getch(); X query(); X } X } X X setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE, NULL, NORM_WIDTH); X } X} X Xvoid query() X{ X char s[] = "Press ESC to exit, any key to continue"; X int x, y; X X sound(1000); /* 1000 Hz for fourth/second */ X delay(250); X nosound(); X X x = getx(); /* remember last location */ X y = gety(); X outtextxy(0, getmaxy() - 10, s); X X if (getch() == '\033') { /* Escape character? */ X closegraph(); /* graphics off */ X fclose(fp); /* close database file */ X X exit(0); X } X X setcolor(BLACK); X outtextxy(0, getmaxy() - 10, s); X setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); X moveto(x, y); /* go back to last location */ X} X X/* That is all */ END_OF_MAP.C if test 25052 -ne `wc -c MWDBII.011 <<'END_OF_MWDBII.011' X4, 44.59, -74.59 X5, 45.01, -73.21 X2253, 45.01, -73.22 X5, 45.01, -71.30 X2254, 45.01, -71.30 X5, 45.18, -71.05 X2255, 45.18, -71.06 X4, 45.24, -70.39 X5, 47.28, -69.14 X4, 47.11, -68.54 X4, 47.04, -67.48 X4, 45.42, -67.48 X5, 45.11, -67.12 X2256, 55.55, -130.01 X4, 56.36, -131.49 X4, 58.25, -133.22 X5, 59.48, -135.28 X4, 59.10, -136.35 X4, 58.54, -137.27 X4, 60.05, -139.11 X4, 60.21, -139.04 X5, 60.18, -141.00 X5, 69.39, -141.00 X2257, 14.33, -92.15 X4, 15.16, -92.13 X5, 16.04, -91.44 X5, 16.06, -90.26 X4, 16.25, -90.24 X4, 17.14, -91.26 X4, 17.15, -90.59 X5, 17.49, -90.59 X5, 17.49, -89.08 X2258, 17.49, -89.08 X5, 18.29, -88.18 X2259, 17.49, -89.08 X4, 15.54, -89.13 X5, 15.54, -88.55 X2260, 15.43, -88.13 X4, 15.04, -89.09 X5, 14.26, -89.21 X2261, 14.26, -89.21 X5, 13.45, -90.06 X2262, 12.59, -87.18 X4, 13.18, -86.42 X4, 13.45, -86.46 X4, 14.04, -86.01 X4, 13.50, -85.44 X4, 14.48, -84.54 X5, 15.00, -83.08 X2263, 14.26, -89.21 X4, 13.51, -88.28 X4, 13.54, -87.47 X5, 13.26, -87.50 X2264, 11.05, -85.41 X4, 11.04, -84.40 X4, 10.42, -83.55 X5, 10.55, -83.39 X2265, 9.34, -82.34 X4, 9.28, -82.56 X4, 8.56, -82.43 X4, 8.19, -83.03 X5, 8.02, -82.54 X2266, 9.23, -79.50 X4, 9.11, -79.41 X4, 9.20, -79.33 X5, 8.56, -79.32 X2267, 9.17, -80.02 X4, 9.01, -80.05 X5, 8.53, -79.36 X2268, 19.42, -71.45 X4, 19.09, -71.38 X4, 18.46, -71.43 X4, 18.36, -72.00 X4, 18.19, -71.42 X5, 18.03, -71.47 X2269, 8.40, -77.22 X4, 7.57, -77.09 X4, 7.32, -77.34 X4, 7.43, -77.45 X5, 7.14, -77.53 X2270, 1.26, -78.49 X4, 0.51, -77.41 X4, 0.23, -77.22 X4, 0.23, -76.07 X5, -0.06, -75.17 X2271, -0.06, -75.17 X4, -0.10, -74.49 X4, -0.58, -74.16 X4, -1.16, -73.38 X4, -1.47, -73.12 X5, -2.26, -72.56 X4, -2.25, -72.10 X4, -2.08, -71.44 X4, -2.23, -71.25 X5, -2.38, -70.06 X5, -3.47, -70.43 X4, -3.48, -70.19 X5, -4.13, -69.57 X2272, -0.06, -75.17 X4, -0.07, -75.38 X4, -0.58, -75.13 X4, -0.58, -75.25 X4, -1.33, -75.34 X4, -2.34, -76.40 X4, -2.59, -77.51 X4, -3.25, -78.20 X5, -5.00, -79.02 X4, -4.26, -79.38 X5, -4.26, -80.29 X4, -3.59, -80.28 X4, -3.53, -80.09 X5, -3.22, -80.22 X2273, -4.13, -69.57 X4, -4.29, -71.47 X5, -5.08, -72.54 X4, -6.27, -73.09 X4, -6.53, -73.45 X4, -7.18, -73.42 X5, -7.32, -74.01 X4, -8.59, -72.58 X5, -9.24, -73.12 X4, -9.30, -72.22 X4, -10.00, -72.09 X4, -10.00, -71.18 X5, -9.26, -70.31 X5, -11.01, -70.38 X5, -10.57, -69.34 X2274, -10.57, -69.34 X5, -12.30, -68.40 X4, -13.39, -69.05 X4, -14.12, -68.51 X4, -14.48, -69.22 X4, -15.15, -69.08 X4, -15.37, -69.25 X4, -16.10, -69.13 X4, -16.20, -68.49 X4, -17.11, -69.37 X5, -17.30, -69.30 X2275, -17.30, -69.30 X4, -17.41, -69.50 X4, -18.15, -69.57 X5, -18.21, -70.24 X2276, -17.30, -69.30 X4, -18.01, -69.04 X4, -18.57, -68.59 X4, -19.25, -68.26 X4, -19.55, -68.31 X4, -20.24, -68.45 X4, -20.54, -68.33 X4, -21.18, -68.11 X4, -22.50, -67.53 X5, -22.49, -67.11 X2277, -22.49, -67.11 X4, -23.00, -67.00 X4, -24.01, -67.20 X4, -24.46, -68.34 X4, -25.07, -68.21 X4, -25.27, -68.36 X4, -26.09, -68.24 X4, -26.30, -68.35 X5, -27.03, -68.19 X4, -27.07, -68.49 X4, -28.24, -69.39 X4, -29.18, -70.02 X4, -30.11, -69.50 X5, -31.19, -70.34 X4, -33.10, -70.06 X4, -33.17, -69.48 X5, -34.14, -69.49 X4, -35.15, -70.34 X4, -36.03, -70.22 X4, -36.51, -71.11 X4, -38.34, -70.49 X4, -38.55, -71.24 X4, -39.35, -71.42 X4, -40.44, -71.57 X4, -42.06, -71.44 X5, -42.17, -72.08 X4, -43.01, -72.08 X4, -43.11, -71.44 X4, -43.55, -71.39 X4, -44.22, -71.51 X5, -44.32, -71.06 X4, -44.48, -71.17 X4, -44.46, -72.05 X4, -45.18, -71.18 X4, -45.39, -71.47 X4, -45.58, -71.36 X4, -46.41, -71.40 X4, -47.28, -72.22 X4, -48.48, -72.34 X5, -49.32, -73.35 X4, -50.45, -73.10 X4, -50.39, -72.18 X4, -51.34, -72.26 X5, -51.59, -71.56 X4, -52.00, -70.00 X5, -52.23, -68.26 X2278, -22.49, -67.11 X4, -22.14, -66.44 X5, -21.47, -66.14 X4, -22.07, -65.45 X4, -22.13, -64.36 X5, -22.52, -64.19 X5, -22.00, -63.56 X4, -22.00, -62.49 X5, -22.14, -62.38 X2279, -22.14, -62.39 X4, -23.49, -61.00 X4, -24.01, -60.02 X5, -25.11, -57.45 X4, -25.34, -57.34 X4, -26.11, -58.09 X5, -27.19, -58.36 X4, -27.35, -56.22 X4, -27.19, -56.09 X5, -27.17, -55.35 X4, -26.39, -54.48 X5, -25.34, -54.36 X2280, -22.14, -62.38 X4, -20.34, -62.16 X5, -19.39, -61.45 X4, -19.18, -59.59 X4, -19.37, -58.33 X4, -19.50, -58.09 X5, -20.10, -58.10 X2281, -10.57, -69.34 X4, -11.08, -68.45 X4, -10.57, -68.16 X4, -10.41, -67.42 X4, -9.54, -66.38 X5, -9.41, -65.26 X5, -10.55, -65.19 X4, -11.44, -65.12 X5, -12.28, -64.24 X4, -12.39, -63.04 X4, -13.01, -62.47 X4, -13.33, -61.50 X5, -13.48, -60.28 X4, -14.31, -60.20 X4, -15.06, -60.23 X4, -15.06, -60.34 X4, -15.29, -60.14 X5, -16.16, -60.10 X5, -16.17, -58.20 X4, -17.15, -58.24 X4, -17.36, -57.44 X5, -18.12, -57.27 X4, -19.44, -58.07 X4, -19.59, -57.51 X5, -20.10, -58.10 X2282, -20.10, -58.10 X4, -20.58, -57.49 X5, -22.05, -57.59 X4, -22.18, -56.50 X5, -22.17, -55.51 X5, -23.58, -55.24 X5, -24.03, -54.15 X5, -25.34, -54.36 X2283, -30.14, -57.38 X5, -32.27, -58.12 X2284, -30.14, -57.38 X4, -30.14, -56.38 X4, -31.05, -56.00 X4, -30.51, -55.37 X4, -31.05, -55.20 X5, -32.03, -53.45 X4, -32.43, -53.06 X4, -33.09, -53.31 X5, -33.45, -53.23 X2285, -25.34, -54.36 X4, -25.30, -54.06 X4, -25.41, -53.52 X4, -26.15, -53.39 X5, -27.08, -53.48 X4, -28.14, -55.46 X5, -30.15, -57.38 X2286, 1.57, -56.28 X4, 1.57, -55.55 X4, 2.16, -56.08 X4, 2.32, -55.58 X5, 2.20, -54.36 X2287, 2.20, -54.37 X4, 2.07, -54.07 X4, 2.22, -53.45 X4, 2.10, -52.58 X5, 2.20, -52.44 X5, 4.02, -51.41 X2288, 2.20, -54.36 X4, 3.27, -54.00 X4, 4.45, -54.29 X5, 5.21, -54.10 X2289, 5.12, -60.44 X4, 5.12, -60.06 X4, 4.31, -60.09 X5, 4.23, -59.40 X4, 3.56, -59.31 X4, 3.36, -59.51 X4, 2.41, -59.59 X4, 1.52, -59.45 X5, 1.23, -59.15 X4, 1.36, -58.19 X4, 1.31, -58.00 X4, 2.01, -57.06 X5, 1.57, -56.28 X2290, 1.13, -66.52 X4, 0.45, -66.19 X4, 0.59, -65.35 X4, 0.39, -65.31 X4, 1.15, -64.44 X4, 1.35, -64.07 X4, 1.57, -64.00 X5, 2.09, -63.24 X4, 2.25, -63.22 X4, 2.28, -64.02 X4, 3.36, -64.11 X5, 4.17, -64.48 X4, 3.53, -64.01 X4, 3.58, -63.21 X5, 3.34, -62.53 X4, 4.02, -62.45 X5, 4.16, -61.31 X4, 4.50, -60.39 X5, 5.12, -60.44 X2291, 11.51, -71.19 X4, 11.40, -71.59 X4, 11.07, -72.30 X5, 9.11, -73.23 X4, 9.07, -72.46 X4, 8.06, -72.20 X4, 7.29, -72.28 X5, 7.01, -72.00 X4, 6.59, -70.07 X4, 6.05, -69.15 X5, 6.12, -67.27 X4, 4.33, -67.53 X4, 3.24, -67.17 X5, 2.47, -67.51 X4, 2.24, -67.12 X5, 1.13, -66.52 X2292, 8.32, -59.59 X4, 8.14, -59.50 X4, 7.32, -60.43 X4, 7.03, -60.17 X4, 6.43, -61.08 X4, 6.11, -61.07 X5, 5.57, -61.23 X5, 5.12, -60.44 X2293, -4.13, -69.57 X4, -1.11, -69.23 X4, -0.31, -69.36 X4, -0.09, -70.03 X5, 0.35, -70.03 X5, 0.39, -69.07 X4, 1.02, -69.16 X4, 1.04, -69.51 X5, 1.43, -69.51 X4, 1.43, -68.09 X4, 2.01, -68.11 X4, 1.45, -67.55 X4, 2.09, -67.25 X4, 1.43, -67.06 X4, 1.10, -67.05 X5, 1.13, -66.52 X2294, 1.57, -56.28 X4, 2.51, -57.12 X4, 3.23, -57.18 X4, 3.23, -57.40 X5, 4.00, -58.03 X4, 4.50, -57.55 X4, 5.01, -57.17 X5, 5.29, -57.15 X2295, -52.39, -68.37 X5, -54.53, -68.38 X2296, 2.04, 109.39 X4, 1.37, 109.40 X5, 0.51, 110.34 X4, 1.00, 111.50 X4, 1.34, 112.29 X4, 1.13, 113.39 X4, 1.26, 114.34 X5, 2.04, 114.53 X4, 2.15, 114.49 X4, 2.31, 115.14 X4, 2.54, 115.09 X4, 3.10, 115.33 X4, 3.55, 115.34 X5, 4.22, 115.52 X5, 4.10, 117.36 X2297, 4.35, 114.05 X4, 4.01, 114.37 X4, 4.23, 114.53 X5, 4.52, 115.01 X2298, 4.49, 115.02 X4, 4.23, 115.06 X4, 4.20, 115.22 X5, 4.54, 115.09 X2299, -2.36, 141.00 X5, -9.08, 141.00 X4000, 46.00, -116.53 X4, 45.34, -122.15 X4, 45.51, -122.47 X4, 46.11, -123.05 X5, 46.17, -124.05 X4001, 42.00, -124.11 X5, 42.00, -120.00 X4002, 46.00, -116.53 X5, 49.00, -117.02 X4003, 42.00, -117.01 X4, 44.10, -116.53 X4, 44.29, -117.13 X4, 45.36, -116.27 X5, 46.01, -116.54 X4004, 42.00, -120.00 X5, 42.00, -117.01 X4005, 35.00, -114.37 X5, 39.00, -120.00 X5, 42.00, -120.00 X4006, 44.30, -111.03 X4, 44.45, -111.22 X4, 44.33, -111.28 X4, 44.29, -113.00 X4, 45.36, -113.48 X5, 45.34, -114.33 X4, 46.40, -114.19 X4, 47.26, -115.43 X5, 49.00, -116.03 X4007, 44.30, -111.03 X4, 45.00, -111.03 X5, 45.00, -104.00 X4008, 42.00, -111.03 X5, 44.30, -111.03 X4009, 42.00, -117.01 X5, 42.00, -114.02 X4010, 42.00, -114.02 X5, 42.00, -111.03 X4011, 37.01, -114.02 X5, 42.00, -114.02 X4012, 41.00, -109.03 X5, 41.00, -111.03 X5, 42.00, -111.03 X4013, 41.00, -109.03 X5, 41.00, -104.01 X4014, 37.00, -109.03 X5, 41.00, -109.03 X4015, 37.00, -114.03 X5, 37.00, -109.02 X4016, 37.00, -109.02 X5, 37.00, -103.00 X4017, 34.59, -114.37 X4, 36.05, -114.44 X4, 36.05, -114.07 X5, 37.01, -114.02 X4018, 32.43, -114.43 X4, 32.52, -114.27 X4, 33.18, -114.44 X4, 33.57, -114.31 X4, 34.17, -114.07 X5, 35.00, -114.37 X4019, 31.20, -109.03 X5, 37.00, -109.03 X4020, 45.56, -104.01 X5, 49.00, -104.02 X4021, 45.00, -104.00 X5, 45.57, -104.01 X4022, 45.56, -104.01 X5, 45.56, -96.33 X4023, 43.00, -104.02 X5, 45.00, -104.02 X4024, 41.00, -104.01 X5, 43.01, -104.02 X4025, 43.00, -104.02 X4, 42.48, -97.09 X5, 42.31, -96.28 X4026, 40.00, -102.01 X5, 41.00, -102.02 X5, 41.00, -104.01 X4027, 40.01, -102.01 X5, 37.00, -102.01 X4028, 37.00, -103.00 X5, 37.00, -102.00 X4029, 36.30, -103.00 X5, 37.00, -103.00 X4030, 31.47, -106.31 X4, 32.00, -106.40 X5, 32.00, -103.04 X5, 36.30, -103.00 X4031, 40.00, -102.01 X5, 40.00, -95.18 X4032, 37.00, -102.00 X5, 37.00, -94.37 X4033, 36.30, -103.00 X5, 36.28, -100.00 X4, 34.35, -100.00 X5, 34.13, -99.11 X4, 34.09, -98.06 X4, 33.53, -97.57 X4, 33.43, -97.08 X4, 33.58, -96.55 X4, 33.42, -96.19 X4, 33.57, -95.09 X5, 33.39, -94.29 X4034, 45.56, -96.34 X5, 49.00, -97.13 X4035, 43.30, -96.27 X4, 45.18, -96.27 X4, 45.36, -96.52 X5, 45.57, -96.33 X4036, 43.30, -96.26 X5, 43.30, -91.13 X4037, 42.31, -96.29 X5, 43.30, -96.27 X4038, 40.36, -95.46 X5, 42.31, -96.29 X4039, 40.37, -95.46 X5, 39.59, -95.18 X4040, 40.36, -95.46 X5, 40.23, -91.26 X4041, 37.00, -94.37 X4, 39.09, -94.36 X4, 39.33, -95.06 X4, 39.49, -94.53 X5, 40.00, -95.19 X4042, 36.30, -94.37 X5, 37.00, -94.37 X4043, 36.30, -94.37 X4, 36.25, -90.07 X4, 35.59, -90.23 X5, 36.00, -89.44 X4044, 33.39, -94.29 X5, 36.30, -94.37 X4045, 33.39, -94.30 X4, 33.33, -94.03 X5, 33.01, -94.03 X4046, 30.00, -93.48 X4, 31.02, -93.31 X4, 32.00, -94.03 X5, 33.01, -94.03 X4047, 33.01, -94.03 X5, 33.01, -91.11 X4048, 43.30, -91.13 X4, 43.58, -91.24 X5, 44.45, -92.49 X4, 45.43, -92.53 X4, 46.05, -92.18 X5, 46.46, -92.07 X4049, 42.30, -90.39 X4, 42.45, -91.04 X5, 43.31, -91.13 X4050, 40.23, -91.26 X4, 40.58, -90.57 X4, 41.25, -91.02 X4, 41.49, -90.12 X5, 42.31, -90.38 X4051, 46.35, -90.25 X4, 45.56, -88.07 X4051, 45.46, -87.54 X5, 45.06, -87.36 X4052, 42.29, -87.48 X5, 42.31, -90.38 X4053, 36.58, -89.07 X4, 37.16, -89.31 X4, 37.41, -89.32 X4, 38.14, -90.22 X4, 38.50, -90.08 X4, 38.53, -90.37 X4, 39.43, -91.23 X5, 40.23, -91.26 X4054, 41.43, -87.31 X4, 38.45, -87.31 X5, 37.48, -88.03 X4055, 37.49, -88.02 X4, 37.29, -88.05 X4, 37.04, -88.29 X5, 36.59, -89.08 X4056, 36.59, -89.08 X5, 36.29, -89.26 X4057, 36.30, -89.26 X5, 35.59, -89.44 X4058, 36.00, -89.44 X5, 35.00, -90.18 X4059, 35.01, -90.19 X4, 33.43, -91.14 X5, 33.00, -91.11 X4060, 33.01, -91.11 X4, 32.19, -90.54 X4, 31.38, -91.31 X5, 31.00, -91.39 X4, 30.59, -89.43 X5, 30.11, -89.31 X4061, 41.46, -86.50 X5, 41.41, -84.48 X4062, 41.44, -83.28 X5, 41.42, -84.48 X4063, 41.42, -84.48 X5, 39.06, -84.49 X4064, 39.06, -84.49 X4, 38.47, -84.48 X4, 38.44, -85.26 X4, 37.58, -86.03 X4, 38.12, -86.22 X4, 37.51, -86.38 X4, 37.58, -87.36 X5, 37.48, -88.03 X4065, 38.25, -82.36 X4, 38.45, -82.53 X4, 38.47, -84.05 X5, 39.05, -84.50 X4066, 37.32, -81.58 X5, 38.25, -82.35 X4067, 37.32, -81.58 X5, 36.36, -83.40 X4068, 36.30, -89.25 X4, 36.30, -88.03 X5, 36.36, -83.41 X4069, 36.36, -83.41 X5, 36.36, -81.39 X4070, 36.37, -81.39 X4, 36.08, -82.02 X4, 35.31, -83.53 X5, 34.59, -84.19 X4071, 35.00, -90.18 X5, 35.00, -88.11 X4072, 35.00, -85.37 X5, 35.00, -88.11 X4073, 35.00, -85.37 X5, 34.59, -84.19 X4074, 35.00, -88.11 X5, 30.23, -88.24 X4075, 30.16, -87.30 X5, 31.00, -87.36 X5, 31.00, -85.00 X4076, 30.59, -85.00 X4, 31.50, -85.08 X4, 32.16, -84.54 X5, 35.00, -85.37 X4077, 30.43, -81.31 X4, 30.43, -82.02 X4, 30.22, -82.05 X4, 30.34, -82.14 X4, 30.43, -84.52 X5, 31.00, -85.01 X4078, 40.38, -80.31 X5, 41.59, -80.31 X4079, 40.39, -80.31 X4, 39.37, -80.53 X4, 38.56, -81.46 X4, 38.56, -82.07 X5, 38.25, -82.36 X4080, 35.00, -83.06 X4, 34.42, -83.21 X4, 33.01, -81.29 X5, 32.02, -80.54 X4081, 34.59, -84.20 X5, 35.00, -83.06 X4082, 35.00, -83.06 X4, 35.13, -82.23 X4, 35.09, -81.03 X4, 34.48, -79.40 X5, 33.51, -78.33 X4083, 36.37, -81.40 X5, 36.33, -75.50 X4084, 39.20, -77.44 X4, 39.09, -77.50 X4, 39.20, -78.22 X4, 38.25, -79.17 X4, 38.35, -79.39 X5, 37.26, -80.27 X5, 37.32, -81.58 X4085, 39.43, -79.29 X4, 39.12, -79.29 X4, 39.42, -78.11 X5, 39.20, -77.44 X4086, 39.43, -79.29 X4, 39.43, -80.31 X5, 40.38, -80.31 X4087, 42.16, -79.46 X4, 42.00, -79.46 X4, 42.00, -75.20 X5, 41.21, -74.42 X4088, 41.21, -74.42 X4, 40.59, -73.54 X5, 40.30, -74.15 X4089, 42.03, -73.29 X5, 41.01, -73.39 X4090, 42.45, -73.15 X5, 42.03, -73.29 X4091, 42.03, -73.29 X5, 42.00, -72.47 X4092, 42.00, -72.48 X4, 42.00, -71.48 X5, 41.19, -71.51 X4093, 42.01, -71.48 X4, 42.01, -71.23 X5, 41.31, -71.08 X4094, 45.01, -73.21 X5, 42.45, -73.15 X4095, 42.44, -72.27 X5, 42.45, -73.15 X4096, 42.53, -70.49 END_OF_MWDBII.011 if test 12457 -ne `wc -c