Xref: utzoo comp.os.cpm:2665 comp.misc:6821 Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!mailrus!csd4.milw.wisc.edu!lll-winken!uunet!yale!cmcl2!phri!sim From: sim@phri.UUCP (Kristian Simsarian) Newsgroups: comp.os.cpm,comp.misc Subject: Amstrad CP/M -software ?? Summary: archive search Message-ID: <3932@phri.UUCP> Date: 11 Aug 89 15:52:49 GMT References: <8908110703.AA18445@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> Reply-To: sim@phri.UUCP (Kristian Simsarian) Organization: Public Health Research Inst. (NY, NY) Lines: 19 I am by no means a CP/M afficionado, but am looking for software (Public Domain / comercial) that runs on the "Amstrad" which apparently runs CP/M. My mother has bought some Word Processor that apparently is actually a real gp computer and runs CP/M. Now that she has some communication package and can talk to the outside I thought I would check on the net to see if anyone had heard of such a beast. If you know of any archives or places that supply software for these machines please send me mail. Apparently the machine is quite popular in Britain but never made it here. Thanks in advance, -- Kristian T. Simsarian Public Health Research Institute, NYC (212) 578-0-875 {allegra,philabs,cmcl2,rutgers}!phri!sim -or- phri!sim@uunet.uu.net sim@asparagine.phri.nyu.edu "There is no cure for the common code."