Xref: utzoo rec.audio:14481 comp.sys.amiga:38268 comp.music:20 Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!axion!galadriel!stevep From: stevep@galadriel.bt.co.uk (Steve Paine) Newsgroups: rec.audio,comp.sys.amiga,comp.music Subject: MIDI,LIGHTS,DISCO and COMPUTERS. Message-ID: <314@galadriel.bt.co.uk> Date: 9 Aug 89 12:38:11 GMT Organization: RT6115, BTRL, Martlesham Heath, England Lines: 24 I'VE GOT AN AMIGA 500! WOW! AMAZING! AAAAH! OK cut the cr*p, lets get down to it. I'm interested in using it as part of a mobile disco set-up, and i've got a few questions: - What sort of life expectancy can I expect from my Amiga if I subject it to a life of rough and tumble, and what can I do to increase it. (Apart from 'wrapping it in cotton wool'.) - Whats this I hear about a MIDI lighting standard. Does anyone have any info/ contacts that might help me? - Is there any soft/hardware produced specifically for Amiga/disco applications? (What about Video (titling etc), database applications, lighting, sampling.) - Are there any BPM thingies out there? (Something that will measure the beats/ min of a piece of music.) I know there's quite a lot to cover there, but at least it might stir a few discussions up. The MIDI lighting interests me a lot, it seems such a simple thing to implement, and with talk (re. a magazine i read last year) about MIDI info being put on CD's, it could be a real winner. Food for thought anyway! Thank in advance for any info. - Steve 'no signature' Paine.