Xref: utzoo alt.emusic:672 comp.music:50 Path: utzoo!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!rutgers!psuvax1!psuvm!auvm!eharnden From: EHARNDEN@AUVM.BITNET (Eric Harnden) Newsgroups: alt.emusic,comp.music Subject: Electronic Music Digest EM890801 Message-ID: <89230.173123EHARNDEN@AUVM> Date: 18 Aug 89 21:31:21 GMT Organization: The American University - University Computing Center Lines: 304 Electronic Music Digest EM890801 August 1, 1989 Editor: Eric Harnden EHARNDEN@AUVM Today: Letter From The Editor Summer Courses Roland D-50 smpte etc. Module replacement for a Roland JX3P? Deadline approaching PS/2 Model 50Z Re: PS/2 Model 50Z Tablature Scanning Music scores RE: PS/2 Model 50Z This Digest is extracted from the discussion group EMUSIC-L, hosted by LISTSERV@AUVM. To subscribe to this Digest, send the command SUB EMUSIC-D YOUR NAME to LISTERV@AUVM. If you wish to take part in the original discussion, subscribe instead to EMUSIC-L. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Eric Harnden, The Editor SUBJECT: ON LINE AGAIN Hi there. Sorry this has taken so long to get out. For the past several weeks, my position here at the university has been in a state of flux. My status has now stabilized. I am no longer a full time staff member at AU, but will be teaching as adjunct faculty. I have another full time job elsewhere. The administration here has agreed to let me continue this and the other groups that I moderate. I will spending the next week getting out the backlog, after which I will return to more normal, regular operation. This is also the first issue of this Digest to be posted to the Internet (or is Usenet?) newsgroups Alt.Emusic and Comp.Music. I will, at times, pull interesting material from those groups, digest them, and post the results both here and to the regular discussion group. It's good to be back alive. Be seeing you. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 3 Jul 89 18:31:00 N Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List From: MUSIC01@UNIPAD.INFN.IT Subject: Summer Courses The Centro di Sonologia Computazionale of the University of Padua (Italy) organizes its summer courses of Computer Music. All courses are in italian, except Mr Dashow's (composition and synthesis of musical events using Music360 language) in english and italian. The price of subscription to the courses is in italian lire. Futhermore informations can be obtained contacting our Centre. The calendar follows: CENTRO DI SONOLOGIA COMPUTAZIONALE UNIVERSITA' DI PADOVA CORSI DI INFORMATICA MUSICALE 1989 Sede e segreteria operativa: C. S. C. Tel. 049/8750477 8753512 Via S. Francesco 11 35121 PADOVA 26 - 30 giugno TECNICHE E METODI DELLA MUSICA INFORMATICA Docenti: F. Cappello - G. De Poli - B. Fagarazzi - R. Doati - M. Graziani - G. Tisato -A. Vidolin - F. Villa Quota di iscrizione: 200.000 (soci AIMI) 300.000 (non soci) 3 - 7 luglio COMPOSIZIONE E SINTESI: LA PROGETTAZIONE DI EVENTI MUSICALI Docente: J. Dashow Quota di iscrizione: 300.000 (soci AIMI) 400.000 (non soci) 17 - 21 luglio PROGETTAZIONE E SINTESI: LABORATORIO MUSIC 5 Docenti: B. Fagarazzi - A. Provaglio Quota di iscrizione: 300.000 (soci AIMI) 400.000 (non soci) 24 - 28 luglio CAMPIONAMENTO E ELABORAZIONE NUMERICA DEI SUONI Docenti: M. Graziani - G. Tisato Quota di iscrizione: 300.000 (soci AIMI) 400.000 (non soci) 11 - 15 settembre ELABORAZIONE DELLA VOCE NELLA MUSICA INFORMATICA Docenti:G. Tisato-G.A. Mian- A. Provaglio Quota di iscrizione: 300.000 (soci AIMI) 400.000 (non soci) 18 - 22 settembre AMBIENTI ESECUTIVI E SISTEMI IN TEMPO REALE Docenti: F. Cappello - P. Balladore Quota di iscrizione: 300.000 (soci AIMI) 400.000 (non soci) 20 - 23 novembre CORSO DI AGGIORNAMENTO IN INFORMATICA MUSICALE (il personale direttivo e docente delle scuole e' esentato dall'insegnamento) Docenti:R. Doati- M. Graziani- G. Tisato F. Villa Quota di iscrizione: 200.000 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Jul 89 15:37:09 BST Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Nick Rothwell Subject: Roland D-50 In-Reply-To: "Daniel J. Graham"'s message of Tue, 27 Jun 89 07:23:00 EST <1411.8906271238@lfcs.ed.ac.uk >Well, I don't like it much. I guess I'm a musical clod, but my tastes run >to the classical and new age, and the D-50 does not seem to have many >patches amenable to those kinds of music. The keyboard operates >beautifully, and the programmer is very nice, too. The bottom line is, >though, I like thick, rich sounds and the LA synthesis just does not >produce them as well as my Juno 2. I think you're judging it a little too quickly. The D-50 isn't quite as rich as a true analog, I agree, but I think the internal effects compensate for this, and it can do some beautiful orchestral and atmospheric timbres. I have some lovely Jupiter Strings patches which I use all the time. I'll try to get my D-50 patch banks (approx 20 of them) online as soon as I'm over my LA->UK Jetlag... BinHex or uuencode? Anybody want comments about the Oberheim Cyclone "MIDI Performance Arpeggiator"? Nick. -- Nick Rothwell, Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, Edinburgh. nick@lfcs.ed.ac.uk !mcvax!ukc!lfcs!nick ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Fais que ton reve soit plus long que la nuit. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Jul 89 16:11:23 BST Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Nick Rothwell Subject: smpte etc. In-Reply-To: Chris Iverson's message of Wed, 28 Jun 89 10:14:00 EST <4826.8906281822@lfcs.ed.ac.uk >So what the heck does the Midiman do? Basically, it turns any ordinary >cassette player into a sequencer, or more acurately, a sequence player. >It records MIDI data from a real sequencer (your home computer) directly >onto tape. This is a very useful facility. It means that, for example, you can use a computer-based sequencer, dump a song onto tape in MIDI form, and then run a voice editor on the computer to alter some of the sounds while the song is playing back. Of course, if MIDI systems on computers were TRULY integrated there would be no need for this... I don't trust cassette tape for anything really critical like live sequences (although, perhaps Midiman has error correction...?), so I'm going to investigate the Elka CR-99. Essentially the same functionality, but using 3.5" floppies, which gives you random access between songs (although not within songs, although you can "fast- wind"). It has tempo control and overdubbing, all in the MIDI domain, of course. It only has a single MIDI in, with the two MIDI-outs being copies; this is a shame, because I'm currently using about 20 MIDI channels from my Mac. I'm still finding my way around the Cyclone, but I expect that it will sync to MIDI clock messages without too much hassle. I've already had it running the other way, with Performer (version 3.0 - anybody want a review?) slaved to the Cyclone. Our live set-up will probably involve sequences and clock info playing back from a CR-99 or something like it, and live play from keyboards, possibly into the Cyclone which is sync'ed to the sequencer clock. has anybody heard of the Alesis Datadisk? Sounds like another of the same to me...? Nick. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Jul 89 17:00:23 EDT Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Dan Bornstein Subject: Module replacement for a Roland JX3P? Does anyone know if there is a tone module (i.e. tone generator, no keyboard) that has the same patch scheme as a Roland JX3P (or JX8P too, I believe they're the same). I have a JX3P and want to get a better keyboard, but I'm attached to the sounds of the synth. So, I'm looking for a module I can buy that will generate 3P-style sounds, freeing me to get a new keyboard. Any suggestions? Thanks! -dan Bitnet: danfuzz@brownvm Internet: danfuzz@brownvm.brown.edu AppleTalk: Find me a long enough cable and I'll see what we can do. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 7 Jul 89 11:59:22 EDT Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List From: Cecilia Tan Subject: Deadline approaching Hello, it's me again. Just a reminder that I need all your submissions for the emusic-l compiliation tape by August 1st. I don't mean in the mail on that day, I mean in my mailbox. Thus far we have accumulated about 20- 25 minutes of music, some of which is mine. (I spent about four hours working on a piece last night which will be about 4 mn. long) So crank up your sequencers, your LFOs and fm tones and make some NOISE! It would be nice to get a note once in a while, too, about how things are going... -cecilia (ps. please cc: any mail to me to st501220 at brownvm also, since the death of my account is imminent) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 10 Jul 89 14:11:00 EST Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List From: CHAOS INCARNATE Subject: PS/2 Model 50Z Does anyone know where I might find a MIDI interface for a Model 50Z? Thanks, Dan Kraus DKRAUS@FORDMURH ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 10 Jul 89 14:23:49 EDT Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List From: "Kevin R. Weiner" Subject: Re: PS/2 Model 50Z Roland finally announced an MPU-compatible MIDI interface for the Micro Channel, but it may be several months until it is available. Best to check with a Roland dealer. If you can't wait, KEE's Midiator uses the machine's serial interface, but has limited software availability. Kevin Weiner Lehigh University Computing Center (215) 758-3991 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 10 Jul 89 16:14:59 EDT Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List From: "Kevin R. Weiner" Subject: Tablature Does anyone have experience with a PC-based scoring program which handles guitar tablature as well as standard notation? Kevin Weiner Lehigh University Computing Center (215) 758-3991 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 10 Jul 89 11:23:00 EST Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List From: 219 DAN MANDELL 284-4610 Subject: Scanning Music scores A musician friend has asked me to determine 1) whether the capability exists to scan musical scores. 2) whether there are accepted standards (redundant?) for storing such data...(Midi???) 3) whether folks are working on the problem... Dan Mandell University of Notre Dame xlykn8@irishmvs ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Jul 89 08:29:00 EDT Reply-To: Electronic Music Discussion List From: "Dr. DOS" Subject: RE: PS/2 Model 50Z I thought this was probably of general interest, so I replied here instead of directly. Dan Kraus asked about Microchannel PS/2 MIDI interfaces recently. At the last NAMM show, Roland announced a Microchannel MPU-401. No delivery date was given, but I'd guess Fall sometime. I've no idea on pricing either. KEE Industries makes the Midiator, which is a serial port-based interface which is unfortunately incompatible with most MIDI software. If it were me, I think I'd wait a bit and see if Roland actually gets the MPU-IMC (I think that's the designation) out the door in a timely manner. Dave Goodwin GOODWIN@SMCVAX ------------------------------