Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!!!bionet!agate!shelby!labrea!daemon From: (TeXhax Digest) Newsgroups: comp.text Subject: TeXhax Digest V89 #73 Message-ID: <24030@labrea.Stanford.EDU> Date: 18 Aug 89 03:17:30 GMT Sender: daemon@labrea.Stanford.EDU Lines: 505 TeXhax Digest Friday, August 11, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 73 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Today's Topics: Needed: Information concerning Lucida maths fonts Re: Catcode bug in TeX? Getting DECUS TeX collection running Bug in DVIEW European TeX conference, final announcement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Aug 89 15:25:18 BST From: Sebastian Rahtz Subject: Needed: Information concerning Lucida maths fonts Keywords: Lucida fonts, math fonts We have just acquired the Lucida fonts, and very nice they look too. One of the reasons we were interested in them was because Bigelow and Holmes designed a set of TeX-compatible maths characters, but at present Linotype are only supplying Lucida and Lucida Sans. Can anyone advise me: a) whether the Lucida maths fonts are available anywhere b) how to get them c) what they are like Sebastian Rahtz Computer Science Southampton ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 1 Aug 89 19:00 N From: "Rainer M. Schoepf" Subject: Re: Catcode bug in TeX? Keywords: TeX, catcode bug In TeXhax #70 Wayne Sullivan reported a strange behaviour of the active underscore character in math mode. He writes \catcode`\_=\active \def_{\char`\_} $ _ $ The behaviour he reports is not due to a bug in TeX: When TeX sees \char`\_ in math mode it treats it as command to process the math character number `\_ (remember that the sequence is a number). The \mathcode of this character is 32768, that is hex 8000. This is a very special math code, the analogon of \catcode `active' in math. So TeX will expand again the active character _ and enter an infinite loop. The interesting question is why the underscore has this math code. Any answers to this one? Frank Mittelbach Rainer Sch\"opf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 4 Aug 1989 9:41:49 EDT From: Tom Limoncelli Subject: Getting DECUS TeX collection running Keywords: DECUS, TeX Hi. We just installed DECUS's TeX collection and we're having a couple problems. I had read The TeX book before the installation, so that went without too many problems but now we can't get any output on our printers. I took "diskquo.tex" from tex_root:[examples] and ran it through TeX with no problem. I ran DVIEPS (Epson), DVIJET (HP LaserJet) and DVIJEP (HP LaserJet +) without any problems (file sizes were about 200K, 37K, and 20K respectively). Since we only have a line-printer on our VAX, I used Kermit (in binary mode) to download those *.DVI-xxx files to MS-DOS machines (yes, I renamed them to fit IBM's naming conventions). From there I tried COPY PRN and PRINT DISKQUO.XXX and neither would work for any of the files. In all cases, the command seemed to have output everything to the printer very fast. This makes me think that handshaking isn't being done, though this happened on a couple different computers/printers and all of them work find with other programs. Does anyone else do a similar procedure but get better results? Tom ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 4 Aug 89 11:36 GMT From: Peter Flynn UCC Subject: Bug in DVIEW Keywords: DVIEW bug There is a very nasty bug in Steve Ward's DVIEW which has occurred twice here, on two separate machines, running two different versions of TeX, on two utterly unrelated user files: the only common factor is that the .DVI file is ***BIG***, an entire thesis, some 400 pages. DVIEW loads the fonts without problems, and the says it is loading pages...400 399 398 397 396 etc etc downwards, but when it gets to 104 the screen clears and leaves the message: Missing BOP for page 104, seekpt 203174. (last=844902) at the top of the screen and drops back to the DOS prompt. This is causing major headaches. I have already asked Jacques Goldberg, who kindly distributes DVIEW, if he can point me at an address for Steve Ward, or the code, or a fix, but in the meantime I wondered if anyone else has found this, and if there is already a fix in existence. This latest occurrence is DVIEW v2.5 on DOS 3.3 using TeX 2.1 (pcTeX 2.10) ...Peter Flynn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: 04 Aug 89 10:07 GMT+0200 From: Subject: European TeX conference, final announcement Keywords: TeX conference. general %______________________________________________________________________ Final Call for Participation and Registration Form TeX 89 4th Annual Meeting of European TeX Users September 11--13, 1989, Karlsruhe, FRG %______________________________________________________________________ TeX 89, the 4th European TeX Conference, will take place at the University of Karlsruhe, FRG, from Monday, September 11, to Wednesday, September 13, 1989. The conference is preceded and followed by two days of workshops. The conference language is English. Program: The conference program is a mixture of talks and discussion groups. So far, some twenty talks have been announced. They cover a wide range of TeXnical topics, like teaching TeX, getting the TeX community organized, TeX and standards, macro packages, LaTeX, TeX and the production process, DVI drivers, and TeX and foreign languages. A complete list of the speakers and their talks is enclosed. Further announcement of talks, accompanied by a short abstract, will be accepted till August 21. Various discussion groups will give everybody the opportunity to participate actively in the conference. So far, four discussion groups have been arranged. We are still looking for chairpersons who want to initiate discussions on further topics. A discussion chair should prepare a short, controversial statement to get the discussion going, and should be willing to summarize the discussion for the plenum. Discussion groups will probably be small, not more than twenty people per group. If you have a proposal for a discussion group, please indicate so on the registration form. There will be an exhibition of TeX-related products and books during the conference. Anyone interested in exhibiting products should contact Rainer Rupprecht (the address is on the registration form). The conference begins on Monday, September 11, at 10 am (registration starting at 9 am) and closes on Wednesday, September 13, at 4 pm. Workshops: The two days before and after the conference are devoted to workshops. Please find enclosed a list of the workshops with brief course descriptions. We proudly announce that several distinguished TeX specialists have committed themselves as lectures. Applicants should indicate on the registration form their level of expertise and what they want to achieve in the workshop. The classes can then better be tailored to their needs. In general we will limit enrollment to 15 applicants per workshops to keep the groups operational. On the other hand, the workshops have to be self-supporting. Hence, if less than ten people enroll for a workshop, the workshop must be cancelled. Applicants will be notified on August 23 about acceptation or rejection. Charges: The conference fee is DM 280,--. The fee includes registration materials, lunches, coffee breaks, social events (including a surprise excursion on Tuesday afternoon), and a copy of the conference proceedings. Conference registration must be accompanied by payment. The workshops are DM 100,-- per day. This only includes the classes and teaching material the lecturers might provide. Please pay for workshops only *after* your registration has been confirmed. Accomodation: Participants must make their own arrangements for accomodation. Please contact Verkehrsverein Karlsruhe e.V. Bahnhofsplatz 6 7500 Karlsruhe 1, FRG Deadline: The deadline for all registrations is August 21, 1989. Talks %----- Malcolm Clark: TeX and/or SGML R. Olejniczak: TeXpic---design and implementation of a picture graphics language in TeX a la pic Bart Childs: The state of TUG, TeX, and a report on teaching TeX Bart Childs and others: TeX environments J. Schrod: Changebars without \special's M. Rycko and B. Jackowski: Polish TeX is ready for use F. Mittelbach and R. Schoepf: With LaTeX into the nineties--- LaTeX limitations and how to get around them P. D. Bacsich: MoreMath---a new PostScript font of mathematical symbols W. Antweiler: A TeX--REDUCE-interface (Poster talk) E. Neuwirth: Combining databases and TeX for producing a textbook for homoeopathic medicine K. Neuwirth: TeX on the AMIGA---hands-on experiences J. Lammarsch: Using LISTSERV at DHDURZ1 J. Lammarsch: Getting organized in Germany K. van der Laan: Getting organized in the Netherlands R. Wonneberger: TeX in an IDP environment A. Brueggemann-Klein: TeX and document design M. Bryan: JLaTeX N. Eiglsperger: A public domain driver for Digiset D. Rogers: Electronic Publishing in the nineties Discussion groups %----------------- Document structures (LaTeX, SGML ...) TeX and graphics (and fonts) Getting information TUG and national user groups Workshops %--------- --> Plain TeX --> Philip Taylor, RHBNC, University of London --> September 9th/10th, 10--20 participants Philip Taylor is totally dedicated to Plain Tex, and spends a considerable amount of time developing new macros to work within the Plain environment. His course will cover all aspects of the TeX language with the exception of output routines, but the emphasis of the course is entirely under the control of those wishing to attend. He is equally happy to teach Plain TeX for complete beginners, or intermediate TeX for those wishing to extend their knowledge of the language. As he feels it unlikely that any complete beginners would be attending this conference, the initial refinement of the syllabus includes material up to the level of (say), \halign (which is remarkably easy to use if you design your own \halign's, rather than trying to understand the examples in the book), but you are asked to give brief details of your TeX experience and interests when signing up for this course, so that the syllabus can be adjusted to be of maximum interest and use to those attending. Please bring your own copies of the TeXbook. --> LaTeX for beginners --> Jost Krieger, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum --> September 14th/15th, 10--15 participants Jost Krieger comes from a very active TeX community in Bochum, which is particularly concerned with TeX in a German environment. The German hyphenation patterns generated at Bochum are in widespread use. Jost himself is an experienced TeX and LaTeX teacher. His course addresses LaTeX novices, either starting from scratch or switching from plain TeX. Prerequisites: No previous knowledge of TeX or LaTeX is assumed, but it is necessary to be familiar with the basic notions behind using a text editor on a mainframe or PC, since practical work plays an important part in the course. Bring your own LaTeX manual. --> Advanced macro writing and developing LaTeX styles --> Joachim Schrod, Detig Schrod TeXsys and TH Darmstadt --> September 14th/15th, 10--15 participants Joachim Schrod is both an experienced programmer and TeX macro specialist, working on TeX portations, new members of the WEB language family and macro development since 1981. He is contributing frequently to TeXhax and tugboat. He is the author of a highly portable driver family, YADD (Yet Another DVI Driver family) and participant of the DVI driver standards committee. His course addresses people having some experience with TeX and in writing simple macros, probably often struggling with the unexpected side effects caused by the non-modular structure of LaTeX. As LaTeX style development is always (Plain) TeX macro development, the course will first introduce you to the principles of the programming language Plain TeX, namely dynamic/static binding, expansion, and interrupt handling (output routines). Then the LaTeX programming interface is presented, not formally specified, but as an informal description of the most important macros for style development. The workshop is a mixture of lectures and hands-on practical sessions. Prerequisites: A good working knowledge of TeX and LaTeX is assumed. Bring your own \TeX{}book. --> Teaching TeX and LaTeX --> Cathy Booth and Malcolm Clark, Exeter University and Imperial College --> September 9th, 10--20 participants Cathy Booth and Malcolm Clark need no introduction in this forum. They did a superb job of organizing last year's conference in Exeter and are well known for their zeal to give TeX the place in the world it deserves. Cathy and Malcolm have both taught courses on behalf of the TeX Users Group, TUG, as well as to others. Their longstanding involvement with TeX and LaTeX makes them an experienced team to teach the teachers. This one-day workshop consists of classroom lectures and discussions. Prerequisites: Some basic knowledge of TeX or LaTeX is assumed. --> Introduction to METAFONT --> Don Hosek, Pitzer College --> September 9th/10th, 10--15 participants Don Hosek of TeXmag fame is an active member of the TeX Users Group, TUG, participating in the TUGboat editorial committee and the DVI driver standards committee. In addition, he has been teaching courses for TUG for some time now. The workshop will cover the basic concepts of METAFONT, beginning with what it does and what good it is. Participants will become familiar with using METAFONT to generate characters from existing METAFONT programs and to develop characters and logos on their own. Topics will include an explanation of METAFONT's mode_def's, drawing shapes using METAFONT's capabilities, an introduction to METAFONT's mathematical abilities, and macros and variables in METAFONT. Prerequisites: No METAFONT knowledge is assumed. Experience with TeX is recommended. Bring your own METAFONTbook. --> Typefaces: History and Use --> Anne Brueggemann-Klein, Universitaet Freiburg --> September 14th/15th, 10--15 participants Anne Brueggemann-Klein is working on an interface between the document designer and TeX. While studying document designers at work, she got hooked on the beauty of typefaces. Topics covered by this workshop include terminology, the historical development of type forms and their parallels in architecture, classification schemes, tools for typeface recognition, readability, effective use of typefaces, and typeface combinations. In the age of PostScript, there is more to fonts than Computer Modern! Participants are provided with an annotated bibliography on type and document design. Prerequisites: No TeX-related knowledge is assumed. Bring your favorite and most hated type specimens. %______________________________________________________________________ TeX89 Conference and Workshop Registration Form %______________________________________________________________________ Name __________________________________________________________ Affiliation __________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Telephone __________________________________________________________ E-mail __________________________________________________________ Please tick where appropriate. _ |_| I want to register for the conference. _ |_| A cheque on DM 280,-- is enclosed. _ |_| Please send me an invoice; bank transfer will be done immediately. _ |_| I want to present a paper. A short abstract is enclosed. The title of the paper is _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _ |_| I want to lead a discussion group on _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _ |_| I want to register for a workshop. I will pay for the workshop as soon as my registration is confirmed. First preference ________________________________________________ Second preference _______________________________________________ Comments (level of expertise, motivation, goals) ________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Send before August 21 to Rainer Rupprecht Rechenzentrum Universitaet Karlsruhe Postfach 6800 7500 Karlsruhe 1, FRG Telephone: (0721) 608-4031 e-mail: RZ32 at DKAUNI2 (bitnet) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX %%% Users Group, and the latest software versions is available %%% in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest. %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% %%% Internet: send a similar one line mail message to %%% %%% JANET users may choose to use %%% %%% All submissions to: %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nn = issue number %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------