Xref: utzoo sci.crypt:2164 news.misc:3483 Newsgroups: sci.crypt,news.misc Path: utzoo!henry From: henry@utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) Subject: Re: "Paper on Codes is Sent Despite U.S. Objection", NYT Aug 9 1989 Message-ID: <1989Aug10.153233.16104@utzoo.uucp> Organization: U of Toronto Zoology References: <768@stag.math.lsa.umich.edu> <2295@ucsfcca.ucsf.edu> Date: Thu, 10 Aug 89 15:32:33 GMT In article <2295@ucsfcca.ucsf.edu> root@cca.ucsf.edu (Systems Staff) writes: >The following is offered by way of a review of this article which >appeared on page A11 of the national edition of the New York Times... While I'm inclined to agree with some of the speculations that followed, I would sound a note of caution: just because it's printed in the NYT doesn't mean it's right. Cryptanalyzing :-) the exact wording used in the article is probably not profitable. -- V7 /bin/mail source: 554 lines.| Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology 1989 X.400 specs: 2200+ pages. | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry henry@zoo.toronto.edu