Xref: utzoo talk.politics.misc:31754 sci.bio:2172 Path: utzoo!censor!geac!jtsv16!uunet!ginosko!aplcen!arrom From: arrom@aplcen.apl.jhu.edu (Ken Arromdee) Newsgroups: talk.politics.misc,sci.bio Subject: Re: Hybrid vigor Message-ID: <2577@aplcen.apl.jhu.edu> Date: 9 Aug 89 04:32:11 GMT References: <4869@drivax.UUCP> <3411@internal.Apple.COM> Reply-To: arrom@aplcen.apl.jhu.edu (Ken Arromdee (600.429)) Followup-To: talk.politics.misc,sci.bio Distribution: usa Organization: Johns Hopkins University Lines: 11 >By the way, a very large sector of the "white" American population is just >as mixed as the "black" population. I've seen estimates that as many as >25% of white Southerners have some African ancestry. Of course, everyone has African ancestry... -- "The fact is self evident from the text and requires no supporting argument." --Tim Maroney Kenneth Arromdee (UUCP: ....!jhunix!ins_akaa; BITNET: g49i0188@jhuvm; INTERNET: arromdee@crabcake.cs.jhu.edu) (please, no mail to arrom@aplcen)