Path: utzoo!censor!geac!jtsv16!uunet!!ucbvax!pasteur!ames!vsi1!daver!lynx!neal From: neal@lynx.uucp (Neal Woodall) Newsgroups: ca.politics, Subject: Re: Hybrid vigor Summary: More thoughts on this subject Message-ID: <5983@lynx.UUCP> Date: 9 Aug 89 17:22:29 GMT References: <4869@drivax.UUCP> <3411@internal.Apple.COM> Reply-To: neal@lynx.UUCP (Neal Woodall) Distribution: usa Organization: Lynx Real-Time Systems Inc, Campbell CA Lines: 75 MacLeod writes: American Blacks are highly hybridized with Whites, and exhibit the hybrid vigor so prized by athletic teams. Casseres writes: If some people posted this bullshit, I would assume they didn't know it was racist ignorance. In your case, I assume that you do know, and that either you are a racist or you are just being a self-indulgent wise guy. MacLeod writes: Back in high school biology, I was taught that a eugenics program should take a given gene pool and inbreed it for 20 generations, weeding out the recessive-gene problems dredged up by the increasingly homozygous population. At this point, the gene pool is outbred to a very different one, and the F1 generation produced exhibits heterozygous "hybrid vigor", often exceeding either parent stock in desired traits. Casseres writes: I have only heard of "hybrid vigor" in the context of agricultural crops. I have never heard of it being applied to human populations. Mr. Casseres is clearly ignorant on this: hybrid vigor can indeed be applied to things other than agricultrual is also frequently applied to agrcultural stock (ie, animals) as well. Perhaps the reason you hardly ever hear of it being aplied to humans is because it invariably causes a furior among the "progressives" who fear that it could be used to further racial discrimination. In fact, Mr. Casseres himself demonstrates this in his quote above. It is because of the inevitable cries of "racism" and "discrimination" from the so-called "progressives" that this subject cannot usually be discussed in a rational fashion. I have my own views on this, and at the risk of being flamed or worse, I am going to enter this fray. It is my understanding that the journey to the North American continent was very hard for the slaves that were brought from Africa....hundreds of slaves crowded into the cargo holds of ships, given little food and water. The heat from the crowded bodies alone was enough to kill about 20% of them. Sometimes the attrition rates for the entire trip would be almost 50% of an original group of captured Africans. Is it any suprise that the ones who eventually made it to America were of superior physical constitution and genotype? When the slaves arrived in this country, they were sold to the plantation owners for the purposes of physical labor....the owners did not want small and weak slaves, they wanted strong slaves that could toil for hours a day in the fields. They undertook breeding programs to produce the strongest slaves with superior stamina....they bred the largest, strongest slaves to all of the slave women in order to have succeding generations of strong and hard working slaves. Also, it was not uncommon for the sons of the plantation owners to take a concubine negro woman to learn sex from. The children of these women carried the genes of both the African women and the Anglo men, resulting in the mixing of the gene pools that McLeod wrote about that could indeed have resulted in "hybrid vigor". Is it any suprise that Afro-Americans excell at most sports (ie, are represented in most sports in numbers that are vastly larger than their representation in the general population would suggest)? They have superior genes (in general) for physical strength and stamina. I hope that people can examine these ideas OBJECTIVELY, without putting too much emotional content into them. These statements are NOT ment to be racist in nature, and I hope that people will discuss this in a rational way, rather than flaming me or calling me names. Neal