Xref: utzoo rec.gardens:2653 sci.electronics:7360 misc.consumers.house:6938 Path: utzoo!censor!geac!jtsv16!uunet!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!cs.utexas.edu!usc!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!jato!jade!morris From: morris@jade.jpl.nasa.gov (Mike Morris) Newsgroups: rec.gardens,sci.electronics,misc.consumers.house Subject: Re: bsr x-10 for sprinklers, et al Message-ID: <1551@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov> Date: 9 Aug 89 09:59:20 GMT References: <3387@internal.Apple.COM> Reply-To: morris@jade.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Mike Morris) Distribution: usa Lines: 37 There has been an ongoing discussion of using BSR applicance modules to control sprinklers by switching the AC to the zones, or switching multiple trnasformers. A couple of points: 1) The BSR signal is fragile. I have several lights controlled by BSR stuff here in teh house, and if the refrigerator or the freezer chooses to start at the same moment, the BSR signal can't get through. If I had a system that ran sprinklers, I'd program an additional off pulse a minute or two later. In fact my CP-290 is programmed to duplicate any on or off code 2 minutes later just-in-case. This trick has made my system much more reliable. I also "off" my porch lights at 2am, in case I've forgotten. 2) There are several versions of the applicance module. Many can't be used to switch other than 110vac. Switching the primaries of multiple transformers is pretty much foolproof. 3) BSR has just announced a new module designed for the experimenter - it has dry contact outputs. It can't switch a _lot_ of current, I think it's only 2 amp contacts, but it would be ideal for this. The production is just now ramping up, so sit tight. I've got one plan for a module - turn off the phone bell in the bedroom at night! 4) Another product that is in the works is an ascii transciever: press a button on a control console and a string could be sent to your PC. The PC could make a decision and send out another string (with a different house code, for example) and operate modules. This type of a controller makes for interetsting possibilities - direct control of modules using the console on one house code, "interpreted" control by talking to the PC on another code. I plan on getting one when they come out - I have an ond Z80 single baord computer lying around... Mike Morris UUCP: Morris@Jade.JPL.NASA.gov #Include quote.cute.standard | The opinions above probably do not even come cat flames.all > /dev/null | close to those of my employer(s), if any.