Xref: utzoo unix-pc.sources:359 comp.sys.att:7285 Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!watmath!uunet!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!purdue!gatech!udel!rochester!rit!tropix!moscom!ur-valhalla!uhura.cc.rochester.edu!sunybcs!rutgers!att!icus!limbic!gil From: gil@limbic.UUCP (Gil Kloepfer Jr.) Newsgroups: unix-pc.sources,comp.sys.att Subject: Repost: FaceSaver display for the UNIX-pc (3 of 2) Message-ID: <520@limbic.UUCP> Date: 8 Aug 89 15:02:33 GMT Followup-To: unix-pc.sources Organization: ICUS Software Systems, Islip, NY Lines: 59 And here's the manual page that was missing on that second distribution. Too many late nights... Again, my apologies.... Gil. #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via # unshar, or by typing "sh facedisp.1 <<'END_OF_facedisp.1' X.TH FACEDISP 1L "UNIX-pc utilities" "USENIX FaceSaver Project" X.ad b X.SH NAME Xfacedisp - display FaceSaver files on the UNIX-pc X.SH SYNOPSIS X.B facedisp X[ facefiles ... ] X.SH DESCRIPTION X.I Facedisp Xinterprets and displays the contents of a FaceSaver face file on Xthe UNIX-pc screen. Intensities are simulated using a 3x3 Xdither matrix and adjustments are made for the pixel sizes on Xthe screen. Header information is displayed in a window to the Xright of the picture. X.PP XIf \fIfacedisp\fR is invoked without an argument, stdin is Xused as input to be interpreted. In this manner, face files Xmay be stored using \fIcompress\fR and may be passed to X\fIfacedisp\fR using \fIzcat\fR. X.PP XIf FaceSaver files have been transmitted via e-mail, the mail headers Xmust be stripped from the top before running through \fIfacedisp\fR. X.SH AUTHOR XGil Kloepfer, Jr, ICUS Software Systems icus!limbic!gil X.SH SEE\ ALSO Xcompress(1L) X.SH BUGS XIf the header line is too big, it wraps into the portrait. It helps Xto sit back about 6 feet from the screen when viewing the pictures. END_OF_facedisp.1 if test 1073 -ne `wc -c